Alex Jones receding hairline

Super Male Vitality does not, I repeat, DOES NOT improve hair growth. That is all.

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You should see him without it.

So he can go around with a wig in the future

Youre that little CNN kike arent you?
Lmao you got BTFO by Alex you weak little bitch.

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He is Bill Hicks, ergo mid-50s, not mid-40s.

I must say alex looks better with the scruffy beard.

I don't understand these types of people. Balding is usually just genetic, but regardless, if you're losing your hair, just shave it off. It looks stupid otherwise.

take detoxidine instead

much better


I think I'm going to get every supplement from Infowars store and put it in a blender with an equal part of bone broth formula and mix it up, then run it through a water filter and inject it directly into my veins.

Will I get super powers?