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hey faggot you didnt need your very own special thread for this gay shit

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yeah because pence would totally betray the man who made him vice president

you'll get the shocks when the time comes faggot

To become president? Of course he would.

Looks like the one who's in for a shock.. is YOU! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Right.. because it's certainly never happened before, LBJ had nothing but appreciation for JFK either

Imagine being this retarded. Just truly imagine it. What a thought.



The absolute fucking state of the media. Clawing at whatever they can to attack Trump for more than 2 years. Can't wait until the MSM is gone and dead.

Base ricebro

Why does anyone even take testimony from an anonymous source seriously?

Lel, I framed someone once by watching him for a few weeks to see what his "mannerisms" were. Picked out one in particular that people knew and left it as evidence.
People understand this is a widely used tactic, right?

>forgot to take off shit posting flag

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I love how fast the shill machines came up with this one, yet you still fail to understand how to actually meme

Pence is loyal to jews, even though he has far more extreme positions than Trump, he is safer play for jews, people will start supporting him.

An isolated story with a single uncredited source is very suspect.
A story that is corroborated by multiple sources (even if uncredited), deals with specific things which have happened (rather than predictions of what might happen) and which result in dodgy half-denials instead of full-throated shutdowns is somewhat more plausible.

People might be lending this story more credence because it lines up with the leaks from the new book coming out next week, so the two works corroborate one-another.

What does lodestar mean? My english is pretty
good but this word i do not know..

Yea,because nobody knows this and nobody else could type that word. Fucking idiot.


The star that guides or acts as a place to get your bearing.
Like a North Star

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>become President by pre-emptively revealing himself and his plann because he had to use a word that nobody uses
Fuck you people are stupid.

If the piece was real it would have been dragged through those syntax machines so that spooks couldn't find the writer. This is what Guccifer etc do so they cannot be found. This reads like a female intern's fanfic at NYT and is a cheap ploy to "get in Trump's head".

Your a fucking retard your life must be scary

I know this is liberal self maturation, but I've never liked Pence (whether this is true or not).
Trump has taken in many people who oppose him and support the deep state and corruption in our government. But if this were true, I'd be more likely to assume it's Sessions, before guessing Pence.
Pence is a neocon evangelical, which is a problem on its own, but I've seen nothing which implies this could be true, whereas Sessions has caused serious issues through his unwillingness to act.


How do we know it’s not some Larp?

Also what does the article even say that’s so damning?

This, I guarantee you it's just FUD. Any actual saboteur on the inside wouldn't flaunt it like this

yeah there is no humor element. I would find it funny even knowing it's so impossible that pence is the actual op ed writer

If I was going to frame someone/try to disguise my identity, someone I know having an extremely distinctive word or phrase they like to use sure would make my job easier.

Oh ok. So the vice president stole from the president for no reason, and then published a NYT article about it where he uses the same speech patterns because he just really wants the world to know.

Fucking RETARDED dude

This. Such an obvious divide and conquer tactic.