The absolute state of american politics
Reality TV styled politics are the best politics
Pretty consistent with the going ons in the White House. Seems no one really likes him much. Wonder why.
NOPE...this hurts alot. Go look at him trying to say he done care.
He's hurting and they are going to finish him without any mercy. by them I mean his own people...pence wrote the article
What a fucking joke
This. Get your long knives ready
I don't think so kike.
Insightful and underrated as fuck
holy fug, Q did say this would be a week to remember
And them every one of them will be murdered, and dozens of liberal journalists aswell
doofus, it was probably 1488d chess, did you see the bit about the booming economy and unemployment numbers, kek, what a way to get libshits to read your positives
Uhhhh, anons? Could it be happening?
Can't fence the Pence
(You) got that right. Regardless of what's fact and what's fiction, this is the most compelling political theater of our lifetimes. Whatever is happening, we're witness to a master at work. The pages written about these times will fill volumes.
We love him and the military. The whole world hates Israel and we will all delight in the coming slaughter. Have fun crying until you burn.
Reminder that kikes create this show
Red October quickly approaches. Why were military tribunals brought up in the confirmation hearing today?
Remember that time when Trump plagiarized the opening line from Bioshock?
just saw the news anons, where i can read the anonymous letter sent to NYT?
>Red October
I fucking hope so
Seriously, I am trying to be comfy here listening to Kavanaughs soft voice.
original sauce on Bioshock's quote?
>most powerful man in the world
Trump's twitter
Holy shit though. It is Real. Dreams come true.
Why is Trump next to five men who cared about their country?
Bioshock didn't create that generic father-son message.
what in the this real life?
So Trump does understand what he will be going to prison for then?
It's on!
I said Bioshock's not Trump's quote, I have seen it. I don't play that shit
he is declassifying everything, folks
So its Treason then? eh I'm ready for One World One Nation Under Trumps boot.
Oh shit you niggers it’s all about to pop off
Who was he replying to, assuming the tweet in the OP is real?
>People going to the stupidest luau imaginable
Still makes me laugh
Q's basically saying this shit's happening if not tonight, by end of week. I fucking hate Q bullshit but if DJT declassifies something that gets either of Obama or Hillary to a tribunal on treason charges, i'll get Q branded on my chest.
Whats it matter. He just has to point his finger at the deep state and call them whores of china or the jew and we'll take care of it.
It was just too soon.
He isn't replying to anyhing but I assume he is reflecting over the anonoymous nyt op ed
>Q is kushner
its real btw faggots
Trump suddenly realized he had colluded with Russian intelligence agents to up-end the U.S. elections process, giving aid to enemies of the U.S.
The U.S. President has committed treason.
ah, I see
Yeah, I would be pretty exasperated at this point with the lügenpresse if I were him. He must feed off the energy. This bullshit, day in and day out, would exhaust me.
Yes. The “?” adds the right amount of mystery.
>Mueller chasing down Manhattan madams looking for a scope.
Fuck off with boomer Bob. He busted his nut and he’s dry.
he should just block those ((krassenstein)) faggots, they would be jobless and permamad if they couldn't sit refreshing @realDonaldTrump twitter page every day to get the first reply in.
one of them had the largest donation to strzok
>you can be charged with treason when you’re not at war with said country
>Brock is scraping at the bottom of the barrel
[your dick - inches] / 10
Bad bait, try again.
Then so will I.
theres a lot of that going around. between fear that they will get into trouble and the reality that a lot of politicians are guilty of something they always need distractions
im not sure why they bother. its not even like they felt the need to hide things for years. a bit to forthright. like just matter of fact styled you cant touch me sort of shit. but nobody has to let them get what they want. trumps probably the least guilty of anything because hes been in the government the least amount of time relative to most elected officials
Are you implying Trump played Bioshock?
Old manchild yelling again because no one likes him, surprise surprise
Define treason and explain how the President has committed it. Otherwise shhhh....
Nope. He's baiting Trump to answer questions through written answers so he'll be on record and can't squirm out like he normally does. Meanwhile others are turning up the pressure, letting an already unstable Trump slip further into paranoia knowing he's surrounded by disloyal people in his own cabinet. He's cracking. Some 3D chess is being played, but it isn't Trump winning. He's like a cornered animal at this point, frothing at the mouth and biting out at everyone and everything.
yeah, they are legit swamp jews.
You kikes really want that war, don't you.
They think they can win. kek I can't wait to spear little jewish kids and smash there brains in.
You traitorous fucks will all be swinging from ropes when this is finished.
>fake news conglomerates are consistent with themselves
what a fucking revelation you had memeflag
>The whole world hates Israel
So Donald Trump isn't part of the whole world?
yeah we heard you on your 15 other threads retard. you will not succeed in your out of nowhere divide and conquer.
What did he mean by this?
Civil war is in the cards for our country either way. Regardless of the outcome of the midterms we are a house divided.
No seriously, it’s over this time.
Trump needs to put the fucking foot down already. Can you imagine a member of Xi Jinping's cabinet openly admitting to be sabotaging his President's administration on purpose. Or a member of Putin's inner circle openly boasting about doing everything to oust his boss? Only in America this treasonous shit goes unpunished.
For what? Being awesome?
Serve him well, he trusted a jew(christian)
Is this unironically how you see Trump, or are you behind multiple layers of irony?
i cant wait for trump to become dictator
Given the instability many witnessed, there were early whispers within the cabinet of invoking the 25th Amendment, which would start a complex process for removing the president. But no one wanted to precipitate a constitutional crisis. So we will do what we can to steer the administration in the right direction until — one way or another — it’s over.
- 'I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration' is /ourguy/
Trump mocking the dem base? He controls them through tweets alone it’s quite the show
I didn't vote for a dictator, but if I get one out of the deal I'll be alright with it.
Post irony m80 ;-)
LOL yeah because being on the same side as Hollywood, the entirety of Mainstream Media is definitely the truthful, right side of history.
Enjoy all the tears, ya brainwashed sheep.
He is right
lol that meme is so over the top stupid you "pedes" have clearly lost touch with reality...
It's happening.
President Trump is facing a test to his presidency unlike any faced by a modern American leader.
It’s not just that the special counsel looms large. Or that the country is bitterly divided over Mr. Trump’s leadership. Or even that his party might well lose the House to an opposition hellbent on his downfall.
The dilemma — which he does not fully grasp — is that many of the senior officials in his own administration are working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.
- a senior official in the Trump administration
aka /ourguy/