Opinions on Brexit?

What does Jow Forums think of Brexit?

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don't really care


The EU is evil and must be destroyed

so brexit is good

nothing will change as long as that whore May is in power.

UK needs a full hard Brexit. Fuck the EU.

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Bye EU. We're leaving.

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the EU is an evil jew project whose sole purpose is to push the kalergi plan. we don't just want brexit, we want all european countries to break free. germany, france, italy, poland.. join us! leave brothers!

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Love it, nothing that's happened since the referendum has suggested to me that my vote to Leave was wrong. Frustrated that it's being negotiated badly by a Remain PM (although I do believe she's trying her best), and being undermined at every opportunity by Remain politicians who are trying to force a second vote. The EU is an undemocratic fragile institution, and it needs to be heavily reformed or destroyed

Out out out.