>100 reported sick
>video of CDC on the plane, keeping people from leaving
>10 initially reported as taken to hospital
>that number doubles in a bit more than an hour
>100 reported sick
>video of CDC on the plane, keeping people from leaving
>10 initially reported as taken to hospital
>that number doubles in a bit more than an hour
Other urls found in this thread:
Distraction from twitter hearings
>ohhhhhhh noooooo a couple of sick sandniggers on a plane oh the humanity armageddon is upon us were all gonna die
This is such a fucking stupid story.
Until people are literally melting into pools of tissue from nerve agents I dont want to see this faggot shit on my board.
a hundred isnt a couple
leave JIDF
yea and then the shills spam the non story.
Fuck off faggot. Nobody cares about your deluded world.
What if this is the end of human civilization.
I don't want to die.
our airport is being evacuated after some people started coughing blood, its happening.
are you lying
stop sliding this JIDF
At that rate the entire city will be infected by mid-day Friday.
Gonna be a crazy weekend guys.
Holy Shit I hate shills with a burning passion, maybe more than anything else.
When are we going to hang these fuckers in Minecraft?
Fuck off slide.
This isn't that rare honestly. It's just procedure. In all likelihood it's just some common virus.
If it had seemed to be something deadly/unknown I highly doubt they would've been let off the plane
1 flight to NY became ill. A flight from Algeria to France became ill and a NZ to UK became ill.
Twice is a coincidence, three times is a conspiracy.
WTF people are vomiting!! this is getting weird.... The weird part is how fast they got sick!!!
source on people vomiting?
If it's the same airline or some common manufacturer of a mechanism that uses a type of chemical to operate, then the manufacturer may have fucked up.
>9 refused medical treatment
Yeah.... you shouldn’t be able to just “refuse treatment” if the CDC is involved. Send the dune coons back.
It literally happens all the time CIA/JIDF fear mongers.
Even if it was some really dangerous virus they are quarantined so nothing will leave the plane.
>9 refused medical treatment
Say these are jihadi bio terrorists and nobody is checking them...
The arab dude in the video linked by OP said his friend seeing people vomiting.
four is picrelated
Ready the planes gents.
It is fear mongering on their part.
But don't underestimate CDC incompetence.
>new biological weapon test run
Incubation for MERS is too long, I bet Norovirus
Rolling for the pale horse of the apocalypse. Digits say we ride.
I work there it was nothing you people are pathetic as fuck, it was from their food jesus fuck
We all gon die
In world war z the infected traveled by airplane before turning.
As fucked up as it sounds it seems like the only thing that'll prevent total global collapse by 3rd-world over-population.
Btw it wouldn’t really surprise me if it was food poisoning. Last time I flew with that airlines they served some weird Indian chicken masala that was vegan(?)
Your digits are bad, try mine.
All failing at the same time? Unlikely
>is happening for real this time guys!
People getting sick in planes isn't breaking news retard
If they all sourced their food from the same caterer (unlikely since three different countries far from each other) it could be food poisoning.
Yours are lacking in a proper pairing.
Also Obama let in all sorts unscreed and unvaccinated, allowing bed bugs, whooping cough, polio, zika virus, west nile virus, swine flu, a bacterial lung infection the media calls the "flu" but it's not (which is why the flu shot is now worthless), and God knows what else inth e country.
And the thing is we're expected to just sit there and take it knowing the next epidemic can ltierally occur at any time.
food posioning doesn't cause respiratory symptoms
I think there gay and they were all having sex
Some were ill before they got on the plane.
if you get bad farts they do
Red flu here we come and just in time for the winter
My dad works for the CDC and he says you're lying
Horrible as it is, we do seem due for a mass population correction once more
>It will happen when the weather cools
>That's when they'll make their move
>The plans laid long ago, before the founding of America
>the rod and the ring will strike
pic related
My dad works at nintendo.
Isn't that the plot from The Strain?
My Dad is a Nintendo
I think this is why we get more gays now than before.
>never wash my hands
>eat food off the floor if it falls, don't wash it
>never rinse my produce
>eat undercooked and raw food all the time
>never "sanitize" anything and don't use any "antibacterial" products
>haven't been sick in over 5 years
>immune system of a fucking steel panzer
Heh, immunelet holocaust now.
Ironic but my brother works for the CDC and is a doctor he is also a homosexual liberal
Nothing’s gonna happen, shit like this is just a story that’s gonna blow over soon. That’s what all “happenings” are atm, their are no real happenings. Haven’t been any for a little while.
>if a happening happens tomorrow don’t report me to fbi pls
>twitter hearing
>possible pandemic sent from Kebabistan to the West
gee, I wonder which one is a distraction for which
I read one article and it just said people were sick with fevers and coughing or something.
The retards probably let a bunch of TB positive people on the plane.
I fuckin feel sorry for anyone that was stuck with them, they probably have a pretty high chance of contracting it now.
Where is this doubled story?
All I see is a bunch of people making all these claims but theyre not posting any links, except OPs.
>he doesn't know that they condition us for happenings in pop culture decades in advance so we don't all riot and murder those in charge
>1 flight to NY became ill. A flight from Algeria to France became ill and a NZ to UK became ill.
>Twice is a coincidence, three times is a conspiracy.
sauce for the other happenings?
is it the flu strain china withheld?
ww3 incoming woop woop
>vanilla ice was onboard
Better fuckin not die
Go back to school you fuckin summerfag.
Lurk more faggot
I'm a Nintendo and so's my wife.
vanilla ice was on that plane, RIP
I do the same shit my friends are always sick and hand sanitizering everything
Underrated post
I'm convinced hand sanitizer is a kike invention to make middle age white women all die of the sniffles. The more someone uses that shit the weaker and more pathetic they are. Remember, kikes are germophobes with weak constitutions.
BASED VANILLA is on the plane
how fucking random is this happening?
don't worry i got this
wew lad, you just predicted this years 9/11
Plane stopped in Mecca. Risks known. Cheers muzzies.
Verified leftists handing out hugs to infected passengers
>All right stop
>Quarantine and listen
>Ice is back with a brand new affliction
Was wondering if anybody would see that, thanks.
>big group of friends go to dubai
>they eat ethiopian food before getting on plane
>ingest poop
case closed. norovirus.
Reminder: the next great pandemic, be it some exotic new hybrid or just a new strain of the regular old flu, like the Spanish Flu was, is literally inevitable and is well overdue.
it's just a matter of whether this is the one or we can go back to shitposting for a little while longer
I commute to Manhattan everyday.
how fucked am i boys?
My uncle works for the CDC and they just went on red alert. Got called in immediately.
I work for A1 and just got put on call. Gonna need extra sauce on that.
I’m with him on that one, need sauce plox
>pic unrelated
I was really hoping for something like a long term grid down civilization collapse or some other form of culling where there was at least some chance for meritocracy and survival depended on your will, skills, preparation, etc.
a pandemic is just a lottery, you won't have the strongest, the most useful or the most hardworking survive, it's just a random lottery, with a minor chance of doing something about preventing it, but basically it's random culling rather than one that gives you some agency in your survival
Probably some retard Indian who wasn't taught to cover their mouths when sick, and since India has tons of people, tons of antibiotics, it definitely is some airborne superbug.
An Ebola just flew over my house. It’s happening!
NYC Nigger here should I kill myself before I get sick?