What are the main clues we have so far: 1. The author praises John McCain 2. The author identifies as a true conservative 3. The author like the rare word "lodestar" 4. The author is a Trump administration official
If we look back through writing in praise of John McCain in recent weeks, one piece stands out especially. It is a highly flattering obituary delivered by Henry Kissinger, the famous former Secretary of State. >Honor was John’s lodestar. It is an intangible quality. It is not obligatory. It has no written code. It reflects an inward compulsion, free of self-interest. It fulfills a cause, not a personal ambition. It represents what a society lives for beyond the necessities of the moment. Law makes life possible; honor ennobles it. For John, it was a way of life. tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/269956/the-heros-funeral-and-the-orators
The tone, the diction, and the concepts all match. And Kissinger would want to stay anonymous so he can retain influence in future administrations (since this has been his life's work).
Kissinger has also been serving as an adviser to Trump, meeting with him many times to advise especially on foreign policy matters.
Kissinger is also on record as expressing concern about Trump: >In an interview with Charlie Rose on August 17, 2017, Kissinger said about President Trump: "I'm hoping for an Augustinian moment, for St. Augustine ... who in his early life followed a pattern that was quite incompatible with later on when he had a vision, and rose to sainthood. One does not expect the president to become that, but it's conceivable ..."
So there we have it: the anonymous op-ed author in the New York Times is Henry Kissinger. Solved!
Passes the reasonableness test He was taking heat from his fellow elites for cooperating with Trump and not speaking out. Perhaps this was his way of doing so?
Andrew Gray
But, Kissinger is a diplomat and what was written in that op ed was far from diplomatic. So, he only would have written this if there was not a plan in place to remove Trump from power. Yikes if true
Jordan Roberts
>He was taking heat from his fellow elites for cooperating with Trump and not speaking out. Perhaps this was his way of doing so? It makes sense to me. Other connections that add further weight to this hypothesis: - Kissinger was Secretary of State under Nixon and managed to extract himself from Watergate with his reputation intact. This op-ed could be part of a similar strategy, since most likely he predicts Trump's impending downfall (and has inside knowledge about it). - Kissinger is famous for his pragmatism and Realpolitik. He's on record in his book A World Restored as saying the role of the statesman is "the ability to recognize the real relationship of forces and to make this knowledge serve his ends." So the ends justifies the means for Kissinger. Explains why he'd do something so devious.
>But, Kissinger is a diplomat and what was written in that op ed was far from diplomatic. Kissinger is an enormous fan of the philosophy that politics is war by other means. He's known for his trickery and his support of the Leo Strauss tradition of the noble lie in politics (coming out of a reading of Plato's Republic). All of this is fitting together very beautifully.
Anyone got any counter views or should we just consider this a quickly closed case? Also, any journalists out there willing to add to this story and spread it more widely?
David Butler
>The author like the rare word "lodestar" Anyone writing an anonymous op-ed while being in a pool of finite amount of suspects knows well that every word and sentence structure will be analyzed to find the person who wrote it. That's why you leave false traces as traps.
So it's either _extreme_ incompetence and stupidity, or diversion. These people have done politics all their life, don't think they'd do such an amateur mistake.
Juan Perry
>So it's either _extreme_ incompetence and stupidity, or diversion. These people have done politics all their life, don't think they'd do such an amateur mistake. I suspect that whoever was using the word wasn't conscious that it's so rare a word. It's gone through a sudden peak in popularity since the late 1970s, especially in political circles. Someone working in politics for decades might have lost sight of the rareness of the word. It seems like a giveaway that the author was using it in very close proximity to discussing John McCain when Kissinger himself was using the very word to refer to John McCain just a few days ago. This kind of unconscious word clustering and association is a tick that's very hard to control and can give away authorship of texts. books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=lodestar&year_start=1800&year_end=2000&corpus=15&smoothing=3&share=&direct_url=t1;,lodestar;,c0
If this was Kissinger and you make compelling points to that effect, then it would seem probable that his inside information is that Trump is going to fall. A second reason for the op ed would be to condition us for this fall. An op ed attacking the basic mental competency of Trump from someone with the reputation and gravtas of Kissinger. Also, the op ed focused first of foreign relations and indicated to me the author was more focused on this than domestic economic considerations. In fact, the domestic discussion seemed narrowly focused towards “free trade” globalism and didn’t recognize or acknowledge the domestic workforce issues that result, which also indicates someone with a global outlook and lacking concern for domestic dislocations. So, Kissinger is a solid fit. And if so, the flirtation with populism and main street economics may soon be over. The globalist elites are about to win. And then again, Trump is Trump. He might still pull this off.
