The Jacksonville shooter was one of you guys

- White
- Middle-20s and still playing video games like a loser
- Alt-Right
- Gun nut
- Was a coward at the end
- Anger problems
- Hates people he's never met

The alt-right is a terrorist organization that must be dealt with

Attached: 26_08_18_Screenshot.png (577x144, 17K)


Attached: raged_sjw.jpg (675x534, 112K)

He was Jewish

>kike and a democrat

Yeah like oh wow oh wow, Jews are white too bud

Bait this atrocious should be permabanned

Attached: (You).jpg (988x1059, 161K)

Wow what a surprise, a toxic community (Islam) spawned a shooter. I hope he visited a mosque a lot, so theres a solid case to shut it down, label mosques as extremist, and start arresting muslims for visiting mosques that hold terrorist content/illegal opinions.

- Was a coward at the end
- Anger problems
- Hates people he's never met

Break the cycle dipshit

you will catch many fucking newfags on this bait