Daily reminder that Islam is the only faith capable of fighting the degeneracy that prevails Europe

““"Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers [...] then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world."

“Hitler's connection to Mohammad Amin al-Husseini, who served as the Mufti of Jerusalem until 1937 — which included his asylum in 1941, with the honorary rank of an SS Major-General, and recognition as an "honorary Aryan.”

“The Mohammedan religion would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"

“The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France".

This is said by the person who is loved by Jow Forums. Stop being scared of Islam.

Look at Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) life:

>Destroyed idolatry
>Enlightened the sandnigger Arabs who used to abort babies by burying them in soil
>Expelled the Jews from Arabia, stoned 900 of them. Based and redpilled.
>Made the women dress modestly and not like Pagan whores who used to belly dance

And Islam:
>Saladin defeats kikestains in 1191, crusades failed.
>As Islam spread, Islamic architecture & art spread to Turkey, North Africa, Northern India, Eastern Europe, The Caucasus, Central Asia.

The king of the Jews, Netanyahu himself accepted that The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was the pioneer of the Holocaust.

You can shitpost as much as you want if it helps you cope, but Deus Vult is a failure engineered by the Kiketholic Church.

Isa ibn Maryam (PBUH) was a prophet like any other, you kikestains have put him as an idol. Your religion is no different from idolatry.

Just look at the negative press Islam gets. You think the kikes aren’t scared? (((Media))) plays a massive role in shaping the narrative.

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Oy vey, look at how the kikes get into damage control when one of them spills the beans.

They can’t even agree who engineered the Holocaust.

Merkel apologized for this. (((Christian))) (((Democratic))) Union, am I right (((Germans)))?

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Then why are muslims indulging in degeneracy? Why are muslim migrants raping, murdering and migrating in the west and associating with the degenerate left?

Why does the left and immigrants who claim to muslims brothers in degeneracy? Why are they an insult to Islam!?

There are migrants who Hide behind Islam to commit degeneracy and crimes, they claim familiarity with the left and is content with their degeneracy.
They fight against traditions and values we share.
They do not act as emissaries of Islam! Why is this allowed to happen?!

I expected no answer from someone like you. Your weakness disgust me.

those are the dregs of humanity. send over the worst of the worst.

Yes, obviously but it is an insult that they act as emissaries of Islam. They are what we see of Islam, they ignore hajj, they ignore praying, they never give alms to the poor, they indulge in thievery and greed. But they are quick to pretend their degeneracy and crimes is a result of religion rather than their pathetic criminal nature.
They insult Islam the most, they have caused a lot of hatred against Islam.

I don’t deny that, but like it or not they are a minority. Pre marital sex is looked down upon by most Muslims, the media has convinced you otherwise.

HOWEVER, I’d also add that most “Muslims” who emigrate to the west are the worst bunch. And within a generation or two get (((Westernised))).

eat buckshot from a shotgun pipe Saifulah

For reference, I’m an Indian Muslim. (((Hindu Nationalists))) who are highly pro-Israel are the ones hunting us.

Thank you for replying, I've done all I can to make any sense of this but the most of the immigrants who come here ignore all of their duties as muslims once they enter the country.

In Europe anti-Zionism has become a meme of the left to attract people from places like Jow Forums
But they don't hide their sexual deviancy and degeneracy, muslims here are fine with that.

Islam has contributed nothing to the world except pain and misery. They keep fighting among themselves. They don't do science. They blow up for no reason. WW3 is going to be Europe vs Islam. Be prepared.

Hindu Nationalists are only pro-Israel because Israel is awesome when it comes to killing Palestinian muslims.

You know what Achmed? You can fucking have it. Whatever the fuck the west is doing these days isn't fucking working and any solutions we try get screamed down by kikes, niggers, faggots, and women. They have taken our culture, our religions, our history, our present, and our future. I honestly hate the traitors and sheep among us more than the foreign hordes.promise me only one thing. Gas the kikes, shoot the niggers, hang the faggots, and put the women back in their place. My our descendants fare better than we did.

Islam leads you to chopping your dick. If Allah is the true God why would he ask us to do something so retarded which leads to permanent brain damage, increases chance of autism, kills children sometimes, and triggers group mentality?

>Then why are muslims indulging in degeneracy? Why are muslim migrants raping, murdering and migrating in the west and associating with the degenerate left?

They are using the left, and fucking white slags, notice how they say groomed instead of raped? Pakis roll up in shitty car, tells some tart he has a kebab shop, and she thinks hes the shit and spreads her legs.

