>be serbia
>have like 70k men
>turks have around 800 guys
>get defeated
kebab removal: failed
>be serbia
>have like 70k men
>turks have around 800 guys
>get defeated
kebab removal: failed
What are you going to do when the Kurds take over half of Turkey?
Fuck off turk roach
I laughed irl
Holy shit, that was one humiliating defeat, unless some turkish guys have fucked up the wikipedia page.
>Be Turk
>and his brother Despot Jovan Uglješa[10][11][12][13] who also wanted to get revenge after the First Battle of Maritsa.
>the Maritsa river ran scarlet with blood
it's at least a little biased I'd say, if it words itself like that.
>points to some random battle
see, I can do that too.
what are you doing here t*rk? didn't Erdogan forbid you from coming here?
Yeah I heard about that one haha
Well typically Serbs don’t do well in rivers. See battle of Lumë for example, a lot got killed cause the farmers cut some logs and threw them upstream so they would hit the ones crossing
That would be hilarious to watch
I don't understand why Turks are so insecure about getting BTFO by Serbs. It's embarrassing. You should be proud of your little hats.
I guess swimming isn’t in their training regimen
I don't even know how the meme came about.
They seem to be the ones that get removed.
Are you a real albo or are you just using a vpn?
I don't think ive ever seen an albo on here.
Because Jow Forums needs a scapegoat to vent their frustrations on and muslims seem like an easy target on an online forum. Thus, killing european civilians while trying to steal land is painted as "removing kebab"(despite turks not being involved), and applauded.
What's the quality of life in Albania like?
I heard it's terrible.
>by conducting a night raid on the Serbian camp, Şâhin Paşa
Shitskins being cowardly faggots wow Abdul
I wouldn't know, I'm Kosovar. Life's great now that we don't have Serbs holding a gun to our heads.
Now imagine the bravery with which S*rbs killed innocent civilians during the Yugoslav wars and prior.
What's Kosovo like, do you guys have Presidents, Chancellors, PM's? or is it just the wild west?
>serbs killing muslim
nothing wrong with that
>serbs killing muslim
srebrenica is made by NATO and financed through Holocaust™
stop making us look stupid, you lazy nigger
I just asked wtf is going on over there.
That's information that you can easily find on Wikipedia. It's a republic, and you insult us for no reason.
You're just a vile and bad person.
You are a colonial roach and not Albanian
Serbs were drunk, sleeping and celebrating before battle, they were so confident thag they didnt get scouts so they got raided at night when everyone was wasted
I am also very good picker of cherries
Calm down, I wasn't even trying to insult you.
I'll just look it up.
>be Greeko-Armenians raped by Turkic nomads from Central Asia
>Being brave enough to raid 70k soldier with only 800
Remeber when you lost 8000 men to kill 100 greek hillbillies?
How about the time you lost 8000 to kill 6?
Is this wikipedia?
Is there a glossary of battles?
>base opinion on feels
SJW roach lol
>be a turk
that's it, that's the joke
Google turkish/ottoman wars it should lead you to a glossary.
Greeks we're fucking destroying the Turks. How do you even lose that many men?
>muhh gun to the head
>muhh inocent civilians
>muhh evil Serbs
Fuck you nigger, my family had to leave Kosovo along side with hudnreds of thousands of Serbs, a place where we lived for hundreds of years because of you fags escaping your shithole. Your nation is nothing more than a made up story tale created by revisioning your neigbours history, you have no right to Kosovo and to that land and trust me I will make sure even if it's my last to remove as mnay of you as possible. After what I witnessed , Albanians and Turks are no human to me. Eat shit and die
How about the time your leaders wasted the sacrifice on hundred of thounsands of brave men and let foreign powers utterly dismantle their state?
Be Albania. .
Have George Bush statue.
This explains serbian failed kebab removal operation.
Be England send Diana to cry with Albanians so everyone else understands who to blame .
Be Hollywood make the Albanians cool because the character likes rap music .
Be general Wesley Clark become major share holder in serbian business after it is sold for penny's then warn everyone what is going to happen in the middle east and act confused. .
the state of American European relationship lol
fucking animorphs lol
I was about to open my Serbia folder and dab on them for the lulz, but then I saw OP was A FUCKING ROACH.
Sorry, but you are not even human, you are worse than Serb in any conceivable way. Literally kill yourself subhuman roach, you have been a blight on this planet for centuries. There is not a single positive thing about your low IQ, inbred, ugly, shitskin kind.
>Be Hollywood make the Albanians cool
Actually as an American, I thought the Albanians were mafiosos because of Taken.
My friends who saw it did too.
why do we hate each other again ?
