So I hear you faggots sometimes have maps of human trafficking hot spots. The reason why you have this on Jow Forums...

So I hear you faggots sometimes have maps of human trafficking hot spots. The reason why you have this on Jow Forums, I cannot be sure.

A friend of mine went missing, and I am considering the shitty possibility she may have been trafficked.

Do you have a map or some shit I could look at? Just to have an idea of where to look for her.I'm on the west coast.

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Other urls found in this thread: trafficking general/

nypa faggot. Get the fuck off this board.

why so grumpy?

nice abs like damn

>meme flag

If only she had a penis 10/10

Thank me later

uhh, i don't think you need that 'if only"

How do you do, fellow 4chans?

I wonder if she is natty

wow look at that soulless goyim bet it tastes nice mmm a real piece of meat one that won't be missed!

I'm doing alright, user. Not usually on Jow Forums, but it's a special kind of day. Now could you please post the map I was talking about in the OP?

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I'm sorry you feel that way.

I wish. If only the FBI cared enough to look for her, but they won't.

Justice is JUST US

everyoneknows this social engineering trick
its usually some lame ex boyfriend who got cucked and voted trump

if you came out and said that maybe someone would help you

but here is the cutting truth

she hates you and dropped off the face of the earth because you are depressing and weird
it would be best if you came to terms with this and improved yourself by earning a six figure salary helping society
not reaching a chronic compulsion to fester while watching efukt to numb away the pathetic soul crushing life you have.

nobody is being cranky

you're just a transparent dweeb

just doublechecked yep definatly a soulless npc you can tell she has the consciousness of an animal and weird body/mannerisms to match
i'd eat it

Um, I'm actually a female and liberal.

Nice projection post though.

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Your friend hasn't been "trafficked." She went ghost. She probably thinks you're pathetic. You are.

Triggered loser: the post

>I am considering the shitty possibility she may have been trafficked
Or maybe she killed herself. Or just disappeared.
Anyway, fuck off, nobody cares about some whore.

She probably got raped and killed by a spic, OP. That's the price you pay for tacos.

You guys think EVERYTHING is a troll. So fragile the male ego is.

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she has bigger arms than me

Even if that is the case. I still must find out WHERE and by WHOM.

Map please.

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Is that a trap?

Post feet.

why not? don't you want to be part of solving a missing person's case?

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These "maps" you speak of are actually just the schizophrenic delusions of the autists on this board. They literally look for locations that form the shape of a pentagram or a Star of David or some shit to "prove" that it's a secret pedo grooming ring or some shit.

Sorry OP you're not getting anything useful here.
>hurr stop deflecting you pedo shill!!

Attached: CTR-anime_girl-sample_image032(RENAME BEFOREP POSTING).jpg (349x344, 22K)

They parallel drug trafficking maps. Google that to start

Really :<

What a bummer.

I guess I am just going to have to go to a lot of massage parlors at gas stations on the 1-5 and put up posters.

No, I hope that whore is dead.
And don't forget the triangles. And the swirls, oh the evil swirls.


all drugs, or just some?

WTF is this map youre talking about... google it... and post more pics of your friend WTF


she flaunted her abs too much...

Is it the girl in your photo? Cause she's in better shape than 90% of the people on pol. She looks like she could whup a little ass

If you wanted our help you would give us her name.

All. Think like a criminal for a minute. Most suppliers will run their products through the same safe and proven shippers. The product could be drugs and people. Sad. If a cartel already has a supply line they would use it for what ever they needed to move

imagine this girl choking you out with her thighs while you jerk your dick. I wouldn't care if I passed out, died, and she was charged with manslaughter. That would be an epic jack

its some russian instagram hoe named valeria guznenkova

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The day Jow Forums gets trolled by a two ton tumblerina

checked and ty for your service

These are it. I've seen more but this is a good start

here is pic

Attached: 35171293_407627523050907_9174336068818829312_n.jpg (1080x1350, 1.73M)

lol glad i can help

Attached: mapa.jpg (920x691, 50K)

LA, Chicago, New York, and also any city over 100,000 people :\

Please help us we have so many spics

Attached: smuggling-and-trafficking-routes-into-and-through-texas.jpg (776x594, 59K)

one more... for you... THE PEOPLE!

