Why do right-wingers think they can tell women what to do with their own bodies?

Why do right-wingers think they can tell women what to do with their own bodies?

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Kill yourself

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Why do women all have daddy issues and inject their fathers onto all right wingers?

>waaah why does the government want to use dead babies to help society instead of letting them die in vain waaah

because they have organs specifically designed to convey thoughts and opinions from themselves to another person

>why do you care if I kill my own children and have them thrown sacrificially into ovens afterwards?

Why do cat ladies think they'll ever find sperm?

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>Why do right-wingers think they can tell women what to do with their own bodies?
They try. Fortunately, feminism is enabling women to speak up and defy male objectification.

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Why do women think they can tell men how to run nations?

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Women are not people and therefore do not have rights.

>earliest stage in human development
>not human

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ask a real question next time
phrasing it in a deliberately false way is dishonest

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what about the young woman still in your womb, shouldn't someone speak up for her?

Feminism is cancer.

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>waaah why does the government want to use dead babies to help society instead of letting them die in vain waaah
Why not just use shitskins and kikes?

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yeah, your rights stop where another life begins inside of you.

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Do you also like to suck the blood of circumcised infants penises?

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why do right wingers think they can tell women what to do with their own bodies?
>que picture of woman strangling someone to death.


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It's the man's task to educate and discipline his wife.

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There never is an answer to this. Deflection or sociopathy.

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Just White Women.

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>Why do women think they can tell men how to run nations?

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Abort yourself, you worthless lump of cells.

Bunch of bug eyed inbred turbo autists who ruined Europe.

If you're a roastie, I want to meet you and have you take a shit on my face, but that's about it. If you're a boy, I want to sodomize you with a golf club and a plastic ketchup bottle. Once your rectum snaps and your asshole starts crying red tears, I'll allow you to come in my mouth like the worthless fucking fag that you are. you fucking piece of shit.

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you are a disappointment to your parents.

Because the law/society already tells people what they can and cannot do with their bodies.
Lefties should support this, since American leftists already believe that people are property of the state.
When Lefties claim they do not believe that, then where does the claim that they are owed health care and that their fellow citizens should provide it for free? To provide it for free makes those health care providers property of the state, distributing health care as the state dictates. As soon as the State is in control of health care, then it becomes the citizens that bear the cost of providing your health care with the power to say how you can and cannot use your body if you want their services.
Furthermore, the State itself is already concerned with how much its citizens breed. Given sufficient time, it will become concerned with which members are doing the breeding.

Summary: If the left want to do what they want with their bodies, then they need to be self reliant and not have the state (and their fellow citizens) provide for them in any way. Otherwise, they lose power over doing as they want, and have to live by the dictates and conditions that others (Society and The State) dictate.


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Fuck off cancer OP.

Nobody cares about your uterus you roastie cunt.
>my response


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shit thread

Bunch of ugly crypto -jew turbo autists who finished the dying corpse.


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why do left-wingers think they can kill babies?

>Bunch of ugly crypto -jew turbo autists who finished the dying corpse.
You've done nothing, ever.

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Because they are insecure that black men take all their women.

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I didn't ruin Europe or the name of Nationalism for centuries.

Genocide no different than abortion, experts say.

I used to be pro-choice but condoms are cheap, there's no excuse for it. If you can't afford sex don't have it ya doofuses.

Ephesians 5:22-24
>Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.
>submit in everything

God isn't ambiguous. Women are rebellious whores if they do anything else.

1 Timothy 2:9-15
>likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works. Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.

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Their god allows it.

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Why do left wingers tell men what they can and can't thin k?

>being that much of a soulless worthless piece of shit
maybe you should kill yourself so we dont have to suffer your shit post. kill yourself worthless bag of flesh and blood

Conservative women are also against abortion, which is murder. Liberal whores are not the voice of womankind.

