Why does lifting usually lead to more conservative political views within individuals?

why does lifting usually lead to more conservative political views within individuals?

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low testosterone and/or poor health correlate with left-wing politics.

Because your body requires extra blood in the muscles to repair them, which the body obtains from your brain so you're actually thinking less and you become more stupid, which is why you adopt conservative views. You'd know that if you put down the weights, bruh

Because lifting requires self control. Also, lifting raises test = more masculine energy = right wing.

Because you start getting things handed to you and think it’s because your smart

Understanding of cause and effect. Now stop posting this thread all the time

Testosterone makes you smarter.

Lifting takes effort and money.

Having the time to sleep well, eat right, and be able to hit the gym on a regular basis to build up your body all takes some money whereas carb heavy diet is cheap.

People with more money typically end up being conservative to some degree.

cause you dont want commie fucks redistributing your gains


You realize that the government cannot give you muscles, self-determination and hard work can.

Well done

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Because liberals want everything for free. Lifting teaches you that nothing is free. You will never reach your weight goals or attain the physique you want unless you're willing to put in the effort. Nothing is given in the gym, only earned.

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Because exercise is key to keeping a healthy body and mind.

>not a homosexual

Weak people know that they need protection, strong people know that they don't.

Men with low self esteem think getting ripped and hating non-whites is the key to finding self worth and meaning

Leftism, in some ways, is the ideology of weakness -- particularly as it's espoused today.

because if the government were in charge of your gains you'd have none and you'd end up looking like an Auschwitz

more test

>tfw I was lefty back in 2012 and shat on my buddy for not liking Obama
>Now he lifts constantly and has cookie cutter liberal opinions while I support Trump
So many different feels

Lifting causes you to experience firsthand that you can actually improve your situation through hard work. It fosters an appreciation of self-reliance which is nowhere to be found in current left-wing ideas.

I chuckled

Self confidence. People go left wing because its the easy option to fit in, this is why most chicks are left wing by default. Effeminate men act more like women. No 120 pound guy is gonna call a 200 pound guy out for micro aggresions, so you dont need to worry about it as much and can afford to be more honest about your political views in public

Also this

once your victim complex vanishes, there is no reason to be on the left anymore.

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Lifting is just a vehicle for drive and discipline, which naturally lend themselves to conservative viewpoints. Having goals, working toward, and achieving those goals are concepts that are foreign to leftists. They are jealous, envious, and angry at the results of your hard work, with a willful disregard for the sacrifices and effort that you had to put in to make it happen.


>Because lifting raises test levels, which raises masculine energy through an evolutionary point of view.
>Masculine energy raises the most natural instincts of men: to conquer, to protect, to provide.
>Thus, you need something to conquer. To achieve.
>The most basic achievement of men is sucessfully passing his genes. Survival through reproduction.
>Thus, the most basic achievement of men is a family.
>Therefore, a man conquers a family, and thus wants to protect and provide for it. This process requires cooperation with other men and their families.
>The result of many men having families and reproducing is a comunity, and comunity leads to tribalism.
>Therefore, you can't dissociate masculinity of tribalism.

Conservatism is the rationalization of tribalism in a modern context. Thus, masculine men will be conservatists.

damn, ice was pretty hot when he was younger