WASHINGTON POST: Bernie Sanders introduces the Stop BEZOS Act

>Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Wednesday introduced a Senate bill — the "Stop BEZOS Act" — that would require large employers such as Amazon.com and Walmart to pay the government for food stamps, public housing, Medicaid and other federal assistance received by their workers.

>The bill's name is a dig at Amazon chief executive Jeffrey P. Bezos and stands for “Stop Bad Employers by Zeroing Out Subsidies Act.” It would establish a 100 percent tax on government benefits received by workers at companies with at least 500 employees, the former presidential candidate said on Wednesday.

>"In other words, the taxpayers of this country would no longer be subsidizing the wealthiest people in this country who are paying their workers inadequate wages," Sanders said at a news conference announcing the bill. "Despite low unemployment, we end up having tens of millions of Americans working at wages that are just so low that they can't adequately take care of their families."

We agree with this, right?

Why should taxpayers subsidise the low paid workers from amazon?

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there is literally nothing wrong with monopolies

I like it
have to fire all the niggers
but I like it

Kill yourself, faggot.
Monopolies on business are why we have shit like Facebook or Netflix ruining everything.

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Apparently you can't even listen to some form of entertainment media while you work for 10 hours a day. You simply sit in silence and are not even supposed to communicate with co-workers

>someone with an Ancap flag posting about how monopolies enabled by the state are not wrong

Lmao. This is actually a very sensible bill. The government shouldn't have to be subsidizing people with a full-time job.

>at companies with at least 500 employees
Guess I'm firing a few people. Good thing this will tell me exactly who's on government assistance.

>it would establish a 100 percent tax on government benefits received by workers at companies with at least 500 employees

Fast food companies and janitors are going to suffer far more than Amazon will if this passes.

Fuck commies.

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we can get the media to hate this bill by supporting it?

it's time to stop posting, bezos

This. Just start your own Amazon baka.

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Yes I fucking support this

Tucker did a segment on it a couple of days ago too

they hated it when Trump called out Bezos on this. Just remind them of that

this, its only a problem when they buy out the government because the government has tools they want to kill competition

More proof that the only man with a sack and sense in the entirety of American politics is berndog sanders

I agree with this. It should not be the responsibility of the American taxpayer to subsidize corporations in the form of social aid to its employees.

That’s what happens with every republican vote tho

the government shouldn't be subsidizing people

Trillion Dollar Company
Makes Middle Class people pay for his workers benefits
Yeah there is something wrong with that

I work security at an Amazon distribution center and I can tell you almost all the floor workers looked at inside

Based Bernie

The problem is that benefits are based on shitty life choices. A single mom with 5 kids from 5 different dads in an expensive area is going to get lots of benefits regardless of income. So Amazon would effectively have to pay these shitlords more.

Wtf I love this faggot now.
Depending on the details, this could be the only useful thing he's done in his whole career. Other than voting to audit the Fed every time it comes up, and acting as a foil to redpill college retards against Clinton.

I have no problem with this. Taxpayers are subsidizing subversive corporations who are providing employment that would not be viable in a free market, which is arguably worse than those same workers being on the dole exclusively.



>I can tell you almost all the floor workers looked at inside

WTF are you saying?

Bezos and his ilk are what are destroying traditional American society. It's the plutocrats not the bluehaired SJW strawmen that Jow Forums usually rants about that is killing the white race and communal values. Anything that hurts them helps us.

>How will anarcho capitalists pay for roa-
Statists absolutely btfo'd.

This is hot garbage, and will result in these companies investing in more automation and less people. Mark my words.

Yeah but not everyone should have to suffer for her mistakes there are a lot of people on a that work at these companies that just can't get ahead in life

Or are you suggesting that the majority of people that work at places like Amazon or single mothers with 5 kids?

Oh, hey, Bernie pursuing a good, ie national, socialist policy for once. Kudos to that kike, even a broken clock is right sometimes!

Sorry I'm out and about and phone posting

Good, this means it'll increase unemployment and bring us closer to the economic collapse that drives whites towards the ethnostate.
Fuck megacorps.