You don't defend trash. Of course it very much racial to them, to non whites, white women have a reputation, and they prey on them because arab women, indian women, are off limits.

Fuck off kike raping is based

Better than christkikery but its still a Semitic religion. Whats funny is that christkikes and mudslimes both argue pretty much the same way.

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But if you are a criminal muslim migrant then you're not raping kikes you are raping the west and blaming Islam!

>triggers group mentality
This is a really weak fucking point here so are the other ones as christkikes do the same shit.

check hitler hands, thats a feminine hand pose

>You don't defend trash
But it is not your place to do that. What you are really doing is tarnishing the name of Islam to indulge in sexual degeneracy!
I'm white.

If I started a fortnite clan called Asad al Europa do you think theyd kick my door in? Itd be for the keks

Fuck off you gay nigger I'll rape you

And furthermore you are quick to associate with kaffer blacks profligates and criminals. why?

are you 12?
>seig MGTOW
>Nazi memeflag
ah, that explains it

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I never thought I'd say this, but I think Islam faith is the only answer at this point. The thing is though, I want white people to adapt it, not bring over all of you sandniggers.

Islam should be at war with the left and migrant kaffer decadency. I have not seen any good muslims in the west yet and I have looked for a long time.

Fuck off Ahmed. Shitskin like you just sit around collecting welfare and shitposting all day are not based. You are just kike puppets and so was Hitler.

No, I remember one. My childhood friend, he was truly devoted and extremely intelligent. Came from a good family, sadly he died from a disease a few years ago.

I agree, thays why I said i want white people to adapt it (not all of it). No suicide bombings or any of that shit. I want it mainly to combat female degeneracy.

Yes and I want to see justice in the name of Islam to the people who dishonour its name by raping and murdering us in the west!

But i dont think that's going to happen as things are now. The left has stolen the agency of Islam and is corrupting it with their degeneracy!

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I'd rather kill all your kind instead.
But thanks

A pissed off palestinian said the jews did it?
And you're buying that?
I have my foreskin, so I have no skin in this game. I just wanted to point out what you think is proof, is nothing.
Seek mental help, kid

>implying something is wrong with these images
>another episode of Jow Forums turning into united nations human right watch anytime islam is brought up

In all cases, it usually is a Jew.

Only Shia Islam though.

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IF it was muslim countries wouldnt have had the highest rape rates and porn watching people in the world.

>Daily reminder that Islam is the only
-rapes little boy-
>faith capable of fighting the degeneracy
-rapes goat-
>that prevails Europe

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>implying something is wrong with these images

50+ muslim majority nations (several are > 95%)

politics frequently vicious paranoid winner-take-all warlordism

millions of their indigenous people desperate to emigrate to lands that are warm or neutral to christians & jews & atheists & hindus & bahai & yazidis..

have you ever tried to understand this?

i've known too many smart productive people with arab/muslim/etc heritage to have the generalized hatred that real islamophobes have

but the taboo on self-criticism is deeply entrenched, and the source of much misery

>File: FEEF1ACD-38D0-4419-9ADA-0(...).jpg (
Dat filename...Joan is that you???

Don't you fags ever get tired of your gay fucking larping?

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>islam reduces degeneracy

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Islam is a Jewish sect. It's Judaism 3.0. We don't need you Abrahamic god.

Native Americans were the only other ascetic race on Earth. If only they were more resistant to disease.

islam is transient, passing, a cult of men and demons; concoted by the dark one to divert souls from Christ

it is sand upon which to build your house

Islam is not gonna take over Europe with immigration, it's not possible.

Not to protect Islam, but this is what you get when 3rd worlders are put in a liberal, 1st world country.

Why do you think Sharia law (amputating arms, stoning, beheading) is the only way Middle Eastern countries can eradicate crime?
Because that's the only way you can control people living with stone age mentality. They don't understand reason, they only understand force. This is why 30yr old """refugees""" come here because they can rape with impunity (community service and 2 months incarceration is not even a punishment).

They only way to maintain order in a Muslim society is full scale Sharia. They can't exist without it. That's why Islam was successful in the 7th century in chaotic Middle Eastern societies, it created order out of chaos.

Plz, Yousuf, you only need to shift the demographics and it's done. In 100 years most "Germans" will be ethnic Turks, most "French" will be Arabs, and "British" will be Pakis, Africans, etc.