See you in 2020 Drumpf

See you in 2020 Drumpf
You’re finished

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Did he win his primary?

absolutely not, kek

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i dont know why this man pisses me off so much. he doesnt affect my life and he's insane but im so enraged by him and the media actually listening to what he has to say.

not even close to winning. something like under 5% i think

Everyone needs to head to the primaries in order to vote for white, make candidates. Not sure where the tranny falls on this scale.

well that perfectly matches the review score of th game he made, at least he´s consistent.

Is that Brianna Wu?

He even does the basedboy mouth gape


Wu lad

Anyone else vote for /ourguy/ Jimmy Tingle for lieutenant governor?

Jesus fucking Christ. You can take the boy out of the onions, but you can never take the onions away from the boy.
If ever there was irrefutable proof that Wu is a dude, it's that fucking face.

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Just accept it, the moon will be utilized as a gravity weapon and they’re the only candidate that can stop it

A 'decent' showing. It would've been better if he got under 5k

Goldberg for treasurer......figures

That's John Walker Flynt cosplaying as Brianna Wu

Kek, """she""" got lynched!

The first thing I saw when I opened up the large picture was

every time


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I hate my state

I hate your state too.

im in MA too, and yes I hate how liberal it is. that kid who mailed white power to trump's son was from here.

>that kid who mailed white power to trump's son

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what a qt

Is this Hitler?

>Deborah B. Goldberg

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>still got almost 17000 votes

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is this the son of the Hustler owner (Larry Flint or whatshisname)?

me 3 for living in Faggatwoshits while hating it

Trannies are pretty much peak söyboy, so it makes sense.

Wrong, it was like 26% or something way too high. 16,670 votes for John. Way closer than it should have been, assuming 99% of Dem voters are not insane. But, I guess we can toss that assumption out.

no homo

Nope. I’m sure he did. How many dead people voted for him? Or voted more than once? This is Mass.