>sees google map
>notices that south pole and north pole are not showing
>they put black circles onto them
what are they hiding Jow Forums?
Sees google map
Other urls found in this thread:
flat earth
space elevator
>what even is orbital mechanics
2 Black circles
i have a theory that they intentionally made this look like a technical limitation, sort of like how 3d cameras have a warped convergence under their lens. i can't think of any real technical limitations that would put a big symmetrical circle in the middle of the pole if we get this information from satellites
Giant magnets
>what are they hiding Jow Forums?
Welcome to Jow Forums nigger. They are hiding Jew bases. Now Fuck off back to plebbit.
The Firmament
They're hiding the lizard command radio towers.
satellites can't orbit the earth north-south/south-north
Hollow earth elevator
Doesnt mean they cant image them...
>orbital inclination
These are the shitholes Trump was talking about.
iys the pupil
pic related
>real life mohole
huh I always figured it would be convincingly clone-stamped
....yes they can
There literally is no difference between an equatorial or polar orbit once in space, besides the very small initial speed boost you get from the rotation of the earth
Let me get my lips on that trumpet
I love how this was sent to pol instead of x
>doesn't explain
Muppets cant figure out some satelites dont need to be rotational locked
>what are they hiding Jow Forums?
This is Jow Forums faggot
you're both retarded but for different reasons. They can orbit north-south, but is made more difficult in the design of the satellite itself because it's harder to deal with flying in and out of the stronger areas of the magnetic poles 20 times a day
>I, someone who obviously knows next to >nothing about the subject, cannot think of any >real technical limitation, therefore...
...what exactly?
one of the holes
A giant fucking hole that leads to hollow earth
Effectively the orbit of the Earth imaging satellite has to be sun synchronous to avoid spending time uselessly imaging the dark side of Earth. These orbits often don't cover the extreme polar regions due to physics and economic constraints
has the best answer
I don't think this is how satellites orbit
It is a topological singularity. Or in laymen's terms the mathematical model showing the latitude and longitude fucks up. As near the Poles the longitudes become very close to each other. It is an easy solution to just forbid the zones close to the poles instead of half-assing a separate model of topological computations just for those uninteresting small patches.
this sounds dumb
breakaway civilization, 500 years in advancement to humanity
will remain in the inner earth because planet earth is in the red zone of 'them'
Planet Earth is under protection law, natural reserve, if this planet turns into a nuclear desert it will lose its nature reserve right
evil groups within human civilization try to fulfill this goal, they working with 'them'
instigating a world war, by the force of hidden hands pushing world leaders in the corner
these are the signs,
sky event: a space station will crash in the Gulf of Mexico.
The crash has been caused by design, everyone wants to investigate now.
water event: The Meeting of all world leaders in the Gulf of Mexico. Russia will be first and clash with America. A rogue ops instigated by deep state elements within and on both sides will kickstart it.
power event: this will lead to total destruction, 30 to 36 nuclear warheads are launched. Power, supplies, network fall out. Planet earth loses contract of galacity protection declaration, immediately taken over by 'them'.
No that's HAARP you're thinking of.
Singularities for Retards. Short version.
Longitudes at equator nicely spaces apart. easy to determine where you are. At the Poles, at the exact location of the poles, what is your longitude? It is not possible to establish, so a mathematical singularity. Too complicated? Try a coloring book. Coloring inside the lines is not trending any more.
Further reading:
Diagram showing the orientation of a Sun-synchronous orbit (green) at four points in the year. A non-Sun-synchronous orbit (magenta) is also shown for reference. Dates are shown in white: day/month.
>points on the map are close together
>to many numbers and points
You still sound dumb
It is ok to sound dumb to the feeble minded.
If you could test warcrime tier weaponry where would you test it? If it isn't that then its probably a black site.
as to why that means there is a black circle on the map ?
It's a giant stargate.
nice disinfo.
the reptilian landing strips are there so they can control both sides of the earth.