>I didn't ruin Europe or the name of Nationalism for centuries

That's a very reductionist shit to say.
fuck off from Jow Forums

Why the fuck do lefties say “keep your laws off my body” then insist we roll over for Obamacare?
If you don’t want a fucking baby keep it in your pants you degenerate whore

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Not true. I personally lmao because I know she’s going to wind up beaten, single mom or dead.

Is it wrong that muh ebil nazis have become an easy tool of demonizing whites and allowed jews to run amok with their Kalergi plan and corporate oligarch slavery?

When War breaks out, your Uterus will be "Dead" weight. The only reason you MIGHT be kept alive is to trade your vagina for weapons and supplies.

In such an event of us, "right wingers" truly coming to power, you would comply with our demands or youll live in a labor camp indefinitely. Cuz we told you so, simply.

Europe was ruined in the name of Communism.

Because women are fucking retarded. The beginning of female voting rights was the fall of the west.

>the only time in recent history europeans fought back against the jew
>not based?
Explain this to me


I'd cum in her nose

>p-pls don kill de babbies it h-h-hurt muh feelingssssss
>Jow Forums trying this hard to pretend to hate abortion cuz muh pretend christian values
mein fucking sides. If the bible said thall shall not shitpost none of you would be hear.

fuckin larping faggots holy shit

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women are property

Same reason left-wingers tell people what to say and how to think. Extremes always breed authoritarianism.

>Reddit kekistani doesn't know what sage does
Color me shocked.

gov't and society have always limited what we can do with our bodies. why can't i shoot up heroine naked in a public park? my body, my choice. if you have a problem with it, don't fucking look at me, shitlord.

The number of coalburners compared to loyal white women is statistically insignificant, and they almost always end up abused and used by the niggers they sleep with. Burn the coal pay the toll.

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Because women aren't above laws nigger.
I can't do anything I want with my body either, there are many illegal things I could do with it.

Thanks for posting this - I've been looking for it for days!

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they're still teenagers screeching at daddy because he told them they're not allowed to do stupid self-destructive shit

The same reason left wingers think they can force me to vaccinate my child. It works both ways you faggot shill

lol well imagine my surprise... just look at that memeflaggot, i fixed it for him

Because the baby growing inside you is not part of your body, sweetie.

Ice Poseidon fag

>muh baste an reedpilled ecelebs

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Why do left wingers thing they can tell men what to do with their bodies?

Next time a pro abortion women asks for any sort of help doing anything, just say, my body my choice.

WTF do you need abortions?
Either don't have sex or use birth control. You have control over that.

(rape exceptions, etc., ok)

What is manspreading again sweety?


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That’s where the picture is from

So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?

That we should vote for far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)

no i saved it from four chan nice try tho reddit fag

>the bible
Who the fuck was talking about that kike mind control, fucking leaf?

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Read this KB about Abortion:

name one reason why it's bad to kill babies
>hard mode: no feelings and no sky daddy

It takes two to party. Half of what she has in her is the guys regardless of whether or not he’s around the whole time.

Why do women think they can murder my child?

Why do women think taxpayers (men) have to pay for their birth control?
The minute you invite the government to pay for something is the minute they decide to put rules in place.

anons come to a more productive thread, trying to create a simple translation guide to untwist the left's language, get in here:

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god damn it, this girl looks Polish af

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Why do left-wingers think they can tell people what to do with their own money?

Because women are destroying the society we built and killing our children
White Abortions are being purposely/kept under reported to make Black abortion rates be the focus and look like a “good thing”.
The actual numbers for White Abortions are drastically/dramatically higher, being almost 2x to 3x higher.

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It’s a picture of Sam pepper who is hated in the ice Poseidon community

>hard mode: literally impossible since morals aren't objective

entitled cunts think everything should be handed to them

look at the whining here over having to pay GST on their fucking rags ffs

desu we should be whining just as hard to remove all taxes on beer as men need to drink the stuff just to live among these screeching holes (so it's as much a necessity as their tampons or whatever)