The Space Force ayys have arrived

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Other urls found in this thread:

>trump creates space force
>under constant threat of death from all sides
>still alive to this day
>4 ayys flying over
>really theyre SPACEAC-130s providing orbital air support

Earth is flat.

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Do you think we are accelerating upwards at 10/ms?

AYYYS will launch all warheads on the planet at one time, killing us all with our own weapon

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Space Force burns niggers and Jews because only white guys know how to get off this planet. When we stop baby-sitting apes and paying for literally everything they have, we might get somewhere.

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Under gravity as strong as ours created by an object as large as the earth, things collapse into a ball.

I know you dont actually give one shit one way or another about any of this at heart, and that to you this is just an "us vs them" mentality creating your own antithesis group to stand opposite to the "thesis" that the world is round.

But if gravity makes all the large objects we can see collapse into spheres, why would earth by an exception? If your answer is space doesnt exist, why the fuck would anyone bother hide it? What can be gained that is worth the trillions upon trillions of dollars invested over hundreds of years to keep people mislead and blind? What is worth that investment?

Its a rhetorical question ofc, the answer is that there is nothing with that amount of worth.

gravity isnt real

So you have no answer? Christ that was easy

Why are almost all other objects in the universe spherical than? Including all other planets of our system?

earth is flat and ets are real

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All NASA shit is fake.

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Fuck boys. We're gonna need a bigger wall.

Ok im gonna listening to you if you can answer the other anons question.
How is gravity not real without posting a half baked image that doesn’t explain at all

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like water>air

It's King Plachacha of the Pleiadian race. Trump has already struck deals with them.

Explain directionality: why does a balloon float to the top, and not any other direction.

because the layers are stacked top to bottom retard

Gravity is just a theory you brainlet

Is going around one pole shorter than going around the other?

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I'm no flat earther, but no one knows what gravity is or can explain how it works.

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yes, thats why people are able to go all over the north pole and no one is allowed near the outer ice wall


sure is a whole lot of earth curvature there
>water bends

>water bends

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So our eyes.

nice window reflections bro

hes outside retard

People like you exist haha


the photographer

Yeah - Is that Dover as seen from Calais? Thats the ting about flat earth - theres photos of pacific islands that are 100% known to be a certain distance away and should be "under the curve" yet can be seen.

I also think when I see videos like yours (and photos) how much water is visible. Its a lot. It should all be curving away from the observer, but theres always a lot in view. Like when you stand on a beach and look out to sea, the water comes up to eye level.

It ant all be mirages or whatever the NASA explanation is


Alright, but even if we assume such a no-go zone exists, you could just do the expedition a bit further south and north respectively and you should still get evidence that will leave no doubt about the shape of our planet.

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Do you know that Trump isn't a simple earthling, right?
He is 100% protected.

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>Do you know that Trump isn't a simple earthling, right?
Elaborate plz

>Double pane glass doors
>Two reflections of two square lights
Still gonna be two terms, though.

ok, so go and do it then
go get to australia from chile by going straight south, good luck

how do I know you're real?

its legal to travel to antarctica you fucking brainlet.

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(((round earth)))

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yeah, i'll take a swedecuck's word for it, or anything ever

does it hurt being so dumb?

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why would someone even lie about that? you fell for the jew flat earth meme that was invented to discredit right wingers.

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>current year
>still believing in the spherical Jew

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Ive been there you mong. Just fucking go there. no one is stopping you.

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explain why (((they))) would lie about the earth being round.

2 posts in and the thread is completely derailed

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same as always with flat earth kikes. They can't explain anything.

Explain why (((they're))) trying to turn Europe into the most powerful caliphate to ever exist even though Muslims are the Jew's ultimate enemy.

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Im special. Praise jebus flat earth jew god!

How does the earth being flat somehow make free energy exist?

because jesus and god n shit!

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how do you think the sun and moon are powered?


The sun is powered by fusion reactions using helium



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What is this supposed to prove?

fake, the "glare" is moving but not changeing shape thus it's a badly made special effect.

Not sure why they bother here
hollow earth is /okay/
These faggots should fuck off

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So how does this answer my original question?

so the sun or moon will never go below the horizon
and the sun is a spotlight
suddenly it all makes sense lmao

No. That's complete bullshit promoted by the flst earth society website which is a containment board for the porpoise of disinformation.

When it comes to flat earth information I'd only listen to Eric Dubay and Eddie Bravo.



We will lebensraum the stars.

Its to make you and earth insignificant. Like this is all a big accident and there's no purpose to anything. We just evolved from monkey-fish-frogs and theres no reason for anything.

While flat earth means life has purpose and importance

ODD TV on youtube is good

use ultrasurf

Correct, but only to designated tourist locations on the edge of the coast line. The majority of Antarctica's coast line is jjust massive steep blocks of ice and if you try to visit these areas or try to explore inland Antarctica away from the 2 or 3 designated tourist locations you'll be punished and sent back

Loose lips OP. Loose lips.

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To control your reality of the earth.
And to make billions of dollars every year from all the bullshit they've put up to distract you and manipulate what you think, how you think, why you think about the overall world that you live. It's all for their gain and your loss.


True, I've just started watching some of his stuff.

Loose lips usually suck massive dicks just before a bullet enters the top of their brain.

>objects orbiting around Earth and other planets get pulled towards the planet
>using calculus you can predict where and how objects move around the solar system

But it's not real causes user who watched David Icke and Ancient Aliens on jewtube said so. Wow, just kys brainlet

Nigger that’s chromatic and spherical aberration. you don’t understand how light works apparently, and in turn cannot understand how that camera works meaning you don’t know what the fuck that image you think is fake

Attached: 73C65099-CCE8-4188-92A8-4429E39A03AD.jpg (934x1024, 128K) the guy getting his own dick sucked, shoots his own dick in this scenario?
You didnt think that one through did you?
I guess Emus dont use their dicks anyways.

I dont think you understand whats happening in that video.