Jacob Martinez
5. He's a kike
Grayson Fisher
666. (((Kissinger)))
Matthew Gonzalez
Nice to hear your evaluation. I don't think this is a crazy idea at all.
>And then again, Trump is Trump. He might still pull this off. Not if he can't control his emotions and starts raging at everyone. American politics simply isn't suited to a system that demands absolute loyalty (like autocracy). Power is too dispersed and there's too much opportunity for enemies to have entrenched positions. Trump is only serving briefly, so it seems plausible that some people would choose to serve as the resistance within the administration. Trump's rages and lack of emotional self-regulation might well be his downfall, as well being the meme-worthy lulz-makers that got him elected.
I believe it. But it could be any of the Jews in Trump's WH with the exception of Stephen Miller. This has Yiddish written all over it
Ethan James
It is Elaine Chao. Most of the letter is misdirection, they want you to point fingers elsewhere, but only McConnell’s chink wife could be so treacherous. It makes me think she just passed it on to make a point.
Alexander Collins
The author is Donald Trump
Michael Nelson
Actually, I second this
Eli Clark
>Elaine Chao Reasons with evidence?
>The author is Donald Trump Obviously not. The author is a globalist with experience in international relations, not a nativist, protectionist, American-first advocate.
Kissinger is not a senior administration official.
Jose Ortiz
Senators wife, very establishment cabinet member and she isn’t very important. I think she (or one of her deputy Directors) passed on the note. As well if you looked at cabinet level officials she is the only person who might have some hostility to the president.
>meme flag >obviously Good heavens, m8. Show us your flag you faggot
Hunter Allen
fuck you, Gamer
Austin Adams
How is that self still alive
Leo Thompson
>Kissinger is not a senior administration official. Kissinger has acted often as a senior adviser to Trump on how to deal with the Crimea, the rise of China, and the Korean peninsula, among other issues. I think he's involved enough to plausibly hold that byline. worldview.stratfor.com/article/trump-kissinger-and-search-new-world-order
Ryder Nguyen
Austin Hall
>Senators wife, very establishment cabinet member and she isn’t very important. I think she (or one of her deputy Directors) passed on the note. As well if you looked at cabinet level officials she is the only person who might have some hostility to the president. I need more reasons that that for it to seem plausible. I imagine that John D. Kelly, John Bolton, Jared Kushner, Mike Pence and Nancy de Vos all hold reasons, both personal and political, to be hostile to Trump. The author seems to be a true patriot too.
Liam Parker
Kissinger’s prose is far more meandering and he would never jeopardize his access. the current foreign policy is exactly what he wants.
William Campbell
Fucking this sadly
Brayden James
>How is that elf still alive Imbibing the blood of virgins for years will do that to you.
Not writing as a nationality this time.
Landon Rodriguez
reminder that kissinger is the leader of a shadow plot for getting the Leftist One world order started.
I can't believe this fucker is still alive. what's his secret? how does he stay alive for so flaming long? some kind of magic?
Cooper Barnes
Tablet Mag is a Jewish Neocon site, well connected with Likud Party in Israel
Owen Hughes
>Kissinger’s prose is far more meandering and he would never jeopardize his access. the current foreign policy is exactly what he wants. Good points. Except he may have fears for what's currently happening with North Korea and China, and may feel that Trump is about to be undone by the Mueller investigation into Russian interference. Kissinger would certainly be happy with the policy on Israel at the moment. It's the most Israel-friendly moment in recent US political history.
Hudson Murphy
Kelly has no real reason considering the control he has over Presidential meetings. He sets the presidents agenda. Bolton is meaningless. Kushner wouldn’t kike like this, Mike Pence doesn’t care enough and DeVos is running interference for Hillsdale college. I don’t see why any of them would want to do anything to jeopardize their positions.
Alexander Foster
Suggestion: What would the hive think if Trump requested for Kissinger to write the Op-Ed. It could serve as part of Trump's disinformation agenda, throw some egg in the NYT and fake journalists face AND would fit in completely with Kissinger's Machiavellian philosophy.
Easton Flores
>I can't believe this fucker is still alive. >what's his secret? >how does he stay alive for so flaming long? >some kind of magic?
>Kelly has no real reason considering the control he has over Presidential meetings. He sets the presidents agenda. Maybe he suspects he's going to be fired soon.
>Bolton is meaningless. No, he's an old hand at foreign policy and defining the international role of the US. He may be seeking to redirect policy away from the nationalist retreat that Trump is trying.
Kushner wouldn’t kike like this, He's been cucked by Trump, so that's a massive reason.
Mike Pence doesn’t care enough I suspect he's the strongest patriot of all here.
and DeVos is running interference for Hillsdale college. Don't know much about that. She just seems like a nutcase who might imagine Trump as a personal rival among billionaires. idk.
