This little girl says she's a lesbian and asks you to respect her sexuality. Now my question is...

This little girl says she's a lesbian and asks you to respect her sexuality. Now my question is, how hard do you rape her?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Corrective rape is a hate crime in which one or more people are raped because of their perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. The common intended consequence of the rape, as seen by the perpetrator, is to turn the person heterosexual or to enforce conformity with gender stereotypes.


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Schoolgirl lesbians is a good way for young girls to expend their sexual energy in a safe way. If my daughter were to engage in it it would be good and more good because I could watch. Of course she'd still have to suck my dick though.

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Threadly reminder that pedophiles will be dragged from their hiding places, castrated, and hung in the town square as an example to other defectives during the inevitable economic and social collapse. This (((society))) can't protect you forever.

You've got it backwards. It's you feminist trash who will be killed in such a scenario. It's only diseased modern society that allows you people to fester.

Stop using pro-feminist propaganda. Whenever you equate anti-pedophilia to feminism you help feminists.

I hate this forum.

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Can't we hang all of you?

Don't sexualise our children, doesn't matter if you're an unwashed hairy lesbian feminist or a greasy alt right neckbeard.



Reminder: All Pedophiles will be killed by reverse-hanging to prolong your suffering.

Don't need a picture to show my disgust.

Don't go to /f/ and play the flash game there! DON'T YOU DO IT!

What is wrong with you shills? Like seriously, you guys need to get lives. Trying to subvert other people in fucking kids is really just a pathetic way to live.

I'm so glad my girls aren't freaks of nature.

Aren't you supposed to destroy them after they graduate HS?

You got it backwards.

Nice try OP. Like I would ever admit my pedo rape fantasies to these CIAniggers infesting this board.

I would think this would only be effective in gay males, wherein you rape the shit out of their fagholes thus making them never able to be aroused by it again. youd have to like somehow traumatically scissor a lesbo

depends how horny I am
and how secluded we are

beat them and make them bleed
then don't stop
really make it hurt
and end their parents lives

Lashes? Or beatings?

>This little girl says she's a lesbian
Ask where her magic mascot is because only Magical Girls are lesbos that young

go away nigger poster

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Not very.
I believe in teaching with the carrot as well as the stick

NOBODY can beat the cock

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OP is trying to trick everyone in this thread into raping a trans boy, probably because he gets off on tricking people into getting horny for little transvestite children like the sick Paki fuck he is.

I don't rape her. I let the dogs do it.

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