She BTFO of you Jow Forums

You whiteknighted, she laughed.
You sperged, she cringed.
You inceled, she fierced.

She’s better than you, showed you up. How pathetic and weak and small you really are. You weren’t even cucked. Hannah just. SHUT. YOU. DOWN.

And then Hiro-San sold porn banners. U mad, pol?

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Other urls found in this thread:

The 'people' paying attention to her were JIDF trying to push some bizarre new psyop. You are the one that fell for it.

She should be gassed for having such horrific feet.

what happen?

No one gave a shit.





shes pretending that she can read lmfao

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someone pls explain pls pls pls pls pls

This is almost as bad as her appearance on Dogfart.

Also Sage




>I came from Finland



to me what happen

Why are Finnish girls such sluts?

she doesn't know that the system targeted her and exploited her
she isn't some mastermind that somehow has inside knowledge now
she's still a victim
she was convinced every step of the way that it was her choice
so of course she's defensive
schemes like this wouldn't exist if people were just able to "oh shit, yeah that's what happened".
fucking kikes
(you) me

Don't care, still nutted.

what she do

>I'm gonna study hard so when i grow up I can have niggers and gooks cum inside my fertile womb for a living!

What did 11 yeah old Alicia mean by this?

Attached: Alicia.jpg (720x540, 42K)

>caring about a fucking 2 bit porn star

Literally the lowest of human kind

What if I told you these twins are the best hope the white race has for survival?

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Holy shit those numerals!!
Also, she's master trolling now by doing study-themed porn. She's a clever girl and no white knight is going to ever get close to her incredible pussy.

Nah, Jow Forums has legit been trying to save her, including that horrendous youtube interview.

Attached: Hannah Hays blacked.jpg (768x1024, 115K)

Who the fuck is this?

too young
buzz off left

Jow Forums thought some girl was literally retarded and being forced into porn against her will, she told them to fuck off she likes cocks

the end


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>what she do

Be a natural white woman. nu pol reached peek degeneracy and tried to play captain save a hoe by starting a “campaign” to “raise awareness” that she was being “exploited”. As expected, hilarity ensued and the incels of Jow Forums are BTFO yet again.
This place honestly is not even a shell of its former self, it is an entirely different entity compared to even just 2 or 3 years ago. I can’t wait for it to finally die.

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filter Canada forever

ok lol

>she told them to fuck off she likes cocks

Very plain looking
Flat chest
6/10 would not bang

Didn't she tweet that she was going back home indefinitely? Actions speak louder than words, Jow Forums won.

>Didn't she tweet that she was going back home indefinitely? Actions speak louder than words, Jow Forums won.
doesn't appear permanent yet

what was interesting about this campaign was how it woke up a buncha normies to (((them))). Sure it was white knighting but worked pretty well...

Wait thats not how sex works?

I’d say nice knowing you.
The white race had its chance and blew it

I hope She makes beautiful mulatto babies and her sister has a hispanic child with her ugly mexican drug dealer. Hannah said she wants to me a mother.


No, you’re legitimately retarded

i hope you whiteknighting faggots learned a valuable lesson, no matter how cute and innocent she seems, she is still a whore, she don't give a fuck about you.

>muh incels

Obvious shills are obvious

I hope leftwing cucks like you are forced to live with the niggers you constantly make excuses for



I reported her thread since day 1 so im not mad

that really just made me sad. we live in a hell world

>i hope you whiteknighting faggots learned a valuable lesson, no matter how cute and innocent she seems, she is still a whore, she don't give a fuck about you.
not sure your point here. read the youtube comments. 60k views with a black/redpill awakening. and it took only a few days of Pol sponsoring.

can it be done again? yah probably. and maybe even more so.

if something like this hit mainstream minds, even MSM,....would they honestly defend porn? Love to see em try.

Porn has gotten too depraved and like Hollywood, is infecting our culture.

No one was ever whiteknighting for her. She was just an easy target to leverage the message from

I don't care what anyone says. I'm going to marry alicia and raise mandingos child! And If her sister will let me i'll worship her too!

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Kek, OP is butthurt over a thot that went porn star.

shut up leaf hannah can still be saved

Cute girls. Shame she turned into such a failure.

she's not a thot, she's my wife and she only charges me 3000$ per date.

Is that the one r9k made fun of. Theres no fuckn way nu/pol would whiteknight that shit even robots have more sef respect.

Wait wait wait wait wait. Is this the first time Jow Forums found out pornstars were once little girls?