>due to physics and economic constraints
even a fucking north korea has 2 polar satellites, it's not that hard
Instead of making a more complicated model to show coordinates near the pole. They (google diversity team) choose not to show coordinates there. This is also the case for mapping, where longitudinal maps would need to be needlessly compressed near the poles requiring useless computations. It would look like a radial array of lines. Considering there are 5 people per year looking at the poles, why bother.
It's a censor for the twin buttholes of Mother Earth. Gotta protect her modesty.
Stop ruining the mystery.
We can't explore anywhere of interest here, and nobody's making it to the planets beyond Mars in our lifetimes. Not like any of us autists are actually going to go to the fucking poles anyway; just let Cthulhu be there.
It’s military bases/bunkers
>using meme flag
>naming the image in Korean
You should try harder, Kim.
The map is not the territory.
It's modeled after a globe. Poles are where the handles come.
>requiring Google maps to find mysteries
There are enough mysteries on a square meter of earth both beneath and above. Just get a shovel or a rocket.
I've been to the geographic north pole, went on a cruise, there is no entrance to inner earth.
Are you saying we can poop in these with reckless abandon? Just endlessly shitting into a great abyss of nothing?
VRIL society secret domain
Move along. nothing to see here.
To sniff...
Pyramids of the Illuminati
Fake and gay. Sage.
>yfw this is literally the world of HxH
..... i'm not usually a conspiracy kind of guy but it likely means they are building self sufficient buildings/bunks for the mega rich/globalists to move to if there is a disease mega paramedic outbreak.
Id think this would be an excellent banner for this board
Santa's Workshop needs to be hidden.
The South pole being obscured is a decoy, just in case.
Man, I got to admit that it would be dope to live in flat Ice wall Earth.
Finally, I was pissed Flat Earthers never used simulation theory as part of their rhetoric. It's the only way they can get away with completely disregarding gravity & physics.
>gravity & physics.
ask felix
hollow earth
What black circle?
>implying islam and other old religions are right
we should execute flat earthers and ban them from europa.
>when you green font epic style
Didn’t Hitler travel to Antartica in the middle of the war? Why was that?
We live inside hollow structure, they are hiding the heat vents.
>flat earthers
you people are a legit next level kind of retarded
Almost certain they're only here to slide threads. Nobody is that retarded unless they're paid to be.
you can't possibly see curvature from 2000miles above sea level. they use fish eyes lens so you can see more the same as snowboarders, mountain climbers etc use
How come we cant see the wall? Or iceflats?
>Not inner earth nazis
It's the hardest truth to believe in when our world is the greatest lie ever told. FE is very real anons and only those who shill against it will deny otherwise, after seeing the evidence.
At -100 C° I don't think there's much there
Snowball Earth is true fucking shill
entry to amenti inner earth where children of light dwell
Explain the Aurora Borealis plox
If melted why is hottest part in a ring, and then ice in the center which changes with the seasons?
I wonder how many people actually believe the earth is flat, i really get the impression all of them are dying of laughter because we fell for their bait.
this is the funniest vid i saw this year.
There are wars raging at each pole, actual shooting wars, Russis, China, US and EU plis a few shitty arrabs are scrapping to take control of the massive natural mineral reserves that have been found at the poles, we are talking tanks, planes, missiles, drones, mechs and even genetically modified armoured mammoths are all involved in massive battles that are turning the snow at the poles bright red.
Google has decided not to show the horror, mainly because iunternational deep state would probably have them killed if they did.
Source - Trump
Did you read what he said? Polar satellites aren't impossible, they just have an extremely limited window of time where they can map the poles in daylight, leading to low quality images.
>How come we cant see the wall? Or iceflats?
Icewall of Antarctica
Antarctic Explorers Killed? Jarle Andhoy's Story
This pilot admits to know the earth is FLAT
Sadly Jow Forums doesn't get a banner