France you wild for this one godamn nigga
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this is a new level of cuck
Shouldn't have colonized Africa :^)
if you're born in france then you're 100% french, everyone knows this, france is a magical place
france be wilyn
Same picture posted a dozen times already but still no source
white "girls" are the best amirite guys?
1488 heil hitler - aryan warrior approves this message
lol at the umbilical cord being pink, on nigger it should be colored purple
>plottwist: it's a pro-abortion cartoon
Sexy. I love interracial impregnation. More please.
This but unironically
Yeah, most french artists are SJW shitheads. I was working on some illustrations for a medical app and the chief illustrator kept telling me to make the characters more racially diverse even when it made no sense to do so.
I suspect it is from Quebec, french are too vain to think this is aesthetic
cambridge university cricket klan
Could be from France. But it makes a big difference if it's an official booklet or just some shit that someone found in a book store.
Pic related is "what to do in case of a terror attack", notice how white people are running around and the guy helping is dark skinned. They had this shit displayed in government buildings
Kek, do you seriously believe France is still an 18th century artistic utopia?
this is my fetish
So hot
*smacks fetal placenta'
AYYY OUI Madame where da white Parisian at?
This might be a related thread
My wife got knocked up too
Apparently it was during the World Cup, I did the math
I'm pretty sure that wasn't me
Any guesses? I'm stumped
The "artist"
Everything according to plan. Carry on
The author
>Cecile Jugla est née à Saint-Denis
she might as well be a nigger
Kek. Eternal Ivan
You just have to look at their haircuts and glasses to know they vote PS since forever.
Not surprised though as big publishers have been completely co-opted by leftist women during the last 50 years.
Patrician fetish lad.
Fucking murican muts should have:
1. castrated their slaves like muslims did
2. Kept slavery going.
Yeah these people are not only lost, they're enemies as much as the shitskins. That review tho
>Un livre que ma fille de 6ans adore qui a répondus à toute ses questions
>Parfait pour son anniversaire !
that's a massive shit
eurofags talking like niggers cracks me up