Kavanaugh Hearings Day 2 Thread 5

C-SPAN: youtube.com/watch?v=8MkyxSyUf9o
>Wapo: youtube.com/watch?v=uZBOy6pLj-k
RSBN: youtube.com/watch?v=i2iiwG9Oxt8
>Trump TV Network: youtube.com/watch?v=i2iiwG9Oxt8


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fuck kav a nah

First for gas the 22nd god emperor now!


5th for Zina

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Based baker doing God's work. Have a cuppa

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>S-stop Kavanaugh
>Our d-democracy depends on it

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leftist unironically trying to dismantle democracy on the presumption trump will dismantle democracy

brainwashed as fuck

Wow, those protesters all waited for Cornyn

>The amount of salt that flows when he is confirmed will be historic. I can't wait.


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He knows more than he is letting on!

I'm out of the loop, when will he be confirmed?

just getting intel that linda sarsour was a protester at the hearing.


He was the day he was nominated

Protestors being paid outside hearing

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once the dog and pony show is done

someone should make a compilation of all of these brave protestors trying to 'save' our democracy

senate confirmed for cukeked and blurpilled

reminder: This isn't just crazies. This is the work of the biggest names in the Democratic Party.

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Who are you quoting?


In all honesty... how much change can we expect from this guy? Sure he's shilling his way into the supreme court but there's enough bullshit legislature already written in that there's no way to genuinely change the outlook of our country.

Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.

So my count so far is 39 protesters, 1 unprecedented (in regards to Kavanaugh hearing), 5 individual muh documents, and 1 technical please adjourne.

ugly right wing cow, have fun loser

Protestors are payed actors

>Illegals have rights
Should've nominated the qt catholic lady.

After his confirmation goes to a vote - generally a short time after these hearings.

nobody cares about you

She was arrested yesterday. The irony was, of course, lost to them.

oof, somebody rob this guy

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oh, I see the angle, they want to compare the illegal alien to an enemy combatant

how fucking dare you body shame women. you right wing sounding fucker

Oy vey are you being misogynistic?

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>non-citizens have constitutional rights
This guy is literally a leftist who just happens to be pro-abortion.

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I'm hoping for someone to answer this, because I'm sincerely asking and I did last thread.
WHAT are dems hoping for by dragging this event out? It can't last to mid terms, that's impossible and it's too long. Is this simply just for looking like they're putting up a "good fight"?

She looked better yesterday.

Can't argue with those quads

you got a loicense for that meme flag?

thx for follow up. she's a degenerate heathen ofc

Oh for fuck's sake, Eugene is a brainlet.

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Can't expect much. Maybe we'll get an improvement when Ginsburg dies. Vote Republican and get involved in the party if you want to move things in our direction.

Someone was trolling her saying she willingly broke Sharia law by putting herself in a position to be touched by the male police officers.

She was smiling more

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I mean anti-abortion*

Uncomfortable truths straight from the lips of Super Satan

lol excellent

Thanks Doctor Gook

probably found them on Craigslist

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Part of it is pandering to their voting base. They think longer they are seen screeching, the more virtuous they appear.

What does a dying animal hope for when flailing and wailing?

Quads of truth.

I know.

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He sounds like a precedent turbo-autist literalist to me.

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Yes, but also their voters are hoping it can be cancelled. Their voters don't understand how our system works

She's trying to behave. Look what happened yesterday. Poor thing.

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For any historyfags: when did the screaming protestors start? Was it always a thing and I just didn't notice?

Cornyn is based and went to my law school. Him being the most successful grad of my law school triggered plenty

I care user

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Friday, i imagine
we have to endure another day like today
then Friday there will be closing statements
and *finally* a vote

Who is this cutie behind Senator Cornyn?

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Would fuck

Yahoo, CBS, Newsweek, Washpo, and others all have news stories about it. You know you're winning when they have to lie.

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Did that reporter get attacked?

these political folks need to learn one thing
as it is with video games, sjw never play games

I gaining a lot of respect for Kavanaugh right now. He's handling the questioning excellently. Especially that last Cornyn question about the Bin Laden driver.

Imagine if one of the 80+ year old judges died while this hearing was still in progress.

Can anyone give me insight if this looks bad to people outside our world? Do moderates think this looks bad? Reddit of course thinks they're strong and Kavanaugh is actually Satan himself and somehow republicans "robbed" Obama of the pick even though he was weak and gave it up.

DEAR GOD, MAKE IT STOP. What is with this banshee screeching? It sounds straight out of hell. And further, WHY is it tolerated?! Seriously, the left is just an endless chain of REE'ing and non-stop violence, they all need to be Holocausted if civilization is ever to advance.

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lets play a game
guess who is chimping out next

I place my bet on this smug fatty girl with the eyeglasses

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Plz die ginsburg

Only this part "nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

the guards are getting so fast at tossing out protesters the cameramen cant catch them in time

Since the 90s, but only with conservative nominees

paul joesph watson?

I think it's pure Trump Derangement Syndrome

>I believe all races are equal
>I mostly hire women
>I'm not skeptical of government regulation
>non-citizens have constitutional rights
>I ruled in favor of Osama Bin Laden's driver
This guy is further to the left of Ginsburg

>all these curves

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>another screeching freak
YEESH, the redhead from the Burger King Kids Club sure did hit the wall hard.

how do they get in? do you not have a bouncer or something?

Clark Kent, silly

It started in the 1780s when two people running against each other would declare "if my opponent is elected, women will be raped in the streets!" We really havent changed at all.

It must be wierd for her to sit behind him, knowing that everything she does is being scrutinized. A good opportunity to trigger the left, though.

I care about you user, but your flag shows you don't truly value yourself. There is no reason you can't be a good player in our society, and strive to be the best version of yourself

SASSE 2024

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one goes out, another comes in. public hearing

I agree, but that question was obviously a softball from Cornyn.

End of September.