Women have it harder than men


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Most women seem to like doing those things tho. Beats being the ‘cool wine aunt’.

both men and women in that meme need to grow the fuck up

Weak troll

Now that you can order your groceries online you can do all those things in your pajamas.

You could also combine all of the women’s arrows to ‘working’. Why not separate the man’s ‘working’ arrow in to separate arrows for each different task he performs at his job? Plus moving the lawn, cleaning the gutters, make a stupid patio in the back yard because my whore wife wanted one etc.

Oh fuck off nigger!!!!!! Putting clothes in washing machine is an arrow???? FUCK OFF NIGGER LEAF

A. I do all those things for my self on both sides.
B. This bait is week

Fucking Lol'd good one OP sage

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Adversity and hardship make men great

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>one arrow for working on men’s side
>5 arrows for things i consider “relief time” due to the mindlessness of these activities on the women’s side
This is getting hysterical

What's not being shown here is "working" was 1080 poison the wolf ate.

Exactly, the time women spend in chores is exactly cancelled out by the additional time men spend in paid work.
Chores though, are done in the comfort of one's home, you can take a break whenever you want, blast music, etc. Seems to me men get the worse deal.
Women also get maternal leave and in many countries retire earlier.

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>menial tasks = hardships

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I actually made that 3 hours ago to mock this.
OP edited it slightly.

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i thought it could use a little "kindling"

>shoving clothes in washing machiene so hard reeee

dont feed the troll you retards

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Sage and hide meme flag threads

No one really believes this.

Dont forget she also has to carry the washing machine on her back
Fucking mysoginists

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They should do a statue where it's a man, and a country is on his back

>making dinner
what a crock of shit. Canadian women nowadays can't cook an egg.

>muh laundry is so hard
>muh cooking
go lay bricks for a living you fagget

They should do a statue where its that statue on his back
The rage would be mighty

I'm yet to date a girl that does any of that. Last girl I dated, her mom cooked me more food than she ever did. I should of dated her mom.

lmao “working”
shut the fuck up bitchass
I coult put everything the woman does under “housework”

>Most women seem to like doing those things tho
As I woman I can tell you that I don't enjoy cleaning and cooking.

As an Israeli Khazar shill*

>women have it harder than men
Okay biocunts, let's go ahead and switch- you take the jobs from the following list while I take your """""hard work"""" at home:
>oil drilling
>road/rail construction
>house construction
>truck driving
>shipping cargos via maerks ships through rough seas
>cable installers
>antenna maintenance engineers
>coal mining
>rare mineral mining
>big chemistry plants
>train engineer
>Ambulance driver
>soldier willing to die for you in case of major war
>many others that I can't think of from the top of my head

Goddamn these fucking cunts have become so entitled we better start putting them back to their place or physically rewire their shitty genetic makeup.

Is that why you're not very good at it?

i do all those things on my own just fine
name one thing that a woman is 'required' for that isn't sex

>I don't like something
>Ergo I want white civilization to die
Yes I am sure every single man enjoys his job. Just because I don't like something doesn't mean I don't do it. Given the choice between raising two kids and cleaning up a house or working 40+ hours a week, I am glad I chose the former, doesn't mean I sit around thinking "I can't wait until my husband gets home so I can do the dishes when we are done eating dinner."

>not enjoying improving your living space and the art of creating delicious food
Even if this poster is lying, modern women actually fucking hate this.

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>only 2 kids
Below replacement rate ree

do you own a gun?

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>soldier willing to die for you in case of major war
>soldier getting sent into a third world shithole to die for (((their))) cents

>men are just "working"

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The term "child free" disgusts me.

>I don't enjoy cleaning and cooking
A clean and orderly room is comforting and looks great. A well cooked meal makes the investment all the worthwhile. Even better if the leftovers taste better the next day.

There is something to appreciate in a daily routine of chores. There are always responsibilities and duties to fulfill no matter who you are. Neglecting things like cleaning and cooking a good meal only manifests itself elsewhere because lacking the due diligence and vigilance to conduct yourself responsibly spreads elsewhere.

To you it's just a grind, but it's a bit more than that. These are simple tasks that improve your discipline and general thought process to become a better person. Accomplishment after persevering and enduring a little struggle will make you happier and healthier in the end.

