How does it feel knowing most girls in the west (America, England, Sweden, Denmark, etc) lose their virginity at 12-13?

How does it feel knowing most girls in the west (America, England, Sweden, Denmark, etc) lose their virginity at 12-13?

How do we stop this

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Did you take her virginity then?

t. Not the Police

Don't exaggerate, fucking britbong.

Most girls lose their virginity at around age 14-16 here.
There is nothing wrong with this.
Also, the guys are usually in their 20's just like how nature intended.

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>Did you take her virginity then?

Maybe not in Denmark but in the US, Sweden and the UK it's 12-13.

pedophilia is not funny

Sounds normal it's the laws that are fucking insane!

It's definitely not 12-13 here. When was the last time you interacted with a woman except for your mom?

14-16 feels more believable.

What? No they don't. Most girls lose it first or last year of high school, or the first month of college. I only knew a couple girls that lost it in middle school and it was always to adult men they were dating secretly.

I think he's confusing you guys with Norway, where everyone is fucking and drinking at 13.

>It's definitely not 12-13 here. When was the last time you interacted with a woman except for your mom?
I've talked to girls from sweden and i've talked to american and british girls, it's average 13 but I've heard 12 and 13. Those sleepovers your little sister is going to are actually fuck fests with guys and beer. Ja?

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It's not pedophilia, you fucking idiot.
15 is the 'legal' age of consent here but no one really cares.

Besides, if I had a daughter, I would probably prefer her dating mature elderly guys than younger inexperienced ones.

no, that's just denmark and they start at age 10.

>Most girls lose it first or last year of high school, or the first month of college.
In America girls lose their virginity at 12-13. I don't know what mormon part of america you live in where seniors lose their virginity but in reality they lose it a lot younger than you think.

>Sexual music videos
Think about all the sexual shit they're seeing at a younger age and tell me they don't start wanting sex at 11 and then fucking at 12. I've looked into it. Take the redpill. Submit to the truth.

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RFSU does surveys on this and there are international studies. The median age in Sweden is 17, which is on par with the rest of Europe and the US. RFSU are sex fanatics and make instruction booklets for immigrants on how to have sex. If they've modified the numbers, it would be down and not up.

Apparently Russia is Western

>The median age in Sweden is 17
He thinks the swede slut will be honest on a survey. If you lost your virginity at 12 as a girl you'd lie to, even on a survey.

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That's not how logical inference works, Ivan.

>Apparently Russia is Western
Russian sluts don't know when they lose their fucking virginity because they get raped when they're black out drunk by CHAD pols.

No they don't. Kids in middle school are too fucking weird to ever have sex with eachother. The only time someone had sex at 12-13 it was because of an older person doing it to them. Best you got was a handjob.

>if I had a daughter, I would probably prefer her dating mature elderly guys than younger inexperienced ones.
>15 is the 'legal' age of consent here

is your entire country like this?

You got bigger things to worry than virginity, like survival of your race, since Africa, where those monkeys came from who lose virginity very fast is a shit hole, just like your shit race you low IQ nigger.

>No they don't. Kids in middle school are too fucking weird to ever have sex with eachother.
Times have changed, they have iphones and snapchat. They're sending each other nudes and social media, tv, and pretty much everything around them is sexual. This lgbtqirs shit isn't helped. If you have a 13 - 15 year old daughter, she's probably not a virgin.

Why would they lie?

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13 - 14 year old Slovenia girls unironically the biggest sluts on the face of this earth.

Does oral sex count as losing your virginity? If it does, my little sister lost hers when I was 12 and she was a year old lol.

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Nudes don't mean loss of virginity. In high school I had a portfolio of nudes, but I only fucked one girl. It do be like that sometimes.

Was she going at it like a hamster going after a water bottle?

wtf dude


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You must mean Muslim whores.

>didn't have gf at 14

That pic is a good idea.
i should attend victims groups and jerk off to their stories later.
and prey on the emotionally weak and sexually loose of course.

The age of consent should unironically be; there should be no age of consent.

This, I did a tons of sexting (MSN Messenger in memoriam) with girls of my age when I was in middle school, but actually had sex for the first time in high school.

I don't see what the problem is supposed to be, teenager's gonna fuck if they want to fuck whether you like it or not, across all societies, yes, even all the prudish conservatives ones.
The ones which are obsessed with virginity marry the girls off aroudn the time they hit 13 or 14 specifically to avoid this inevitability and if you insist on checking for an intact hymen on girl's wedding night guess what, we've got hymenoplaties nowadays too to give the illusion of virginity to people who care about that sort of shit, so good luck telling the virgins from the non-virgins now.

Alternatively: This "issue" goes away if you simply stop thinking that it matters (here's a secret: It doesn't)

Yeah, we're not that low. 14-16 is more believable.

Nowhere else will you find women with IQ & egos more inversely proportional. Enjoy.

On a related note, we also have labiaplasties nowadays, so all you retards who are so ignorant that you think roast-beef labias are some sort of evidence of high cock-mileage (they aren't), girls can have them reduced too and coform to whatever pedo-fantasies you have about what girls should look like downstairs.