I fully support this, but I doubt Amazon will pay their workers more. They will likely fire those who stay on benefits and the welfare cliff will be even steeper.

this kind of retard is why i fucking hate ancaps

I kinda like this.

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I agree with this
Things like NAFTA and trade agreements based on Mutli-National Corporations getting easier trade demanding workers from multiple nations be able to move around easier for their businesses, are the things that are designed to destroy borders

Commies have more than their fair share of the blame as well.

Of course, if we had closed borders, deported all the shithole worlders that have come here since the 1965 immigration act, and quit with the reckless inflation-inducing government spending, this wage problem wouldn't even be in existence.

>populism rising on both the left and the right
>both think that Amazon is cancer
>politicians on both sides willing to recognize that Amazon is a clear antitrust case and denouncing the corruption that enables it
>both sides cannot agree to agree because the media keeps pitting one side against the other by constantly elevating the most inane crap from each side to keep people divided and blaming each others instead of the ruling elite
>lolbertarians being fucking retarded as usual
>nothing will happen against Amazon

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>amazon is a problem
goverment power is the problem kiddo

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As someone who runs a business i can tell you the moment this went through i'd fire any and every parent or worker on benefits or box them the fuck out as much as is legally possible and just cop the stupid shit that comes with more 16 year olds.


checked for verisimilitude
but not happy about it

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>Fast food companies and janitors are going to suffer far more than Amazon will if this passes.
Fast food is already automating and things will always need cleaned.

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Huh, won't that immediately destroy their wages?

I think this is actually a pretty good idea. It would probably make them hire more people full time give them better hours and incentivize them to work a bit harder because it would make it more competetive.

Who is that sexy mature guy?

Fuck you
Trump is going to use Teddy's BIG STICK

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>Walmart now knows my government assistance status because they have to pay for it, rather than just giving me the money directly
Fuck no.

I support all government legislation now...whether I agree with it or not...the further reaching and oppressive it is, the better. Let's get this party started before I'm too old and worthless to smoke commies.

No dipshit, government power in and of itself is not a problem. What is a problem is power being in the hands of your enemies, if your own nationals control government, if you have a say, however small in government, then government having power benefits you. Private institutions in which you have no say and which have no interest in you having power is detrimental to you necessarily.
Your problem, and the problem of all libertardians and cuckservatives and other liberals and leftists, is that you believe in intangible abstract principles more than you believe in tangible reality.

>that would require large employers such as Amazon.com and Walmart to pay the government for food stamps, public housing, Medicaid and other federal assistance received by their workers.
They don't pay taxes?

1 0 0 % B I P A R T I S A N

Heres the ugly truth of the issue.

How many people are purposely staying at a low wage SO THEY CAN collect welfare?

Being this stupid...

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Better yet stop giving people handouts at all, lower taxes, and then companies will have to raise pay to keep their people from starving/dying. Cut the govt out of it.


>They don't pay taxes?
Effectively no. These large megacorporations receive so much in government subsidies, tax breaks, services and contracts that they effectively not only do not pay taxes, but receive funding from taxpayers.

I'd agree but 1500 people company minimum and 50-70% tax

500 people company is too small for 100% tax

Fuck off leaf this has nothing to do with you.

If you think only Americans own companies in the US, I've got bad news.

this sort of socialism i can support.
fuck bezos and his slave centers.
if corporations can't afford to pay their workers then they need a different business model.
we have been obsessed with maximizing GDP and the result has been soulless mega corporations screwing customers and employees by creating business models with razor thin profit margins to squeeze every dime of profit from the market that they can.
obviously corporations need to act in their own best interests.
but when our people are being slowly converted into a nation of defacto slaves, it's time to reevaluate our priorities as a people

And you Idiots opposed rising minimum wages. Big companies benefit from low minimum wages, and you idiots will pay for compensating minimum wages with wellfare.

>with at least 500 employees, the former presidential candidate said on Wednesday.
>>"In other words, the taxpayers of this country would no longer be subsidizing the wealthiest people in this country who a
Thats a good bill, but why start this shit now? they should have made it while walmart and mcdonalds were abusing their employees and tax payers for the last 50 years.

this amazon outrage is just a shill meme. Notice none of this happened until shartmart got scared?