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Some of us aren't inconsiderate breeders Leaf

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Women don't do any of that shit anymore.

>all those time saving devices
>press start
>reee it's all hard work

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This. wtf

I actually see more men shopping for groceries than women nowadays, and the women who do are really old.

The young women I see in grocery stores these days look trashy as fuck and very bitter. What a waste of humanity.

>implying any modern feminist hamlords would ever do any of this.

How bad is it over there? It seems the entire West is in a competition to prove which country's women is by far the worst. Seems top contenders are UK, Canada, Australia, and USA.

The "Wine Aunt" meme IMO has been grossly underused.

As a man I can tell you that I do enjoy cleaning and cooking and something is fucking wrong with you.

look at all those labour sving devices invented by men.

Yeah as if men are coming home from a hard days work to a clean house a cooked meal and a wife that is glad to see them.

More often than not it is bitching as soon as they walk in the door, dirty dishes, take out that you grabbed otw home.

Another reason I fired the wife over a decade ago and haven't looked back. Approaching 300k invested vs 0 when we were married.

Women self impose a lot of their shit.

>Some of us aren't inconsiderate breeders Leaf
It's not like you have the option anyways.

>Women have it harder than men.
They do.
Too bad feminists give them a bad name.

Also sage bc OP is a faggot.

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Clearly you should be the house wife.

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no u

See I already am

3/4 of the homeless population are men. Kill yourself.

Not every one is gay like you

That gurl needs to be cut off...
She had enough sandwitches already..

If you arnt enjoying your job you are doing it wrong.
It doesn't matter what it is, if you gonna be doing it anyways why not enjoy it?

Until men can make a living or make a life with their dick alone...nah.

men die from suicide 4x as often as women
they die from homicide 3x as often
they die from dangerous work conditions 10x as often
women are excluded from the draft
yes it's bait but I feel better saying it

oh no not ironing!?
oh no not vacuuming>!
oh no not laptopping!?!

Holy shit! How can men even compe-

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>men die from suicide 4x as often as women
womyn have more depression + attempt suicide more. men using better suicide methods = oppression?

>they die from homicide 3x as often
this is like saying niggers are oppressed because they murder each other more often.

>they die from dangerous work conditions 10x as often
jobs freely chosen, they aren't forced into them. poverty rates are higher among women iirc. men not valuing their lives = oppression?

all this mra shit is stupid

I honestly enjoy it.It's a nice exercise to free the mind from work.

>"attempt" suicide

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i do all this shit myself and still work
your point leaf?

actually they will take massive doses of pills or slit their wrists, actions they expect will kill them.

women treat working like its a fun time to get out of the house. Let me put your ass on the street and you try to bargain your way into rent from these animals. You would spread that ass after night 1 because it is your nature. You are emotional and weak minded thats why you sit around at home all day for me to return watching Downtown abbey and every month the bills get paid like a magic trick that "God" gave "Us" The fuck bitch? See how long your god looks out for you without wanting to deep dick his jesus stick and double dunk those holy nuts you bitch. Shut up and watch your netflix you god damn

>this is like saying niggers are oppressed because they murder each other more often.
This is like saying women are oppressed for "attempting suicide" more often for attention.

show us your tits bitch

>don't enjoy cleaning or cooking
>Year 2018
Checks out alright.

okay you go slit your wrists just enough to convince everyone you tried to kill yourself, but not enough to actually kill yourself. im sure this is something enough women feel confident doing that they have double-quadruple the suicide attempt rate

I don't get how anyone could enjoy cleaning. It isn't fun, entertaining, or even fulfilling. Cooking sure, I can see why you would enjoy it, but cleaning is just a chore.

Beat me to it, user. gj.

But adversity doesn't make women great. It makes them bitchy.

I'm wary of talking about it here because I know this board favors women, but it's pretty fucking bad.
The white women here are really trashy and angry, I know they have no men to lead them, but I understand why guys want to stay away from bad people like that. They give off awful vibes.
The minority women here try really hard to look and act better than white women, so they can get white guys, but they still can't compete with white women, and that makes them also very resentful since minority women think white guys owe them attention.
All in all it's par for the course with the decline we have been experiencing for decades and decades, and the proof is in the pudding when you look at the birth rates, marriage rates and how many non-whites are coming here to fill the gaps.


This is true.
So, What do?