Why is his voice so high?

Why does he squint like this?
Why is he so short?
Why does he speak so fast?

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He hasn't hit puberty yet

Jew jew and jew

>Why is his voice so high?
Balls. Shriveled balls. Itsy bitsy faggit balls.

he's intelligent, also mark of the bog

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>peak boomer post

I mean, he's about as Jewish as you get

Speaking fast is a kike trick to not let anyone respond to your statements.

Low t

A lot of jews have that type of voice idk why, mostly women though




>Why does he squint like this?
>Why is he so short?
>Why does he speak so fast?

Nothing of that is a bad thing, squinting the eyes shows that you feel a sense of ridicule for your opponents and also confidence.

Being short makes you life and stay young longer, taller people are the result of human growth hormone mimickers.

He speaks fast so she can natural select their oponents, the ones who aren't fast enough to understand what he is saying will just brain colapse trying to arguing and understanding him.


He's literally Robin incarnate
If robin had down syndrome
Was a kike neocon

Because he is a humble merchant. At first you may be angry with his tactics, but you will come to understand why he does what he does

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Why do you give a fuck?

all 3 are typical jew traits, he's a kike if you hadn't noticed

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At least he's taking the fight to the liberal establishment which is a fuck of a lot more than either you or I have done.

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He's a tiny, nervous, little forest creature. Give him a bright colored ball with jangling bells inside and he will roll it around the floor for hours. then curl up and go to sleep

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Forced Squint
>An obsession with self image

>One of the inadequacies that drives that obsession
>Also bad kike manlet genetics

Fast Talking
>A trick that makes one sound smarter and appear to "own" a debate opponent by being borderline unintelligible in person.

He's a run of the mill kike who found a niche to milk for shekels.
As pretentious and deceitful as one should expect from a member of the tribe.

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>Ben "we need to find and destroy racist unless its racism against whites" Shapiro

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Being a neocon is just as establishment, retard. You fell for the greatest Jew of them all, thinking one of the mainstream ideologies is a good thing. Neo libs and neo cons have ruled us for decades.

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