I'll miss him guys

I'll miss him guys
I don't care who wins, i wish his mandate never ends
Do you think he'll end up arrested two or three years from now?

Attached: 220px-Michel_Temer_(foto_oficial).jpg (220x330, 18K)

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I was expecting much more from this guy, he is a fucking intellectual, but he lost his way. He sold our country to the yankees and the chinks. If I could, I would shoot him in point blank with my 150 lbs crossbow

>expecting a l*banese to do anything right
get your head out of your ass, maurício

he was a informant for the US
he did exactly what i expected, cuck us over
but it's probably something far above him, so he's probably a good guy individual

>hurr neoliberals and globalists are so based
>selling out your country to international financiers is perfectly fine

Don't you have some monkey soup to be eating favela nigger?

His entire neoliberal ideology is based around selling out the country for pennies on the dollar to his banker friends.

The problem is that in Brazil just like the US there are hordes or drooling idiots that support this.

He's a smart guy, and I don't think he's got all that dirt on him.
But trying to change this country via system is a waste of time. Everyone will use their positions to stop you.
Day of the rope, that's the way to go.

relax gringoloid, i know what he is, i just like his personality, he presents himself so nicely
also, you seen this old goat's wife?

btw Jow Forums is shilling for this meme, and he wants to do exactly the same
at least Temer has a strong presence and can speak properly, it'd be an embarrasment to see Bonoro alongside based leaders like Putin, Macron, Trump etc.

Attached: bonoro.png (607x520, 445K)

>btw Jow Forums is shilling for this meme, and he wants to do exactly the same

Yes I know there are plenty of retards here who want to sell their country out to corporations



>based leaders like Trudeau

Give me a rundown on Brazil's politics. I am taking a class on Brazilian history right now and the professor is a total cuck for the left wing party candidate, who he assures us had the charges completely fabricated. Is this true? How close is the radical right to winning?

You gotta be more specific, paco.
What exactly do you want to know?


You have to go back

the leftist party (Roussef, Lula, etc) was full of sellouts to globalists and was undoubtedly corrupt. But Temer is like an extreme version of them and is ten times worse he's been actively selling off the entire country to foreign buyers and restricting the country to be parceled out to the IMF.

I say Lula deserves to go to jail and his biggest sin was making a deal with the globalist cocksuckers like Temer. After all he brought Temer into the party. Roussef was just the dumb puppet that was supposed to watch over the country and earn "diversity" points. Now those two idiots are in jail and Temer is selling the country down the river to foreign speculators.

Lula IS a fucking criminal, everyone directly involved in the petrobras schemes was apointed by him, one of his ministers back then even warned him that things weren't right with the contracts and he just shrugged.
Yet the process in wich he was condenmed (wich i think he is guilty) is kind of half assed, they just need to rush him into jail ASAP.
The founder of the workers party - who left the party - even told on camera that he is a bandit.
But this whole process is kind of a mess, they don't have enough to connect him to the properties the company - involved in petrobras scandal - alegedly gave him. At least not enough for a unbiased court of law.

Roussef is not in jail

Lula was a corrupt jackass and the fact that he put Temer a heartbeat away from the presidency is proof of that.

What did she get time off for good behavior?


Temer is from MDB. Their ideology is to support the winning horse because they're the biggest party, so there's no way to govern without having them onboard. No matter who wins, no matter what happens, they will be behind it. They are our greatest ally so to speak.

she was never charged with corruption to begin with
she was impeached for "wreckless administration", not for the petrobras scandal, she was basically using money from public investment funds to pay the government bills without anyone knowing to maskared the deficit
it's actually not a crime, she's even running for the senate as we speak

maskarade* the deficit

Which is totally bullshit, because the law clearly states that if you suffer impeachtment you lose your political rights for 8 years. She shouldn't be allowed to run, but the president of the supreme court split her process so there were 2 votes: one to impeach, and one to remove her rights. She was impeached but didn't lose her rights.
It says a lot abour our contry when the president of the supreme court is willing disregard the law like that. HUEHUEHUE.