>I don’t see why any of them would want to do anything to jeopardize their positions. There are many reasons. And because this was published anonymously in exceptional circumstances, it seems they're not trying to lose their job.
>Kissinger is no friend of Israel. Kissinger was largely supportive of the Yom Kippur War of 1973, though tried to moderate its success for Israel with diplomatic negotiation.
Zachary Turner
Rick Perry would be better than all of those, out of everyone he is just a puppet for the energy interests who need the kind of degeneracy that conflict provides and he is also never heard from
Jacob Cooper
There are obvious flaws in Trump’s character that all but his most ardent supporters will acknowledge. Many that one would prefer a chief executive not to possess That said, there are also, in the opinion of many Americans and growing in other nations, obvious flaws in the global direction that the elite powers wish to head towards. For many domestically, Trump is the last hope to having hope for jobs and livelihoods as opposed to continuing the declines in real wages of the past 30 years. The heartland decay is real. The dispair has been real as evidenced by the opiate epidemic. The hopelessness is real. So, Trump is supported inspite of and in full knowledge that he’s a bit crazy because the alternative model clearly means their futures will suck. The alternative will be great for the global corporate, financial sectors, will accelerate bringing people out of poverty in places far away but it will keep wages and opportunities down for everyone domestically who is incapable of developing high cognitive skill sets. And while yes there are the ethnocentrics, much of the resentment of immigration is the flooding of the lower tiers of the work force with over abundant and cheap labor thus further removing hope of a decent quality of life for workers. So, Washington and the beneficiaries of the global approach will celebrate his downfall. But the working class will be extremely bitter. This is a divide that quite frankly has been created by the elites prior to 2016 which is why Trump was elected. Trump is divisive but he did not create the conditions whereby we have split as a society. Doubt it can be put back together desu.
Charles Perry
>So it's either _extreme_ incompetence and stupidity, or diversion. These people have done politics all their life, don't think they'd do such an amateur mistake.
they also consider themselves to be brilliant statesmen and untouchable insiders,and that type of hubris leads to mistakes
This is a fair diagnosis of the unrest. Unfortunately, I don't think Trump in any way presents a solution -- he's yet another billionaire who benefits personally from deregulated banking and the international movement of labor. He also fails to present solutions for those who are out of work or those who are underpaid because the superrich get overpaid. I can't see his politics producing change around these issues, though I agree with your description of the grievances. It would be fantastic to see a politician rise who has thoughtful and effective solutions to these problems. The massive underlying problem has been the growing gap between rich and poor in recent decades. Someone needs to address this head on to produce any change.
Kissinger is certainly not someone to help with this.
but he was at bilderberg 2016 along with peter thiel and other trump supporters
are you suggesting the trump presidency was just one big globalist communist conspiracy to weaken america and further demonize and ridicule the white man who are (((their))) only real threat?
increase in mass shootings to get rid 2nd amendment to disarm us false flag nazi and white supremacist rallies to demonize us anti white media and entertainment to ridicule us
surely not...
Logan Gutierrez
This is super interesting. Thanks for sharing, user.
Summary: Nixon felt that the NY Times was the enemy and wanted radio silence with them. Nixon tried to convince Kissinger of this and to stop talking with the NY Times. Kissinger obviously wasn't of this view and was using the NY Times for political advantage over Nixon. Outcome: Kissinger and the NY Times won.
Jackson Hill
He is going to die in a few years time, He doesnt care. Its not like supporting Trump will stain his legacy.
Samuel Perez
Also Henry Kissinger would never sell out to Communists which he fought alot during his career.
Cooper Gray
>Also Henry Kissinger would never sell out to Communists which he fought alot during his career. The author is defending conservatism and American values. They're not working with communists in any way.
Cooper Davis
lol Kissinger endorsed nuking Vietnam and Timorese death squads, what made you think he would write like a pussy-hat wearing intern?
Bentley Miller
FYI the US government has been infiltrated by commies, Hillary was their candidate. They are doing everything in their power to remove Trump.
>Hillary was their candidate. No. In political terms Hillary Clinton is a centrist globalist. Bernie Sanders is a left-liberal socialist. The US doesn't have any communists or communist-affiliated people in major positions of power. You're making things up, user. Lay off the vodka for a bit.
Also, what matters politically is the views people endorse and work to support when adults, not the crazy, idealistic stuff they rave about when undergraduates. You know this, right?
Aiden Young
In the vid a former KGB officer describes the strategy the former Soviet union used to subvert countries from within. The process takes many years, decades even.
