Some of my closest and most loyal friends are black

Some of my closest and most loyal friends are black.
Some of the funniest people I know are black.
Some of the kindest and most generous people I know are black.

What exactly is your issue with blacks? It's one thing to dislike thugs and hoodrats, but you group all black people into that category.

My best friend is black. If you somehow turned him into a white guy, you would not be able to tell he was black by his characteristics and mannerisms. You know why? Because the only different between blacks and whites is skin color.

Are you all that insecure? Is this why you constantly blame (((them))) for white girls liking black guys?
It's time you catch up and start loving everyone, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, or religion.
Love thy neighbor, unless they're different. Right?

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have a pity (you) you pathetic cuckposter faggot

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pol only attracts the worst kind of humans beings, and trolls. You shouldn't take this place seriously.

That looks like a really nice couple. There's nothing wrong with that and 99% of the world agrees.

You're best friends are niggers because you're a nigger too, fuckin faggot

Found the niggers

have a (you) for using a new image.

>implying OP isn't exactly what you stated in the first section

Yeah, that's great. Go live with them and stick to your own communities. And don't associate with white people.

There are a lot of nigger lovers, crybabies, report bitches and what have you on this board today. I've seen much faggotry today, hopefully it ends soon.

Niggers are worthless, and comprise 90% of the black-skinned people.
ACTUAL BLACKS, not niggers, can be acceptable, but comprise such a small portion of their people that they're vastly overshadowed by niggers.
Niggers should be dumped into the ocean to feed the fish, they really aren't worth anything to civilized society.
Blacks, well, would be best off if they were willing to expatriate back to the motherland and actually fix their fucked-up nation. Even though they might not be criminal, they're still typically off-putting, suspicious, loud, and too niggerish in their culture for me to want to be around, so I'd rather that they were somewhere else building their beloved Wakanda and leaving the rest of us alone.

Do you think we're that retarded? All of us can see a distinction with blacks and blacks that act white, we have no disdain towards a civilised black. We just preach what we see; that the world would be better off seperated.

We are the ones who want to keep the world diverse, we don't want to see one beige race. We want everyone to be proud of their history and culture and music and art, we want a world of many nations. What's wrong with us wanting to preserve those things in our countries that made them great?

And why do you hate all races and cultures so much that you want them turned into one?

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There is a difference between a black and a nigger.



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Hardly. Whenever a "black" gets into a position of power they do whatever they can to help niggers and fuck everyone else. Company I'm working at had a "black" running it for a year before they canned his ass. His pro nigger thinking was so obvious even racially unaware people started talking about it. You don't even have to take my word for it, just look all around our country where there are black politicians. Not like we are lacking any evidence to what I'm saying.

I also have black friends. It's fine though. Once they go home I'll come and visit them in Africa and get involved in some Zulu shenanigans with them from time to time.


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The average white American has not be taught how to tell "good blacks" from "bad blacks". They were taught that being hood rats and thugs is "black culture", and they were not made privy to the fact that the majority of black people are sick and tired of niggers fucking shit up for the majority of us.

While most black people know when to cross the street when the wrong type of white person comes walking in their direction or is tailing them, white people were not given information on how to discern the wrong type of blacks or when they are being tailed by the wrong type of blacks.

TL;DR: Attempts to make the country more progressive backfired because while "How to tell a white houligan" conversations were taking place, "How to tell a black houligan" conversations were actively suppressed, creating a "gap" of knowledge.

This gap manifests as the average white American being unsure and uncertain about the average black American, because they can't tell an earthworm from a black mamba. So now even though it is clear that only a subset of black people are what we here would call "niggers", the white posters here don't know of the existence of this "subset" and believe it to be behavior of the superset of "all black people."

Social media does not help with that perception either. So to answer your question: Most of the posters here don't know any better because they were actively fed disinformation.


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So what?


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You're an American subhuman goy, your shitskin friends are American subhuman goyim, your whores coalburners are American subhuman goyim. Nothing surprising. You're degenerate parasites upon the acheivements and contrubutios to the American economy by Jews, e.g. Google, Facebook, Hollywood.


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>What exactly is your issue with blacks?
The bellcurve.


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they deserve their own country
why won't you give it to them
why do you keep trying to make black people white?

If they are smart and they arent a burdain to society, idc what they are


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This and a good number of them literally only “deal” with blacks/niggers, if they’re around them at all, versus actually engaging with them.
I work with a ton of blacks and they’re all cool as shit. We might disagree politically but that’s true of faggy liberal whites too. Same shit, except the blacks are actually funny and down to earth and usually have a host of other positive traits that most whites utterly lack - like the men having some fucking balls and the women not being sheltered nerds.


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Imagine the immense pleasure she must feel when that black buck splits her pussy lips open with the force of a thousand African plain rhinos. So fucking hot!

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I bet all those blacks secretly despise your annoying ass op. You sound like the type to make a big deal about being friends with a negro.