>the law clearly states that if you suffer impeachtment you lose your political rights for 8 years.
i'm not an expert, but as far as i know, you lose political rights for 8 years when condenmed for corruption and other crimes, not for being impeached

The fact that Roussef wasn't even charged with a real crime is absurd. I'm not sure what's more shocking that she isn't in jail for corruption charges or that such a blatant coup with carried off without a hitch and no one.

All that really mattered was that they wanted Temer, a man who would be lucky to get 1% of the vote in a presidential election, as president so he could sell out the country to international finance. That was easily accomplished.

It includes "responsibility crimes".

Art. 52. Compete privativamente ao Senado Federal:

I - processar e julgar o Presidente e o Vice-Presidente da República nos crimes de responsabilidade, bem como os Ministros de Estado e os Comandantes da Marinha, do Exército e da Aeronáutica nos crimes da mesma natureza conexos com aqueles;

II processar e julgar os Ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal, os membros do Conselho Nacional de Justiça e do Conselho Nacional do Ministério Público, o Procurador-Geral da República e o Advogado-Geral da União nos crimes de responsabilidade;


Parágrafo único. Nos casos previstos nos incisos I e II, funcionará como Presidente o do Supremo Tribunal Federal, limitando-se a condenação, que somente será proferida por dois terços dos votos do Senado Federal, à perda do cargo, com inabilitação, por oito anos, para o exercício de função pública, sem prejuízo das demais sanções judiciais cabíveis.

>Nos casos previstos nos incisos I e II
> inabilitação, por oito anos, para o exercício de função pública

She should have lost her rights, just like Collor did. But it was a nice manoeuver, so if future presidents get impeached, they can run for some smaller office in their hometown just to get dat sweet foro privilegiado.

That's the problem, the way it was done sure gives ammo for the "it was a coup" crowd. Same with Lula's prison. Basically they did the right thing, but for the wrong reasons, which undermines the legitimacy of the process.

will probably start doing coke and will try for another position in a couple years

nice, thanks

so yea, technically a crime, "responsablity crime" wich is punished with impeachment and loss of political right, but no jail

she's running for the senate my dude, in fact, she and Aecio are leading the polls in Minas Gerais


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> the way it was done sure gives ammo for the "it was a coup" crowd
The gases from the shit for brains of these fuckers is their ammo.

how is this related to what i responded to?
you ok my man?

Attached: flat,1000x1000,075,f.u2.jpg (1000x982, 90K)

ups, my mistake, i thought you were replying to a post about Roussef, my bad mah man

but i doubt Temer will do it, he'll just take viagra to fuck Marcela in turbo mode untill his saggy dusty heart can't take anymore and he dies

What do you have against Mauricios?

The whole process is a joke, but the punchline is that regardless of who wins Brazil is getting its infrastructure and country sold off to foreigners.

>loss of political right

Except apparently she's running for office anyway. At this point it doesn't even seem like a real impeachment proceding more like the congress voted to say "I don't like you" and somehow that was enough to remove a sitting president. That's not how a serious country works.

Spain did the same thing recently though.

Yes, our greatest ally, the chinese, are very willing to lend us a hand. Aren't we lucky?

They're just taking a lesson from lula. Remember when we decided to help with some infrastructure in africa? Remember who was behind the projects? Odebretch, of course. With plenty of government gibs.

Presidento estuprou Alckmin



Attached: Temer Dracula.jpg (1074x1385, 944K)

>The fact that Roussef wasn't even charged with a real crime is absurd.

She's being charged with obstruction of justice, when she nominated Lula to free him from Moro. Her fate was sealed that moment.

Alckmin must be running for president on crack
He has the majority of tv time yet spends most of It memeing instead of trying to convince anyone.
He and his marketeers are complety incompetent, the elections was pretty much handed to him if he had a single drop of charisma.