Most casualties in war those times hapenned not in combat but when one side was running. AKA: Conscripts got shot at by greek rednecks, panicked and started running despite outclassing their oponnents in every aspect. The greeks just shot as many as they could in the back while they retreated with no order.
member all those battles that you lost overwhelmingly
member that you managed to kike in into europe by sheer stupidity of the bulgars
member that your nation had 17 000 000 vs 700 000 Serbs
did i mention member that you lost to a nation the size of average german village
Propaganda by the government mostly (they need a convenient enemy) spiced with wrongly understood patriotism by pre-teens on the Internet. IMHO. There is literally no logical reason otherwise.
Plus, we obviously did not learn our lesson 500 years ago that if we do it alone we are gonna get wrecked. United we stand, separated we become slaves.
Why are Serbs so tall?
Similar things happen when you break the enemies chain of command, chaos and dissorder quickly take the battlefield and it doesn't matte rhow much the enemy oitnumbers you - they have no command. There are plenty of examples ytoughout history, prolly the major problem of pre-20th century combat
Slav genes I guess.
I mean, don't get me wrong - I hate Bulgars. I've never had good experiences with your people. But it just seems illogical, we are both orthodox, slavic, hate turks and hate albanians. There shouldn't be anything seperating us, however troughout history we slaughtered each other for 0 reason round and round. It's just a circle jerk that keeps on going
Bad guess
>life's great now that we don't have Serbs holding a gun to our heads
Amount of albo shitposting never fails to amuse me
>tfw when you have family from both Kosovo and Herzegovina
>tfw when you're 195cm
>I mean, don't get me wrong - I hate Bulgars. I've never had good experiences with your people
Only irl counts. If I had to judge by the retards on the Internet I'd hate you too, but thankfully life connected me with some Serbs years ago and we are good friends now. I often visit them and vice versa.
gule gule
I visited Buglaria only once and ended up in jail
lolwut, you gotta tell the story now
no, cause now you've got them (((honnest))) ZOG kidney merchant UCK drug dealing vahhabi liberators doing that for you
o shqipe im from gjakove life there is cheap af, im currently working on earning enough money here in germany so i can live a comfortable life in Kosovo, since germany is gonna be flooded with niggers soon
Looks like this bosnian guy in my college
>be me
>go skiing with some university friendos
>we go to a club one night
>get out to get some fresh air
>my wach slips from my wrist as I was adjusting it
>some Buglar standing nearby notices it and grabs it imediatly as I turn
>doesn't realize there are ~15 of us
>a couple of friends that were around join and I grab the watch back, the Bulgar quits and leaves
>15 min later
>he's back with 2 more Bulgars
>start swearing somethign about Serbs
>there's like 15 of us now total on the street
>a fight starts
>15 vs 3
>one bulgar ends up in a hospital, the other two get lighly hurt
>police storms the street and we all end up in jail
They held us for the night and than released us with no explanation
It's better to live among niggers than close to a s*rb, Stay where you are.
So you want to come to Kosovo and kill civilians like your forefathers did?
>After what I witnessed
Name place and date, liar.
Bosnian is an aritifcial construct made by the kike globalist and Brussels Karnegi followers to dillute, divide, weaken and hamper 2 christian ethnic groups into one fake and gay natio dominated by mooslems
there are no real Bosnians user
>le rape fantasy meme.
Based and redpilled.
Dinaric genes.
its too bad yall no longer have Janissary(greeks and slavs) to win your battles
im already in gjakove/prishtina every summer have a big house with pool there, its 10 times better than germany
Lel, sounds like a fun night out and now you have a story to tell. I fit makes you feel better I had the same thing happen to me (not the watch, but everything else fits), so it wasn't prejudice, just being drunk and having bad luck.
You murdered people, you unapologetic, savage animal.
Le mos ja qi robt se sjetohet nket ven. Ma mir me nigerca te afrikes se me kafshet qe jetojn ktu dhe rreth neve.
I oddly feel that man's emotions.
You should see the faces of the people who have lost their entire families to the s*rbian army.
>it's another serb complains about ethnic cleansing episode
Lemme drop a historical redpill before I go to sleep (tomorrow is 133 years since we united Bulgaria and East Rumelia and is our second biggest national celebration)
A HUUUUGE mistake by our king just as the roaches arrived and BTFO'd Byzantium was to separate the tsardom in two parts and give each of his sons half of it To top it off a rebellious military commander carved a third portion. Basically, instead of facing the roaches as a single kingdom head on we did it in three parts, each one fighting alone and often working against each other. We still fought for 80 or so years.
This is well known history, but what I will tell you know is known by very few even in Bulgaria.