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Liberal women, yet you come here ask for help by nazis? Why would you do that?' Let's be honest, if we had proofs of exact locations they would be raided by FBI like tomorrow.

These maps are literally just connecting the big cities of America and possible routes.

Because liberals dont have the methods we do.
Either way of OPs friend who went missing was a lib she probably went with some Spic across the border before getting forced into sex slavery.
Honest truth desu

This map looks official. Wish it was bigger so I could see what was written.

Thank you, btw.

8 ch had a cool human trafficking board. idk if it's still around

that map is from miami drug bust...

>im a girl!!!!!
>no proof
should be bannable tbqhwyf

Yes, that's correct.

Law enforcement doesn't care about finding missing people. They spend 95% of their energy ticketing J walkers and shooting black kids for eating skittles.

First answer this single question:

Do you glow?

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What the fuck was going on in Yosemite is what I want to know.

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For the 1/1000 chance you're not just a bored faggot, hear this: you are not going to find a trafficked friend without police. Even if you Scooby Doo your way to a warehouse where you find the traffickers, what are you going to do, shoot the traffickers?

>and shooting black kids for eating skittles.
You need to be more subtle, nigger. Throw the bait, not the fishing pole.

I'm stronger than you think.

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You can take both your bait and your fishing pole and shove them up your asshole. I'm here to find my friend, not troll.

haha amirite fellow concerned citizen

4 possiblities:
They break them in other countries like Saudi Arabia, Israel or Mexico if they're that old.
Or its a black pimp or some Armenian or Russian Jewish mafia and she's being broken in.
Or she's in some guy's sound proof basement.
Or she's dead.

Attached: israel slave trade.jpg (225x225, 13K)

If you gave us more info instead of brainwashed feminist-commie posting then maybe you'd get better results.

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perfect size tits

I have never seen anything like that here on this board ever, just your friendly neighborhood nazi LARPing convention here, Mr. Office- I mean, perfectly ordinary user.

*sigh* something, something or GTFO...

I hope your strengths include adjusting for wind, bullet drop, etc.

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this desu

>The reason why you have this on Jow Forums, I cannot be sure.

What are you implying there you passive-aggressive faggot?

Concerned citizen

No kidding

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An average man could still beat the shit out of that girl.

not even once

I love girls with abs. I've starved girlfriends to single digit body fat just so I could pretend to sharpen my dick like it was a sword on their rock hard stomach.

Is this your friend? Any nudes or do I have to search le dark webs for her ad?


kek stay mad and bad

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Hello FBI. trafficking general/

moar links and interesting things can be found here

your friend is more likely to be dead than trafficked, btw nice troll post nigger

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FBI here

Dont do something stupid and be a vigilante. Believe it or not we actually do take the time to find people. It just takes time. You'll just end up getting shot if you do it yourself. Anyway question every man whose talked to your friend and report them to the police. One of them did it.

No one takes meme flaggers seriously.

Get your shit together.

go back to bed frank, if the cia catch you here it won't be pretty

You can look up Veterans For Child Rescue.
Or look on Voat. They have more info about trafficking there.

as with most shit like this anons that did care went to work underground and were confronted with ABC agencies when they started to get too close, I rember that when they interfired with some investigation most of threds vanished of the board. they eith moved to 8c han or some other shit like some dedicated irc or discord. I don't think anyone gona just "help you out" coz you glow in the dark too much

Attached: glow niggers.jpg (2048x2048, 505K)

what a shit photographer. the ISO is cranked and it looks like shit

>So I hear you faggots sometimes have maps of human trafficking hot spots. The reason why you have this on Jow Forums, I cannot be sure.
Because jews like George Soros fund the human trafficking networks that smuggle niggers and sandniggers into Europe

Is this what girls do?
Just take pictures exposing themselves like this?