Larry Sharpe, Libertarian Candidate for New York Governor on Joe Rogan

Rogan has a hard time understanding how a school system can survive without federal dollars.

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Joe 'disingenuous" rogan
Joe "devils advocate just because" rogan
Joe "CTE" rogan
is frustratingly retarded holy shit

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I'm watching this. Joe Rogan is a braindead retard. He's condescending when he doesn't even understand the ideas presented. He's just being a smug prick. I don't even know this Sharp guy, but his ideas are pretty simple. It's amazing how smug he's being. He's seconds away from going "ummmmmmmmmm no sweetie ;)".

Joe is such a fucking retard. How can he call himself libertarian? He only cares about the drugs aspect of it, on every other aspect he's for HEAVY government influence.

he has always been retarded.


Joe Fagan is a fucking retard and always has been. I'm glad more people are starting to realize that. The fact that people were all on his dick for years annoyed the shit out of me. I'd rather this two bit hack go away and bring back Mencia.

Ranting even more, he was also like this Neil Degrasse Tyson. Neil's a bit of a smug prick too, but Rogan was being almost insulting when speaking to him. He does this so often. I hate him but he gets decent guests.

Joe is indeed a complete fucking retard,he couldn't even in another podcast understand the difference between a theory/hypothesis and a Fact.

The drugs didn't help and his early podcasts were O.k,not great but pretty decent since he could at least argue somewhat.

Joe "Can get into an argument with literally anyone over something Joe doesn't understand" Rogan.

Ladies and gentlemen, the overton window is shifted. Stop looking at the negative, we've made the U.S. more right wing to the point were negros are now libertarian.

his prime was around 2009/2013ish
sad to see what CTE does to his brain as he aged.

I'm fine with him being a retard. He's always been one. It's when he's combative and smug. He constantly "subtly" insulting his guests. He tries to poke holes in everything they say, even when it's just a story. He's a huge asshole and no one will ever call him on it because he's so big and the guests need him for exposure.

I wish he would just let his guest get their ideas out, even if the ideas are retarded. I have to listen to Joe be a retard for half the podcast so I can get to know the guest.

It's not CTE. I know a lot of about CTE, Joe is just a dummy. If you mix that with a lot of marijuana which kills his memory, you get an insufferable person.

>Joe the (((libertarian))) who doesn't understand the basics of libertarianism.


>He constantly "subtly" insulting his guests. He tries to poke holes in everything they say, even when it's just a story

Yeah it's pretty annoying,I also really dislike how much shit he started to talk about Eddie Bravo just because he gets overly excited with new found conspiracy theories.

I agree,I stopped watching him all together months ago. I just cannot stand this guy anymore.

>It's when he's combative and smug. He constantly "subtly" insulting his guests. He tries to poke holes in everything they say, even when it's just a story. He's a huge asshole and no one will ever call him on it because he's so big and the guests need him for exposure.
This right here.

I still watch so I can be offended. It's a bad cycle.

>using the old name for jewtropolis

Even when Joe agrees, like when he says "that's totally reasonable," he looks away like he's admitting defeat.

I hope this fucking cunt dies

>Rogan has a hard time understanding
You could have ended the sentence right there user. Joe ain't so bright.

>rogan couldnt do the math on that dollar plus fifty cents hypothetical situation

That's fine. I honestly can't tolerate him anymore,it's just too much for me.

I might watch a short clip or something of his guests but it's rare and I never go looking for it(if it's in the recommended feed)

Well memed, my dude. Ya. Mencia. Bwah.
Khed's an entertainer. You expect a demigod or a Shakespeare or Cicero outta the guy.
He's the first to disclaimer a lot that he's a dim wit doing the life long learning thang.
Lighten up on your high standards.
It's called levity, sarcasm, satire, a yuck.
If it's so gross to your taste. You're cool.
Just find a better fit out there.

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Joe "I smoke weed everyday but im not an addict" Rogan