The king divided the tsardom in two, because his eldest son and original heir to the throne was killed! The original heir was beloved by the people, brought up since birth to rule, educated, smart and most of all well known for bravely and military ability. This dude en.wikipedia.org
Roaches make their first big push to the capital, he goes out to fight them, heavy losses on both sides (t*rks did not come back for 15 years), gets killed. The country is left without its heir and commander and the old king in his stupidity divides the kingdom in two. Talk about bad.
>The heir to the throne was the pride of the royal family and was said to possess "all virtues". He married Maria, renamed Irina, the daughter of Andronikos III Palaiologos
>In 1354–1355 the Ottoman Turks invaded Bulgaria and headed towards Plovdiv and Sofia. It is mentioned in an anonymous Bulgarian chronicle that Michail Asen gathered the Bulgarians and engaged the Turks near Sofia. The Bulgarians were defeated and suffered heavy casualties including Michail himself. But the battle was not in vain: the Ottomans failed to capture the cities and did not attack the country up to 1370. In the Bulgarian folklore is mentioned that the son of the Emperor perished with the death of the brave
Not taking sides. It's sad for both, that's why you two are so heated. In my psychology class, I learned that conflicts like these never end until a discussion is begun and apologies are said. Then the two parties can properly move on and heal.
>acting as if you didn't
>pretending you didn't exile all Serbs from Kosovo
>pretending you aren't doing it to this day
I fucking hate you muslims so mch, fucking niggers who steal land, exile natives and change history. You act like you didn't cleanse anyone while most of cleansing was in the end done against Serbs. You and Albanians will lose the western support once and both of your pathetic made up countries will collapse. God is a Serb
Nikome sveca do zore nije gorela
Unë do të përdhunoj shki
>eastern rumelia
isn't everyone in that part a kebab?
what's the turkish minority like in bulgaria anyway?
>REMOVING salafist sunni scum ≠ genocide
either way your (((babo))) ZOG is kvetching and imploding, the nato is falling appart, jesuit EU awaits for the civil war
it's gonna be YU civil war all over again, but this time in reverse, we gonna mop the flor with you guys and all our millitary victories will become pollitical, JSCO and Russia are gonna bomb the shit out of Zagreb an Sarajevo and globalist are just gonna stand iddly
prepare your anus
You're completely fucking wrong. They literally started murdering my people left and right and lost SOME churches after the war. Right now their shitty churches have more rights than people. This isn't a two sided at all.
We haven't exiled a single person you cretin. In fact every year we invest millions trying to get your rotten kind back. I am happy that the s*rbs take the money and stay in s*bia, since coming back would stop the gibs.
You're all genocide loving animals. No, in fact not even animals bite when they're not hungry or threatened.
Kurgjo sjan shkijet qka jan thaqi etc. Rri ku je se mire je.
This is a Serbian patriotic thread now, all muslims eat shit and die. Join me comrades
>every year we invest millions trying to get your rotten kind back
average albanian shitpost
Do you lot just pretend that you dindu nuffin in WWII? Or do you also claim you wuz the main victims there too?
>proceeds to play the worlds smallest violin.
You colonise someone elses home, don't be surprised if they retaliate.
In fact, even now they threaten with war every odd year.
They are not kebabsanon. All the roaches were kicked out after we got our freedom back. Do you REALLY believe people would accept their former slavers as neighbours?
The ones that are called "turks" nowadays are 100% ethnic Bulgarians who were converted during the slavery, most forcefully, some by choice to avoid taxes.They eat pork, drink rakia, their replacement rate is as low as the rest of us, etc. Sadly the government was cucked and let roach agents come across the border and brainwash them for decades. We might be looking at another Kosovo in the future.
Anyone with a little aptitude for numbers understands that this information is seriously diluted, just like the Wikipedia article where ironically the only casualty was a "soup kettle".
70 thousand vs 800, that suggests the ottomans were outnumbered by 98.9%. Maybe the ottomans had 800 *soldiers*, but that may not account the full size of their offense.
i countered you with dis youtube.com
They colonized Kosovo. They came from the north for fuck's sake, they're the immigrants.
The thing with balkanoids and greeks posting victories against ottomans is, it is always at the decline and fall of the ottomans. For 400 years you were occupied, 400 omg. I cant imagine the butturt and the worst is that it is history, it will always be there, you cant change it. Its like a stain of shame. Rven hundreds ans thousands of years from now, greeks will feel the shame of being dominated for hundreds of yeard by the turks. And the only way they got free was because of basically with the help of evrey western nation inckuding russia.
converted to islam I mean
>be diaspora
>shitpost patriotic songs
Hi Roachie! I haven't seen any of you around in awhile, glad you still exist
>a thing
>They colonized Kosovo
You are as much Illyrian as I am. And that is 0%