It's happening - Biological atack

Ok guys, what the fuck is happening here

Attached: itsseriouslyhappening.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The ride never ends: another plane in quarantine in France

Attached: why can´t i hold all these happenings.jpg (560x560, 166K)


>3 posts by this id
>trying to bomb own thread


Muslims getting culled.

Pretty sure this is just food poisoning people.

significant if provable

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Fuck off shill

mossad trying to derail the real news

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If they are hiring crisis actors doesn't that mean there won't be a real attack?

Food poisoning, viruses and bacteria aren't that fast acting.

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>west virginia and indiana

idk - but it surely doesn't deserve a 3rd thread, faggot ass OP

.....what do you think causes food poisoning tho leaf?

>.....what do you think causes food poisoning

they always having some training exercise parallel to the big happenings. not saying this is gonna be one, but in past events there is always exercise along with the happening

>Ok guys, what the fuck is happening here


Hope it's the T virus.

>Hope it's the T virus.
Yeah, there is a military base right next door, I can go there to 'gear' up in that case. Also plenty of food and water.

Checked and confirmed.

Attached: NOTADRILL.jpg (550x383, 53K)

Bio jihad

Double checked

The Strain...


Please be zombies, please be zombies, PLEASE be zombies!

Mers from Mecca

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Under Rated.

>.....what do you think causes food poisoning tho leaf?
Lack of diversity. If your wife takes on partners from other cultures she will bring back the gift of healthy gastrointestinal microbiota.

USA predicted this

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What do i win if its not happening and im right

and so it begins, get your pumpers ready

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That's a laugh coming from you bong. You got a licence to respond to me or will the BBC come to your door?

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Is it actually happening or is it not happening?

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>takes on partners
>healthy gastrointestinal microbiota

are you implying something?

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it's beautiful user

Well, that’s it, we will all die of the fucking Muslim Pnemonia

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Lord have mercy. I'm part of a fire department. We have things called drills. Some are simple only involving our department and some are complex involving multiple counties and agencies, both state and local. The more complex ones use volunteers to act as victims. How the fuck do you think first responders practice? It's not like we get to implement the Incident Command System across jurisdictions and agencies on a regular basis.

It's currently in a Schrodinger's Cat state of happening/non-happening..we live in hope that this is the big one, nevertheless.

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>nothing ever happens, are you a newfag?


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Lord, have MERCy on us all

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