I watch incest porn.
Rule: No Jew bullshit
I watch incest porn.
Rule: No Jew bullshit
I wish for the death of a majority of the population
>incest porn
>no Jew bullshit
Hi shlomo
i think all day every day that we are living in a simulation and everything is fake
Incest is the best, put your cousin to the test-T Degenerates; also 100% Jewish bullshit
open a beer
This. I am also guilty of. I can’t wait for the hundreds of thousands of ignorant conscience lacking slaves that die horribly when their whole illusion falls down to its most basic form. Survival. I’m awaiting the madness with glee
Anons, incest is the only way to keep the white race pure at this point. Jow Forums will one day be pro Incest. It truly is the only way to make a strong white race.
normies cheer for incest tho
I think there is too much outright faggot acceptance in society. Businesses don't need to put rainbows on everything.
Children like colorful rainbows, which leads me to believe those fucking faggots chose the rainbow scheme on purpose to promote their faggotry to children. It's a subtle form of programming.
So yeah I guess I wish death on too many people daily to be considered not acceptable by society.
The jew rule is in all my posts, its meant to prevent retards from posting conspiracy bullshit about jews in every fuckin topic, i swear to god there was an user who tried to convince me that jews created bread to enslave white people or some shit and he was serious about it. So thats it no jew bullshit here, be sane.
Did any of you ever cop a feel of your sister?
same desu
A simulation or a dream.
Be white
I eat my boogers
not politics
Stop being a slave to your urges you pathetic excuse for a man!
I watch Adolf Hitler speeches on my phone while riding public transportation
You watch porn everyday? Dayum.
>Accepted by society
>What is taboo
>Liberals like taboo
>We must fuck our sisters to save our race
its politics lad, deal with it.
I smoke pot to ignore the issues that constantly make me sad
Is there anyone who doesn't do this?
Woops wrong pepe
I imagine how much better the world would be if every coastal city were razed with all of its population in place.
I'm OK with this.
>there was an user who tried to convince me that jews created bread to enslave white people
>he was serious about it
I question things
Its outrageous
Jews switched bread and wine for real sacraments like mushrooms weed and tobaccco
This is kinda natural and normal for intelligent human beings. Okay, okay most don't literally wish for the "death" of the unwashed masses. But there is a certain recognition that these people are a problem that needs to be solved
>incest porn
>no jew bullshit
Nope. Only yours.
I wake up when I want to, don't go to work, and go to sleep when I want to. NEET life!
Nah just fantasy, never gonna touch mine.
I beat up homossexuals in the weekends.
Lmao whatever remains of the "white race" in 50 years is gonna be the jews 2.0. Highly inbred, and highly racist. Not sure about how cunning they'll be though.
What does your sister look like though.
hmmmmmmmm show me urs and i will show u mine. u start!
I have blacksonjews.il subscription
I don't mean literally what she looks like, just approximately. A number of people have said my sister looks like pheobe tonkin albeit paler
I will never understand this. Please tell me why the fuck you think it matters, then, if this is all fake or not? If it's functionally and empirically indistinguishable in the real thing, why bother worrying about whether or not there is some "grand purpose", which is the only real distinction of note I could imagine someone obsessed with solipsism could latch onto. Isn't there enough meaningless suffering in the world by itself? Why go through the trouble of adding on top of all that the fact that the good makes no difference? Like Jesus if you're going to pick an unfounded belief system try to pick one that's productive and healthy and leaves the possibility of a happy life at least.
Then again, I guess I'm missing the point: it's a bullshit excuse to pretend like you have no responsibility and to stay depressed. forever. Hit a gym, sad sack, or get it over with.
Every day?
>implying there's a "right" pepe
kys frogposter
You missed your shot, its cringy now.
my sister got real horny and rubbed against me once while we were watching TV when we were both teens. A while later she told me that if i tried something I probably could of gotten away with it.
Did't go further than that, our relationship is shot to hell, shes a full on SJW screeching virtue-signaler who knows nothing now.
Different pepes for different strokes
Holy fuck, post helen slater legend of Billie Jean tits...bring me back to my 80s roots, user.
and this is why i will never have different-sex children.
Says the gook cartoon poster
dude you blew it
>posting a meme = discussion
does this image make your ethnosensitive tinglies feel better, smallbrain?
here, it's the same message but conveyed in shitty american ms paint art. now you're patriotically insulted!
