Does anyone else feel the US needs a new red scare? With people like Bernie Sanders gaining popularity...

Does anyone else feel the US needs a new red scare? With people like Bernie Sanders gaining popularity, I fear the future of the United States of America is headed towards communism, with the democrats stearing the ship

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Socialism is the future you mong

Conservatism is the future though

Hell yeah it does. C*mmies fucked up my cunt so bad we're now Borat tier shithole

American conservatives might hate communism but they love stalinism.

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>mm boot good

I pray your country gets back to normal

For a bunch that always go on about the "Land of the free" and shit, you do seem to like authoritarian measures.


No freedom for commies

>implying kazakhstan wasn't a shithole at any point in history

Go, America! Go! Yes, YOU CAN! Just DO IT! Don't let you dream be a dream! MAKE YOUR DREAM COME TRUE! Do it!

You seem to include people beyond commies though. And weighted liberty isnt liberty.

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>implying having actual sort of patriotic elite and having twice as much people wouldn't be better

>America needs a red scare!
>Americans have been brainwashed to hate communism no matter what
>Most don't even know what it is or read a book about it
There are Americans who think liberals are communists. No we do not need brainwash them again

>Bernie is communist or socialist
He's a social democrat you idiot. That's what political scientists call political profiles like him. The US doesn't have a substantial communist faction, and the largest one was crushed in the 1950s with the Smith Act. Tell an average Frenchman or Italian that Bernie is far left, and they'll laugh. That's because he's centrist there. Far left in basically every civilized country outside the US means actually communist. France's largest communist party, the Parti Communiste Français, is the third largest in the country by membership. One of Italy's communist parties counted nearly a million members in 1991.

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Modern US is red, only thing, serves the yank right for opening the US to all the commie shit of the world.

All the kikes gotta do is disarm yous before opening the death camps for busines.But thankfully its not going that great as it did for them in east yurope

>polish intellectuals

How come there are public roads to drive on? Ain't that communism?

pls explain this muricans vs communism thing.

T exposed kike rat

We will never forget or forgive wut u did to our nation.

Stay cucked wh*Teboi

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Did you know the jewSA has communist stars in their flag?They even got a statue of that kike prophet l*nin in seatle.

The jew screams in pain as he slaughters you

recaption this "Yep. This one's going in my kulak compilation." or something fitting

Sadly I didn't make it. But there's probably a version like that out there. You can have this

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Haven't seen that one before. Nice.

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Communism - ownership of means of production (factories, shops, etc) by the state

Public roads - built by companies, maintained by companies, paid for by the government

How is it similar?


Based Fidel poster

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>Joseph "Putting the Kulak in the Gulag" Stalin

Communisms an ideology for none jews straight out of the protocols of the learned elders of zion.

And so long it keeps kikes in power and their competition down and oppressed all the while (((they))) call it democracy they will support it.

if we get a cool anthem like the USSR/Russia then i'm down with whatever

Why do American chimp out over Bernie being a commie he exagerates it, even if he got his way its more like us or Europe(nowhere even scandi or German level). And I mean look at Hillary retard social issues aside shes basically right wing economically

How do we save Kazakhstan?

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By donating your gentile organs to israel.

Communism is stone dead. That said, capitalism is currently eating its own tail so it's time to start thinking about what alternative economic systems might be implemented in its place.