did we catch a direct payment to go into a federal proceeding and disrupt it? who is this woman? who is this man? might be a string worth pulling on.

Attached: 1536173786286.png (1024x748, 1.01M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Who took this photo? Delet

In all seriousness, the guy looks Israeli...

this kind of feels like one of those photos that start a massive Jow Forums manhunt. where should i start looking to find out at least who the guy is, he looks official (mossad)

Do we know what this woman was shouting when she was removed?

well alrighty then

Attached: 1a4afae9a6d89b0f61748367be4695f8.png (318x472, 21K)

This guy has been walking around with an envelope full of cash..... Shouldn't you faggots spread this on twitter to black people twitter, so they fucking mug this faggot?

OK so here's what we know about this guy so far.
>favorite color appears to be blue based on blue shirt and blue pen
>wears a black backpack in spite of favorite color being blue
>likes to stand near trees
>doesn't like shaving
>black jeans, so probably Israeli or Arab.
>no cuff links
>wrinkly shirt
>cuffs unbuttoned
>slouched posture (spends too much time sitting on a computer)
We're going to need a lot more, or at least some serious sherlocking.

Attached: 1535729473921.jpg (882x731, 124K)

Attached: 1536161416617.png (960x701, 954K)

There's several immediate openings for paid activism on craigslist in DC right now. They've got this down to a science, so we shouldn't be surprised. The question is should this be allowed or can it be considered an FEC violation?


woah happening

There is also 2 postings for crisis actors for upcoming false flags in WV and IN.


Funny how this is so close to sept 11.

How is that legal?

Delete this you fucking trumptard kekistani faggot. I bet you're a fucking christcuck too. Fuck you.

Attached: kikes1.jpg (616x639, 115K)

these threads have been dying all day

This. So. Much. I hate these fucking jew slide threads. If Kavanaugh is elected minority babies won't be torn to pieces in the womb like they should be.

Who took this?

This. Anyone who supports kavanaugh is jew. End of story!

everything's legal when laws aren't enforced

Kavanaugh is jew shill set to kill fellow white people.

Holy shit I hate christians so much. Fucking religitars should be aborted too.

Attached: cc2.jpg (198x254, 11K)

>United States Code Chapter 40, Section 5104 makes it a crime to "willfully and knowingly"
>with the intent to disrupt the orderly conduct of official business, enter or remain in a room in any of the Capitol Buildings set aside or designated for the use of either House of Congress or a Member, committee, officer, or employee of Congress, or either House of Congress; or utter loud, threatening, or abusive language, or engage in disorderly or disruptive conduct, at any place in the Grounds or in any of the Capitol Buildings with the intent to impede, disrupt, or disturb the orderly conduct of a session of Congress or either House of Congress, or the orderly conduct in that building of a hearing before, or any deliberations of, a committee of Congress or either House of Congress.
>Chapter 40 , Section 5109(b) imposes up to six months in federal prison for doing so. The Attorney General has the power to enforce these criminal sanctions.

Mmm aborted christian blood. Delicious!

I don't suppose anyone has more pictures/footage of this woman while she was still in the senate protesting? I'd be very interested in what she was screaming to get herself thrown out. That will give us a hint about who she is working for. Also for the meming.

I hate TRUMPTARDS! Trump is jew shill he hates white people!

Attached: beatiful!.jpg (1024x770, 114K)

The disruptors are right and the good guys. Imagine how many minorities there would be if he got rid of abortion.

>implying anyone in power would do anything about this
If you haven’t noticed we are fucked as a country. Chaos is all there is now.



Holy shit someone finally said it.

these guys get it

God I hate them haha

I saw some1 in another thread say that the guy paying out the cash is some Antifa Muslim that refused to shake Tim Pools hand in one of his videos,.. I think it's pretty recent

Exactly. Hitler aka the best person ever would have hated kavanaugh ect

Stop talking to yourself.
Clumsy idiot.

I'm not jew shill


Attached: tunisia_custom-2ae1e0a4b8ffbec481cdf584a47526843f5cfe16-s900-c85.jpg (900x508, 122K)

you must work for cnn


Attached: bogiscalling.jpg (599x639, 39K)

Cnn is kinda based desu. Like seriously only jews talk shit about it.

So does Tim Pool know who this guy is?



Guy looks to me like he's from Pakistan or India. Lots of them in Silicon Valley and elsewhere in high tech promoting communism and white genocide.

Imagine how fucking stupid this person is...
Seriously... I mean our brains are biologically different than someone this deficient.