If oral sex Counts i lost mine at 3:(

>All these Americans that don't understand a woman is most fertile and horniest at 16 at her absolute biological peak

Keep having daddy government only let you legally fuck dried up 30 year olds Cletus

>tfw canadian
>tfw just fuck dog when it turns 3
Im sure it's fun fucking dogs friend.

>Equating 16 year old ripe females with dogs

So fucking gay

Enjoy your stay :^)

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... why even bother living

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Youre the one that fucks dogs.

Get a med or middle eastern gf, problem solved. White women are vile whores.

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With guys they mean refugees and niggers.

Yeah but every year wamen and 'naive' girlies go to Roskilde festival to fuck everything that has anything that remotely looks like a dick, including all the muzzy rats and niggers, which results in said wamen wind up with ALL the STDs in the fucking book.
I still remember a roastie in the classroom many years ago talking about her having herpes in her THROAT after choking on nigger dicks.
ANYWAY to 'stop it' one must revoke the rights wamen have today, they're not equal to men, they're not fit for military service (certainly not on a battlefield) and they should never EVER be permitted any kind of political position, be it as a fat cat politician or what have you.
They only exist to be baby factories and look after the children and the house, this is something the world has LONG 'forgotten' it seems.
BESIDES; A woman is going to have a happier life as a mother compared to any other kind of life she would ever have on her own.

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To sell fentanyl fake xanax and heroin to them and their mentally ill offspring.

And what would that solve?

>How do we stop this
But hunting down and hanging pedophiles like you.

>stop this

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I dont care since the only hole my dick will ever see is the toilet's

Stop raping your daughters you Pakistani pedophile

>Most girls lose their virginity at around age 14-16 here.
Obviously. OP is a pedophile Paki

When I was 14 13 year old girls were giving oral sex to random men, old and young men. This is 10 years ago..

20 sexual partners for a 20 year old woman is not abnormal in Denmark.

really, really makes me depressed


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>How do we stop this
Honor killings

>There is nothing wrong with this.
Actually there's plenty wrong with that.

you were probably too busy playing WoW to notice

I want to torture that bunny to death.

baste we must preserve the beauty of the aryan woman for generations to come cuz... blonde hair and stuff!!

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heil hitler, its the jews fault. stacy is innocent. i am to blame. shes an angel, isnt she an angel?

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gook women make me sick. this is more my style

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we need more of this. White goddesses

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>t-theyre doing us a f-favor... we dont want their genes anyway heheh.... real white angels dont do this, in fact these girls are JEWS!!! BRAINWASHED!!!! ITS NOT THEIR FAULT, 1488 HEIL HITLER, IT'S MY FAULT FOR LETTING IT HAPPEN! IM NOT A REAL MAN *whips self with belt* its all my fault
the state of white cucks.

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shes a prisoner of jew propaganda!!! its sad!!! REEEEEE shes a JEW HERSELF! this is fake, its staged, it must be! how could a pure aryan white lady do this?

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>in the US, Sweden and the UK it's 12-13.
Well yeah, if you oversample niggers and other non-whites you'll come up with that age. With whites it's a normal age.

Hitler would be ashamed, this pure white goddess being molested by savages. gosh this triggers me. i feel bad for her. wheres her father?
i wish i could swoop in and save her from her mental prison. its my fault afterall, shes not to blame.

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kek you don't like coalburners? fucking incel manchild, most white women arent like this!
its too bad you cant settle down with a nice white aryan woman like me. my tradwife is perfect and based and hates niggers.
yeah she used to fuck niggers back in the day, but who cares? shes redpilled now and thats all that matters. now i have to feed my wifes son. brb

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meanwhile white men

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Arranged marriages. Unironically.

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You seem well prepared with an ample supply of coal burner vids Moshe. Not sure what your point is though. Are you in the right thread?

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the difference between white men and white women is night and day.
the white man is noble and strong and intelligent and loyal to the death.

the white woman is a traitor, a narcissist, disloyal backstabber, degenerate, vain, arrogant, selfish, greedy, money hungry, weak, aggressive, unintelligent, violent, childish and loose and promiscuous and two-faced and liars and hypocrites and cowards.

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Based Greece

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>if you criticize white roasties youre a jew
baste white knight saves the day again. rats ive be foiled.
you may have saved your aryan angel this time, but ill be back carl!

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You do know this is Jow Forums? Women are like niggers to oldfags.

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oldfags yeah. and how many of us are still around?
im educating nu/pol/

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>only talks to thots
Funny that

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Doubt those vids will do the trick, use some stats.

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This. OP is a paedo

>How do we stop this
Teach them to wait at least until they are 13

>every white girl is a thot
so he should stop talking to white girls?

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>so he should stop talking to white girls?
yes, take care of your own and let the rest of the trash filter out. Can't wait for arranged marriages to be in fashion again.

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>Belarus' -- no data
dog bless batzka

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thx officer

Hey, they are the ones consenting ya'know. If women were not massive whores this wouldn't be happening.
>It's the Jews brainwashing them into thinking it's okay
Also it's the shitty millennial parents that leaves their kids to be hypnotized by the idiot box and retard net

the white man is opposite of the white woman.
she stands for everything that white men hate.

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white womyn are trash and proud of it.
white men are disgusted by them, or at least we should be if we claim to be aryan

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