Right of return

So a few years ago I did a mitochondrial dnd test. Today I got an exact match with a kike.
What to think about this?
Can I get into Israel withot getting poisoned now?

Attached: 1527184367281.jpg (825x540, 145K)

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Yeah, you can, why not?

the fuck is the context of this photograph?

They poison European nationalists, which I am

Why would you want to go to Shekelland?

one of them dropped a penny in the sand

The only jewish haplogroups (mtDNA) are H and K. If you are not H or K then you are not a kike.

>Why would you want to go to Shekelland?
See the sites, swim in the med (i usually goto greece) and jew watching.

jews are not the true conspirators
They are pieces of shit but not the people ruling things. the overwhelming majority of jews are in the same position as you and I with regard to jews. The upper echelons of jews in the illuminati (which likely contains more whites than jews anyways) treat us all the same.
It doesn't matter what you are. Fight for your dream all the same.

I hope someone has Naloxone because this nigga just dun overdosed on some blue pills.