Attached: 9C5B768A-946B-4ABC-B33D-5F3FED290B90.jpg (750x756, 455K)

Way to dark to be Israeli
Looks more Central or South American

Seriously, please kys. Just like in your real life, no one hear cares to hear from you.

The world would be better without you here...

I'd place my bets for India / Pakistan..

Attached: india_street.jpg (1280x720, 220K)

Actual Israelis who aren't Ashkenazi migrants are dark.

Attached: diversity.jpg (600x400, 24K)

Why would all the paid protesters be protesting for leftist causes???

really activates my almonds...

Attached: 1496264625691.jpg (600x600, 46K)


Because that's what Saul Alinsky did, and it's the only playbook the DNC has had since the 1960s.


We need to check footage of protests and demonstrations in the D.C. area. Hell let's look at charlottesville and berkeley again.
Also we need to spread OP's pic like niggers spread HIV. Seeing Dems paying protestors will secure the midterms foshoh!

Attached: 1536076028973.png (737x694, 430K)

Welcome, new friend.
Enjoy fortune!

Good money on blue shirt being Paki.
> He looks Hindi mixed with Arab blood

What happened to the thread where tryed to ID the guy with the money envelope? Mods just nuked it?

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-09-05 23-22-57.png (404x502, 394K)

Still exists, but it's being slid

As you can see mods shoahed it. This is why Jow Forums can't be fun and effective anymore

Can you give me a link? It was 404 for me, then I closed it.
I think I've found something. (pic related) But thread was kill before anyone could react to it.

Attached: CpMoyzuVMAIPb41.jpg (1200x900, 204K)

Damn. Mods are on (((someone)))'s payroll.

been that way for about a year now

It's possible, but he looks a bit too white-skinned. The old thread had a great zoomed in photo of him

So he is giving her bail money before the hearing, knowing she was going to act in way that would result in her arrest.

Find out who she is and find out who is her legal representation, who is paying for her legal representation or is it pro-bono work. then find out who else has represented by said lair, or has them on retainer.

Attached: shut it down 18.jpg (574x526, 71K)

True, I was just think if his complexion is too light for the money envelope guy. Tweet gives no info about his identity anyway.

found the JIDF

Heres the video youtu.be/xnCJs0HSxu0?t=2m18s

It's sad because discovering his identity could have actually helped American democracy in a great way, that thread was a force for good

The fact we made mods in the first place is a fucking atrocity, I mean this place was genuinely the best when we were self-moderated, now it has become complete shit with meme flags no one asked for and mods of unknown political affiliation which is by itself a massive conflict of interest, I mean the reason why we didn't had mod before was because of the inherent conflict of interest that would come with moderating this board.

Of course Moot was a fucking sell out faggot who I hope will burn in hell for ages to comes, because holy fuck he acted like a massive piece of shit before the end which kind of understandable since the very moment he tried to get in with the sjw crowd he was literally cucked by his gf (many lulz were had when it was revealed, boy we had warned you about them ho), so he sold out afterward. The way he invited the entire site to spam the board to death for absolutely no clear reason (official reason with it all being a ''joke'' even if it came out of nowhere without explanation and ended a month later just as suddenly), even went as far as to allow blatant bots to spam threads endlessly, was the most cowardly act I've seen. Basically he tried to kill the board but got fucked instead, I hope he rot and fail whatever others business he try to start up afterward.

I've found this pic by search for "Sarsour Hamas" in image search. The guys look similar, so the money envelope guy should also be Palestinian. I bet they follow each other with Sarsour on Twitter.

Has this whaman beast been identified yet?

Attached: 156465464.jpg (474x474, 27K)


Attached: DmVxq4zU0AAMLFH.jpg (1024x910, 247K)

Attached: Capture.jpg (84x111, 10K)

thanks user

this one is low res

We have another thread. Higher res. pic

The only logical conclusion I can come to is that Planned Parenthood, an entity receiving federal tax dollars in addition to being a monopoly in a multi-billion dollar international fetal organ tissue trade industry, is behind these paid protests. Every single protestor is a woman. Every single protestor is shouting about abortion. Planned Parenthood has the most at stake, and they routinely engage in activism through puppet organizations.

thanks saved

what part of Washington DC was this photo taken?

You must be 18 to post on this site btw.

I love pol and have been coming here for a long time. This place raised too much attention for it be allowed to be self moderated - it wasn't a choice made by anyone here.

You have to understand though, this site is heavily monitored. You guys might shine a flashlight on the truth, but if something the 'powers that be' don't approve of gets caught in that beam - it gets shoahed. This is far from the first time this has happened.

Take this as a clue you are onto something big boys.