>then companies will have to raise pay to keep their people from starving/dying
No they won't, they can just replace starving/dying workers with more brown third worlders who breed like rats.
Cut off the flow of brown labor, remove the surplus of brown labor that already exists in our markets, and subsidize and preference wholly domestic enterprise over foreign and transnational economic actors, and tariff an regulate foreign and transnational economic actors operating in our domestic markets. That fixes the problem.
Oh yeah and take banking and currency creation away from private, unaccountable mostly kikes and put it in the hands of a nationalist governmental authority.

>you Idiots opposed rising minimum wages
We only oppose raising minimum wage directly via legislation. We support rising all wages by expelling the surplus brown labor supply and shutting off the flow of it into our labor market.

>Be big company
>Government tells me that because I must pay for welfare that my employees use
>This would cost me hundreds to thousands for each employee
>Fire them
>Hire new employees that don't take any welfare
>Fired people take even more welfare

Bernie really thought this out.

> will result in these companies investing in more automation
Is that a bad thing?
Cheap labor prevents automation.

Your fault for hiring single mothers to begin with, and their fault for being single mothers at all. Completely fine with these scenarios.

Big companies benefit from minimum wage laws because Smaller companies can't compete.

They also benefit from welfare and minimum wage because workers are content with minimim wage so they can continue to collect welfare.

Ancaps are like commies for corporations

Bernie Sanders wants me to get a share of Bezos' wealth? Hell yes I love you Bernie!

based Bernie
however, this doesn't go far enough. we need to absolutely target these hedge fund fucks like Soros and Bloomberg who are billionaires through nothing but moving money around. Target the bankers printing money out of thin air. If it's a rich jew, it undoubtedly got its shekels through fraud or usury or other illicit and immoral means, and should fall under the Stop BEZOS Act and pay for the welfare of their host nation. if they don't like it they can renounce citizenship and flee to London like the rootless disloyal pillagers they are.

Yeah, firing people over their government assistance status isn't going to fly in the American system of jurisprudence, would be a massive violation of equal opportunity and equal employment statutes and precedents.

So we win either way.

Too bad he's such a pussy. He has a few good ideas, like this one.
I doubt our corporate overlords will approve.
Trump should back this just because Bezos gives him trouble.

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not an argument
name 5 things wrong with monopolies

Majority of wellfare beneficiaries are Whites. Didn't you know?
High minimum wages will bring automation and there will be no need in illiterate Brown and Black sub 90 iq "people".
If you legislate raising wages in Amazon to 80k per year, they will automate their warehouses and delivery.

>fire people
>still have to pay for them because unemployment
lmao at ur life

There's nothing wrong with monopolies when they are the result of free market rewarding the best competitor, not when they are created through legislation.
In this case eliminating unfair competition is good.

Didn't Trump say something about this years ago?

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Sanders fans would turn on him if Trump supported it.

There are no inherent benefit in having small companies paying minimum wages on which peoplem cannot survive in most metropolitan areas. If you cannot pay your workers, you are failure and shall go bankrupt.

>Walmarts are only in metropolitan areas
Spoken like a true memeflag.

Nice try but it'll absolutely fly because the employee's pay can fluctuate without warning from the government now.

It'd be different if this was only personal assistance so it was predictable, but this means one of my employees has a child and all of a sudden MY costs can go up because their child increases their assistance limits.

Fuck that.

Automatic firing of anyone on assisted living for more than three months in a year, here we come.

All sane people support this bill.

>not an argument

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My personal tax rate stays the same, my dude. I'm not American.

you will never have a society where government power isn't used by your enemies. nice argument buddy

De Beers diamond monopoly

you clearly don't own a company in the US if you don't even know how unemployment works here

>you will never have a society where ̶g̶o̶v̶e̶r̶n̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ power isn't used by your enemies

This is the part where stormfags and megacorp shills say social democracy is tyranny and communism lool.

WTF, I love roads now!