>she's a full on SJW
Yeah no he did the right thing. She would have gotten him charged with rape I bet
Says the one getting triggered by a peoe meme on a board known for frequently using them
yeah. pretty much.
I still use Myspace
Yeah she would of used it against me probably. Although at the time she and I were cool. Maybe in this hypothetical alternate timeline she and I would still be on speaking terms. Bur instead, I didn't go for it and she instead went out with homeless shithead after shithead.
>frequently used
by that logic any majority held belief is more correct than the alternative. democratic morality is a blight on our society, and so are you, you degenerate fuck.
I put Monster on my French fries
>I wish for the death of a majority of the population
I definitely do this as well. I keep hoping for some kind of incredibly bad influenza virus to strike Africa, India, or China and wipe out 50%+ of the population.
A 25%-50% total population reduction across the globe would solve a LOT of the problems we're currently having.
thank you. inspire the meme. i just watched game of thrones, you cant help but be enthralled
I rub and itch my asshole. I'm thin and keep it clean so it's not as gross as you'd think but it's not something I'm proud of. Feels good though.
I dont judge a man by the color of his skin but the content of his character. Too bad the guy that said that quote was pretty fucked up too.
Try to stick a finger in there, you homo.
Niggah i can keep this up all day
GoT is degenerate trash
I turned it off before I finished the first episode--it's all
>muh dik
sex scenes.
It's retard-tier smut written by a fat leftist NEET
>I will never understand this. Please tell me why the fuck you think it matters, then, if this is all fake or not?
They are hoping that after they "die" they can finally "wake up" and experience a reality that is less profoundly shitty than this one.
How is that not accepted by society. That's how the majority of people operate in interpersonal relationships and the work place in the US
Naming the jew, sieg heiling
congratulations you can use knowyourmeme
Some people with a specific color tend to have a specific character that i hate, so racism is justified in this quote. Fuck all niggers :)
I mostly jack off to supermodels (Sports Illustrated, Love Magazine, Victoria Secret), but I have two dark fetishes.
I really like actually beautiful asian women submitting to white men (which is hard to find because nearly all porn whores are mask faced whores who aren't attractive). Especially in bondage scenarios. Alina Li in Sex and Submission was almost perfect but really too extreme. A little lighter.
Thanks to r/asianmasculinity spamming cuck porn, I sometimes masturbate to specifically jewish porn stars getting blacked in the worst possible ways. I don't hate jews, but maybe it is just all the pol anti-porn memes. But a a jew like Jennifer White getting blacked gets me off. Random. And I really can't watch Hannah Hayes videos without feeling sick. That poor girl.
It is almost like I have been psy-oped by memes and I chose the opposite sexual fetishes. Yeah, I sometimes watch interracial porn, but for some reason it is always jewish girls. I think this place rots the brain in a lot of ways.
kids kids, don't ruin my thread stick to the topic.
Jewish companies ALWAYS ban incest porn so much so they'll not allow for the funding of incest based start up games etc.
Not even.at this point im just looking up pepe on the internet and using ones that catch my fancy.
anyone who actually believes it's entirely the world's fault their life is shitty and if they just got a "second chance" they'd be better is either insanely arrogant or a completely limpdicked whiny faggot
I don't think you can ruin a thread that starts off by talking about incest porn bruh
i didn't even recognize your flag without a mouse-over. fuck off eurofag.
HBO which is ran by jews, have 2 shows that are somewhat based around incest.
i jerk it to lolicon
a worthy opponent
but you have shitty taste
Don't tell anyone, but I kind of say mean things about Jews on the internet.
You will make it seem like this thread is not about politics and mods will delete. Please lads :(
Yes but they are all portrayed as evil, right?
Incest is too close to tribalism.
Agreed, friendo. Those of us that prove ourselves worthy will meet again in the halls of Valhalla. The rest will spend eternity in a kingdom of dust.
Your secret is safe with me user
now we're talking
Not at all, Emilie clark, which is somewhat the hero, was ingaged in incest. (havent watched the show yet) and the other one is called Taboo and the hero fucked his sister 3 or 4 times during the first season and they show the sex scenes as well.
It's spelled 'habit', you illiterate nigger.
Daily reminder sex with your step family is not incest and is the true patricians choice in porn.
Think of being a Viking and killing Zulu warriors if they ever invaded Scandinavia and fucking as many Aryan women as possible.