Macedonia: 83% support for EU membership, 77% for NATO

Merkel, Macron and Tradeu are traveling to Macedonia to convince Macedonians to vote "YES" to the Greek refendum and join the West.

The Prespa agreement boosted support for EU accession from 72% last March, to 83% this August.

Attached: cpx_a87d5fd5ff18a30920651753bd9eeb97.png (930x630, 28K)

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bump this is interesting

Our government betrayed us by agreeing to the naming of FYROM to macedonia. Macedonia is in northen Greece not in some slavic shithole

Macedonians are willing to fight. Here they are among US soldiers fighting in Afghanistan. If the referendum passes they will be allowed to join NATO in 2019

>Macedonia is in northern Greece

We will be united soon brat. Bulgarian lands will find its way back.

Attached: 1503255781409.png (1465x1209, 642K)

mAkes have been making lots of moves recently
would not surprise me at all if they are the next to join NATO/EU

Also long as its not named Macedonia everything will be grand

>Macedonian army: 20400 total personnel
>less than any neighboring country
who are you gonna fight exactly and not get completely obliterated? also where will you get your military tech from?


Attached: Macedonia masterrace.png (800x915, 388K)

No such country