>the only difference between blacks and whites is skin color


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As an individualist, I treat everyone with the respect they deserve. However, when referring to groups, as you have, it's true that 13% of the population is responsible for 50% of the violent crime, so a person would be an idiot to treat a black stranger on the street the same as a Caucasian, or an Asian, etc. Change the stats or suck it up; people have good reason to look at blacks with some suspicion.


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God damn just ask them to fuck you already bro

That couple is nothing short of total betrayal. Regression to the mean will render her children sired by Jamarcus nigstein nothing more than little niglets she will have nothing in common with

Okay that’s nice you cuck what the fuck are you doing here? Go suck a Niggers ashy dick faggot.


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Kys you black bastard shitskin

The majority of black people are niggery lol. What are you smoking? I swear none of you live around blacks, you just have some token you jerk off to

Neither of them actually seems happy.
>They look like good little brainwashed goy duped by robo-shilled social proof

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>1 post by this ID

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>1 post by this ID
Fucking newfags falling for this bait slide thread

I’m almost positive you have a sexual attraction to black cock faggot I suggest you offer your tight white asshole to be pounded by Niggers


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I agree with this. There are smart, upstanding blacks, but they should be leading their own people, not mixing with ours.

why do you assume i have an issue with blacks fuck you man

>Blacks, well, would be best off if they were willing to expatriate back to the motherland and actually fix their fucked-up nation
Not at all, the opposite in fact.
If we couldn't drag niggers into prosperity when we made up 90% of the country, Blacks that make up at best 10% of the population certainly won't be able to. What's actually best for that 10% of blacks is to miscegenate with whites and hope to eventually fade away into the background noise of haplogroup autism as "infiniroons" (ostensibly white people with infinitesimal traces of black ancestry)

Whether or not that's what's best for whites is an entirely different matter.

Oh, look. A future single mom.

Why are you Jews so persistent with this shit? Its not like you have any love of mulattoes or let niggers into Israel.

Honestly it's not worth the effort in saving the white race.

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I guarantee you grew up in a upper class home and town. Probably mostly white.

>start loving everyone
Jews gonna Jew

>off by ones...
What is he trying to say? Based irony? Checked.

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People that haven't been around niggers much seem to like them a the little moron kids in my white redneck town...they think negros "is cool an sheeit" until they're actually around a group of them.

Ignore them. When the black man inevitably conquers what is rightfully his and breeds all our white women they will learn the error of their ways and they are slowly bred out of existence.

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I simply don´t want my grandchildren or any descendants who live in this continent to be of a substantially different racial background to myself and my own ancestors. Unfortunately, living side by side removes any sense of difference and as good as guarantees mixing at some point or other, so we have to live apart.

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Bait thread but I'm saging so I'm allowed to reply

Are your friends the entire black population? It seems odd to me that you need to be told by a fucking "white supremist" board that not every black person is the same.

The stats show that blacks in America are disproportionately violent and commit disproportionate amounts of crime. Not every black is a criminal, and not every black is nice but more blacks are criminals as a percentage of their population than whites.

Race is more than skin deep. Its created by groupings of similar evolutionary traits passed down through generations. Just like breeding dogs, some dogs are considered a dangerous breed, but they can still be friendly. Some dogs are considered easy to train, but still turn vicious. Blacks, in general, form higher amounts of muscle mass, and have larger frames, but lower IQ, whites have he opposite trend, as do Asians, but to a further extent.

>99% of the world agrees.
You need to meet some Chinks...

You mean 99% of your middle class graduate friends agree who like you have only ever met middle class graduate blacks.

Go live in the inner city or take a vacation to Jamaica or Nigeria then fucking illuminate us all with your wisdom.

nice bait

don't make me post my several hundred webm fun with blacks folder

Based and redpilled

>And that's a good thing

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... and Arabs and Japanese and Koreans and Russians and Latinos

My issue with OP is you never lurked and you didn't read. Love thy neighbor as thyself. I love myself so I hold myself to certain standards. Do they hold themselves to the standards I do? No, they don't. Love isn't just unconditional. That's motherly love. Tough love is correcting. That's fatherly love.
You don't understand, but you think you do. The trouble is, you don't even think. You just feel.
Begone with your nonsense that you don't even properly understand.

>Checks flag

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Lol this is a classic example of the short sightedness of the left. Muh based niggers, has loads of mutt kids that run around with the gibs chip on their shoulder stabbing shooting and raping.....but but muh based grandad was u...u....uhh based, your unreal m8. This is why we have lost, kids have grown up with niggers and just think they are acceptable. RIP THE WEST

Says the guy who was one of 3 white kids in his school or is a subhuman himself. You people disgust me but alas you know no better

Even if u dont mind the imaginery based blacks, they have kids who grow to become what we now see in london. Fucking think further than your nostrils extend ffs

Good hustle