
You don't drink milk, do you, user?

Attached: milk estrogen.gif (720x540, 8K)

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I've been doing GOMAD for 6 months but it's whole milk. Any studies on whole milk? Feeling fine here btw

Cattle think drinking cow milk won't result in higher estrogen levels. Dumbass cattle.

Attached: th.jpg (294x388, 62K)

No big difference. I hope you like being a femboy.

Attached: milk2.png (298x209, 8K)

Fortified almond and hazelnut milk only.

880ng/dL testosterone at 29.

Sorry about your T deficiency. Did you like boys before you took it?

I stopped drinking cow milk and moved strictly to onions milk. I’ve since become a Democrat and like watching my wife and my wife’s daughter take BBC.

Couldn’t be happier.

We don't have papers on The Role of Milk in the Treatment of Menopausal Symptoms though, or milk used as hormone replacement therapy.

Milk is fine, sóyfaggot

>muh estrogen!
Y'all a buncha retards, literally no different than calorie-counting hipsters.

Is that why we have 5 year-old girls going through puberty after drinking a bunch of milk?

I'm retarded. Someone explain this to me.

Wait are you saying drinking milk will help turn me into a qt femboi? guess i need to go buy a gallon

basically they think youre gonna be feminized if you drink milk. never listen to right wing retards dont forget they voted blompf

I'll repeat I've been doing GOMAD with whole milk for six months without issue. I work out 4-5 days a week, am in great shape and feel good. Not saying the study is BS but I think the extrapolation might be overblown

I used to drink a gallon of milk a day. The estrogen content is negligible and easily contracted with exercise. There is no way to effectively avoid estrogen consumption as things stand now. The only thing you can do is contract it with testosterone production. Exercise, eat meat, and take zinc supplements. Though you can't avoid all sources of estrogen because it's in the drinking water, and global estrogen (and mimickers) levels are rising due to pollution. you can still avoid onions. Onions is one of the few food sources with enough estrogen to cause immense impact on the human body. Though onions sauce, being fermented, should be okay.

Is it soi milk?

no way fag, I drink whole

fuck no i dont drink dairy milk. I dont consume anything that supports the needless death and suffering of animals.

Haven't had dairy for 3 years, it actually cut my depression and anxiety 95%, my skin cleared up too. Dairy is shit.

I'm addicted to drinking milk, it's the only thing that breaks my vegan diet, I look pretty fem but it's probably my sedentary lifestyle.

If you have healthy tes levels then it's fine. Remember to only consume RAW MILK, everywhere else(if raw milk is illegal to sell in fullout public) is toxic and full of synthetic stuff. Raw milk is one of the most healthy things you can have.

But I drink milk since I lift...

have you tried plant based milk? if you dont like the nutty (onions, cashew etc) taste try flax or coconut milk

i drink an ungodly amount of whole milk, sucks that its so expensive in canada(even though we control the whole market)

>thinks drinking bean water will give you tits
>sees nothing wrong with drinking literal tit juice

i meant to say onions and not onions lol. onion milk would probably be pretty fucking nasty

It's not the milk you faggots it's the rBST hormones they are pumping into the cows. Get a fucking clue.

The molecules are broken during digestion, you dumb fuck nigger.

someone doesn't know how hormones or digestion works, all that fat on your neckbeard frame produces way more estrogen than any single exterior cause.

Yep, s oy, almond and coconut. I try consuming stuff the most natural way as possible. I love the taste of cows milk and when I was consuming plant based milks whilst on a fuilout vegan diet my mental state became slightly worse. Raw milk has helped my mental state a lot.

The farmers that sell raw milk usually make sure their cows are well fed and looked after, depending on the farm that is, the farmers I know of are very ethical people. The processed milk, and the cows that produce it are the ones that are kept under horrible conditions: eating bad stuff, kept locked to never see the sun, etc, which in all, affects the quality of milk being produced.
>Modern genetically improved dairy cows continue to lactate throughout almost the entire pregnancy. Therefore, recent commercial cow's milk contains large amounts of estrogens and progesterone. With regard to the exposure of prepubertal children to exogenous estrogens, the authors are particularly concerned about commercial milk produced from pregnant cows. The purpose of the present study was therefore to examine concentrations of serum and urine sex hormones after the intake of cow milk.
>Subjects were seven men, six prepubertal children, and five women. The men and children drank 600 mL/m(2) of cow milk. Urine samples were collected 1 h before the milk intake and four times every hour after intake. In men the serum samples were obtained before and 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 min after milk intake. Women drank 500 mL of cow's milk every night for 21 days beginning on the first day of the second menstruation. In three successive menstrual cycles, the day of ovulation was examined using an ovulation checker.
>After the intake of cow milk, serum estrone (E1) and progesterone concentrations significantly increased, and serum luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and testosterone significantly decreased in men. Urine concentrations of E1, estradiol, estriol and pregnanediol significantly increased in all adults and children. In four out of five women, ovulation occurred during the milk intake, and the timing of ovulation was similar among the three menstrual cycles.
>The present data on men and children indicate that estrogens in milk were absorbed, and gonadotropin secretion was suppressed, followed by a decrease in testosterone secretion. Sexual maturation of prepubertal children could be affected by the ordinary intake of cow milk.
See, it's an issue of (((modern genetically improved))) cows though.

>Yep, s oy, almond and coconut.
>Yep, s oy
That's liquid estrogen nigga.
>A genetically modified basedbean is a basedbean (Glycine max) that has had DNA introduced into it using genetic engineering techniques.[1]:5 In 1998 the first genetically modified basedbean was introduced to the U.S. market, by Monsanto. In 2014, 90.7 million hectares of GM onions were planted worldwide, 82% of the total onions cultivation area.[2]
>Well, like any good lie, the claims about onions are kind of based in some bit of truth. For instance, members of Asian cultures are among those celebrated for living healthy, long lives. And onions manufacturers let consumers believe longevity could be related to the onions found in the typical Asian diet. It’s all about the marketing.
>But, if you were to examine the diets of Asian cultures over time, you’d make an interesting discovery. The onions in those diets is – on the whole – a very different kind of onions. It is not the processed onions you see in American onions milk, onions burgers, and other processed onions products.
>The Japanese eat fermented onions. That’s a much different story from the dangerous, processed or unfermented onions products you see on most American grocers’ shelves.
>Unfermented Onions – the onions you want to avoid
>Now, according to the Centers for Disease Control, 20 percent of the food poisoning cases in the U.S. are the result of lectins in undercooked beans.1 Does this make beans of any kind sound like a health food to you? Of course not.
>And the same is true for edamame – otherwise known as unfermented green basedbeans. Unfermented basedbeans are most definitely not the health foods they’re made out to be. Tofu products are also unfermented onions.
The problem is, if you eat onions, you’re eating a food designed to harm you.
>That’s because the lectins found in basedbeans are, by their very nature, meant to make you feel sick in order to protect the plants they come from.

Don't let your science get in the way of our narrative

>Anons! Anons look! Don't drink milk!
>Drink Onions!

>soi milk has phytoestrogen for plants
>cow milk is packed full of literal mammalian estrogen
>soi is the only bad one
Really makes you think, doesn't it

I just eat eggs