>Implying we actually give a fuck abot her... lmao
We are just pushing our anti kike/porn narrative with her story you braindead fag.
This isnt /b

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Prostitutes/Pornstars are just depressing. Their life is literally getting dicked for a living, how can anyone even argue from a position of superiority where you're literally getting paid to make your self practically worthless later in life? Sad.

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This. It's so fucking sad some seeing some of the morons that infest this place.White knighting a dipshit porn whore jesus christ.

>dumb slut
>btfo anybody

>1 post by this ID

oh wow

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she looks so dead inside
how long until she comittes suicide?

She's probably going to retire at 25 with a bunch of money, free to do whatever the fuck she wants and marry a successful porn mogul. She's going to be fine. Poltards are just jealous.

wtf she charges me 3k

Itll be funny when your daughter sells herself for some shekels, this system leaves no one unscathed plus other then a few reddit fags nobody here gives a shit about internationalisms show girl. We all know how much normies love black cock it’s why their importing it into their countries and lowering their standard of livings. Everything meaningless and perverted is sold in this society as freedom. Enjoy your freedom

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This'd be the equivalent of saying someone is better off being a coke-fiend whore because there's a possiblity you might be the pimp's favourite girl

Fucking stupid, should of just left you all patton's camps.

Nobody in this country needs to do porn. We are literally too superior for that.

literally who??? How is a thread about some 16yo even allowed

AHA yea liberalism’s love story. I wonder if she will still need her comfort lizard

She could do worst, she could become a normie, enter the job market, get a husband who posts on Jow Forums and end up killing herself because of her pathetic life. I mean the possibilities are endless, that doesn't mean she ruined her life by doing porn, she can ruin it too while not doing porn or viceversa.

It's at least better and more realistic than the Jow Forumstard love story. Incels crying over porn stars not keeping themselves virgins and learning to cook for them lmfao.

>Being an average person is "Worse"
The fuck is your standard for good living? Jesus christ Hans, the fuck is wrong with you?

>posts on /pol
>REEEE people who post on /pol are pathetic people go nowhere!
You are projecting Mohammed

>"lol @ incels whiteknighting this broad"
>Let me defend her honor in a pointless thread right now
ok kraut

>more realistic
Ah yes nothing says realism like gangbangs

Kek faggot, you are the only one white knighting for her here. It’s sad really that not only are you a blatant failure at shilling your kikery but you are literally the embodiment of everything you say. You are on /pol joyfully declaring how much you love a warped women child that is paid money to have sex.i bet you’d lick the nigger jizz out of her for half a shekel. I mean your cheering on exploitation as some sort of standard all because she has shekels. Do you really think money will save you and her when shit hits the fan? I personally look forward to weak pathetic men like you gettin ass raped by minorities and then coming and begging at the gates of /pollacks and instead of redemption we just set you on fire and laugh

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>pornstars have money
lol no

Not everyone wants to be average. She might get depressed by being average. Maybe her thing is being a porn slut. The problem is you idiots thinking she fucked her life because of doing porn while in reality she could end up having a happier and more fulfilling life than all of you idiots combined. And that is killing you.

what kind of post is this?

puma swede

Oh yeah. What a wonder filled life flat on the floor taking men's genitalia. Really branching out and experiencing life, hans.

Nothing is fulfilling about getting fucked on camera. Your rationalizing here is just sad.

>a fulfilling life
I’m sure she feels very filled in her life

That's why she is not here.

I don't care about her but I'm also not pretending to know what will become of her life. It's her decision, godspeed to her. I just find it funny that a bunch of Jow Forums failures somehow think they are morally superior to give life advice lol. Wake up you incels.

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>allowing yourself to essentially be a sex slave
> not living an (((average))) life
Yea I’d say selling your body for sex is below average lol. Post pics of your GF kraut fag let’s see how (((above average))) your life is. You won’t do it faggot

>it's okay because muh individualism and bullshit rationalizing

Liberalism/Humanism was a fucking mistake

You think like that because you're a mental midget. Humans are extremely flexible and can adapt really well to different circumstances.


>how long until she comittes suicide?
Hopefully not long. We could speed it up by trying to get her to do scenes with faggots?

(((It’s her decision)))
Somehow I don’t think a retarded girl who can’t even flip a burger has very much decision other then to sell her body but by all means keep parroting your higher morality and progressive virtue to us about how becoming a financial slave is (((liberating))). The low intelligence in your posts is actually great bait

Well she could be selling her life to a multinational corporation instead for 50+ years. Instead she could sell her body for half a decade and probably be more successful than she would be making money for a fat CEO.

>Jow Forums is one voice

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lol you're reaching hard now

So instead a bunch of incels making memes on Jow Forums know what's better for her? Sure pal, keep telling yourself that.

She's a swede.

>implying money is everything that matters