>Also, what matters politically is the views people endorse and work to support when adults, not the crazy, idealistic stuff they rave about when undergraduates. You know this, right?
Yes. The current international communist party is far from idealistic. They are cold and calculating in their climb to power. They play for keeps. The protesters we all can see ranting and raving on the streets are what they call "useful idiots", who believe that throught their efforts a society of equality and social justice will manifest. IT WONT.
The reason the ICP call them useful idiots is because after their take over they will be lined up against the wall and shot because they have outlived their usefullness.
Regarding the article, a classic communist tactic is to assume the identity of the enemy and become a saboteur in their ranks. The vid explains the strategy in detail, its well worth the watch.
Daniel Perry
The crazy undergraduate raving is what they actually believe, later statements are taqqiya.
Chase Ortiz
"the domestic discussion seemeed narroly focised towards free trade globalism"
> kys u got the poz
Cameron Edwards
Makes sense. He is after all, one of the original glowniggers.
Justin Reed
lol globalism is communism you fucking mongoloid
Landon Sullivan
Not at all. Wall Street bankers are incredibly pro-globalist and pro-capitalist. Communists are anti-capitalist. These two groups were absolute antagonists in the Occupy Wall St movement.
Try to withhold the insults while you’re saying retarded and false shit.
Alexander Powell
Kissinger is an informal advisor to Trump he isn't a "senior administration official" so he isn't even a contender. I also agree with the person who said the writing style is someone much younger.
Logan Martin
Just curious: what are the specific markers in writing style in this op-ed that suggest a younger writer?
Seems too brash of a method for Kissinger. It's just another chapter in an endless saga of muh Trump that doesn't offer much positive benefit beyond some headlines for a few days and could wind up costing him a lot. Not Kissinger that did this unless he's going senile.
Isaiah Gray
With a haircut like that I'm sure that guy's been called a loadstar on more than one occasion.
Jack Harris
>Seems too brash of a method for Kissinger. It's just another chapter in an endless saga of muh Trump that doesn't offer much positive benefit beyond some headlines for a few days and could wind up costing him a lot. Not Kissinger that did this unless he's going senile. I think that whoever did it is strategizing to have an impact on the midterms so as to significantly reduce Trump's power. This could well lead to him being impeaching and/or resigning in disgust or disinterest or general rage.
Yeah, we hear that diatribe every day, with every little breakout of hysterics in media. This wasn't Kissinger he's too smart for this kind of child's play.
Anthony Stewart
The author was a reporter from the New York Times who *gasp* lied.
Josiah Harris
>The author was a reporter from the New York Times who *gasp* lied. If this were true, Trump would have called out the article as fake news and dismissed it completely. He hasn't done that because he wants to keep the option of punishing / firing the writer.
Easton Sanchez
this OP is a faggot who thinks that the left trying to create their own Q is legit when it's obviously transparent it's the fucking new york times, newfaggot
Ayden Kelly
False. For all he knows, they might have a leaker in his administration.
He isn't god. There is no way for him, or anyone else in the administration to know if the NYT simply made it up.
Jeremiah Wright
Bolton's probably disillusioned after realizing the only reason Trump ever hired him was to be Bad Cop on NK. His views never matched Trump's from the start and it was puzzling why he was ever hired (except for the NK thing).
That said it was probably just the deputy undersecretary in charge of office supplies for the Department of Whatever. High enough to still be "senior", but not high enough to have enough experience and vetting to know better than to pull idiotic, naive crap like this.
Hudson Garcia
That's the faggiest damned picture I've ever seen.
Oh, and by the way, Trump should just get rid of every fucking old prick from the government. Everyone above 45yo GTFO! With the exception for military generals maybe.
Adam Ortiz
ITT: brainlets google for people that said "lodestar" and argue over which one of these people is the leak
Mike Pence also used "lodestar" in one essay and one speech.
Easton Carter
i know, this is a normie tier thread. By this time tomorrow, the retards will have googled at least 5 people that once said "lodestar", and they'll all be convinced that a different person is the author based on who said lodestar
All I know is that whoever wrote that piece is a Jew. I could smell the heebishness oozing off my monitor as I read it.
Samuel Morgan
You forgot to put 5. Jewish
Jaxon Myers
It was akscutally me dudes. Sorry for the leaks babe (Trump) don't hate the player, hate the game
William Lopez
horrible timing to be testing your script pajeet
Anthony Morgan
Well what's your method of analysis and how close to a solution are you, user? Kissinger is a strong candidate who is definitely worth considering closely. The McCain obituary is a great clue.
Adam Reyes
i would buy that. now take off the memeflag, faggot.
Thomas Robinson
>kissinger is a diplomat kissinger is a kike manipulator above all else.