France you wild for this one godamn nigga

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Other urls found in this thread:ébés-Questions-Réponses/dp/2092578200

this is a new level of cuck

Shouldn't have colonized Africa :^)

if you're born in france then you're 100% french, everyone knows this, france is a magical place

france be wilyn

Same picture posted a dozen times already but still no source


white "girls" are the best amirite guys?
1488 heil hitler - aryan warrior approves this message

lol at the umbilical cord being pink, on nigger it should be colored purple

>plottwist: it's a pro-abortion cartoon


Sexy. I love interracial impregnation. More please.

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This but unironically

Yeah, most french artists are SJW shitheads. I was working on some illustrations for a medical app and the chief illustrator kept telling me to make the characters more racially diverse even when it made no sense to do so.


I suspect it is from Quebec, french are too vain to think this is aesthetic

cambridge university cricket klan

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Could be from France. But it makes a big difference if it's an official booklet or just some shit that someone found in a book store.
Pic related is "what to do in case of a terror attack", notice how white people are running around and the guy helping is dark skinned. They had this shit displayed in government buildings

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Kek, do you seriously believe France is still an 18th century artistic utopia?

this is my fetish

So hot

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*smacks fetal placenta'
AYYY OUI Madame where da white Parisian at?ébés-Questions-Réponses/dp/2092578200

This might be a related thread
My wife got knocked up too
Apparently it was during the World Cup, I did the math
I'm pretty sure that wasn't me
Any guesses? I'm stumped

The "artist"

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Everything according to plan. Carry on

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The author

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>Cecile Jugla est née à Saint-Denis
she might as well be a nigger

Kek. Eternal Ivan

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You just have to look at their haircuts and glasses to know they vote PS since forever.
Not surprised though as big publishers have been completely co-opted by leftist women during the last 50 years.

Patrician fetish lad.

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Fucking murican muts should have:
1. castrated their slaves like muslims did
2. Kept slavery going.

Yeah these people are not only lost, they're enemies as much as the shitskins. That review tho
>Un livre que ma fille de 6ans adore qui a répondus à toute ses questions
>Parfait pour son anniversaire !

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that's a massive shit

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eurofags talking like niggers cracks me up