What the hell is wrong with people?
What the hell is wrong with people?
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>middle left title
Is this a real cover?
I like fat chicks, but she just looks lumpy, nice face though.
either you're stick thin or a whale
what's wrong with the fashion industry?
it's real
could buy one now if i wanted to
It's a genius choice for cosmopolitan, instead of designing a cover and getting a model, just get a person bigger than the cover
>When your fat rolls become an arm rest
America....I just ...
imagine how bad she smells man
maggots in the fat rolls smelly.
>is success an illness?
>the other lover
>why I vetted my wife's affair
>I like fat chicks
me too
ft can be sexy
but so can bones and muscles
you wouldn't know she has either
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>Lol I'm not glorifying obesity you dumb fucks
She says while eating a cake with a picture glorifying obesity on it.
These people used to be sights in freak shows. Like what the hell.
The Americas are the freak show now.
>she will never choke you with those thighs
why even fucking live?
what a fucking cow!
Who cares she's gonna be dead in a couple of months anyway
The sad thing is, almost everyone in this thread is probably just as big as her, if not bigger.
You could fit 2 or 3 of me in her skin.
she prefers to be called a manatee ...or sea cow.
disgusting clamp of mass. disfigured to the point she doesn't even look like a human any more.
I don't know if you have ever been to the USA or Mexico....but...she creatures of her size are common over there.
First time I visited the USA as a kid I stopped to have lunch at a restaurant with my family. As we get out of the car, there is a primary school in front of the restaurant. I see tons of kids walking around the school in gym clothing...all of them are about my age 9-10...every single one of them are so fat, their bellies are hanging over their belt line....
So I turn to my dad's friend, an american, and ask: Is this a school for fat children?
No son, this is American opulence ..this was a decade ago.
Jesus fuckig christ i thought these were all joke stories only a few years ago
honestly if I saw any reference to sex with this pic while I was in line at the supermarket, I would barf.
Its not the cover for the us... or not for the issue that came to me in the US
holy shit whats wrong with mutts
What a disgusting fucking elephant of a woman, she'll be dead in a few years thank fuck
nope...not even a joke.
Another story:
Couple of years ago I am visiting Rio with my wife, we get on a bus to go see the giant jesus. As we are waiting to depart, the bus starts shaking and rattling as if a mob was trying to overturn said conveyance.
Low and behold, 3 tess hollidays are boarding the bus...they are all dressed in revealing clothing, they look like wrongly produced sausages whose casing has burst from overfilling. They are all wearing a ton of make-up, perfume and their high heels look as if they are about to snap.
I turn to my wife and say in English: "I think there must be a fat convention in town".
The land manatees immediately react...they are Americans. "Well that is not very nice" says the head manatee as her blood pressure shoots to the roof.
"Well, if I were in your state, I would want to wear lose clothing, you might get an aneurysm if you wear anything tighter".
"how rude, how rude" she says as the troop waddles to the back of the bus.
All they can do is bitch about me while we drive away.
I turn around to look at them and smile...they are chomping on an extra large toblerone chocolate bar. Eating away at it like a beaver would a tree.
I think you meant corpulence
altho niggers love looking opulent
no opulence (although they were corpulent).
He was making a point to indicate how many Americans, especially the less intelligent, indulge to a point of destroying themselves.
He would go on to explain that during the great economic boom in the USA, even the poor families rose up a notch, got access to higher wages which translated into unchecked consumption of food...but not necessarily good food as their intellect did not permit them to evaluate their lifestyle.
We saw a lot of this in Brazil when the 9 fingered faggot president rose millions out of poverty. They started eating a shitload of junk food (very high taxed in Brazil). These people could now afford to eat better but they chose to eat more commercial garbage, shit they could never afford before.
Intelligence, it ain't for everybody.
Friend of my dad, aero engineer of some kind, went to the US for some work stuff. The guy is around 180 cm and 80 kg. Told us
>I came out of the plane, met the people I was going to work with, and they were all looking at me weird
>"are you sick?"
>not at all, I'm great
>"you look really thin, are you sure you're ok?"
from wikipedia
>Cosmo was widely known as a "bland" and boring magazine by critics. Cosmopolitan's circulation continued to decline for another decade until Helen Gurley Brown became chief editor in 1965.[14] Helen Gurley Brown changed the entire trajectory of the magazine during her time as editor.[15] Brown remodeled and re-invented it as a magazine for modern single career women
(((Helen Gurley Brown)))
I have a similar story. Went to University in the USA, friend of mine (an american) from Vermont wanted to go kayaking in the rivers close to the farmlands he grew up around.
Every night we would stop to pitch the tent, this would mean that we would have to ask the farmers permission to sleep on their land.
10 times out of 10:
Super nice people, very friendly.
Cows are super fucking skinny, farmer is super skinny, oldest son is skinny.
In the house: Fat wife, fat daughters and fat younger sons.
Everybody sitting on the couch, each with their own bag of potato chips and a 2L of coca cola in their lap....the bag of potato chips...giant...more than 2Lbs of potato chips each: Super Value Pack
I can guarantee you that their "UK most elligible man" is not fat in any way, and instead pretty fit.
Why doesn’t the wife do anything?
The mighty microwave and the TV.
Saw homes that were falling apart....but every house had a giant screen TV and the most expensive microwave money could buy.
Their diet is corn syrup and refined is in EVERYTHING in the USA.
Even coca cola is made with corn syrup in the states...2g more sugar in every can.
In the garage: 2 fucking giant freezers with every type of frozen food imaginable.
They really want to zombify Americans with obesity and prescription happiness.
>Tess Holiday wants the haters to kiss her ass
Which one fatty? Looks like you got 3 assses.
>wants us to wash her ass as she can't reach
Powerful. She sure showed those doctors and professional nutritionists.
damn, you have some interesting stories there. you should write a blog. i'd read it
Just a fat disgusting pig scarfing down a huge cake. What's not to love?
That is literally. Obesity is the leading cause for health related problems including death. While I'm sure a majority of the human race is slightly over weight we shouldn't be promoting this behavior.
They want use fat and lazy...think about that for a second. Why is the human race being "beefed up" like live stock?
one of my favorite stories is my encounter with american border guards when crossing into Vermont during the Oklahoma bombing.
The collapse of the West, one fat bird at a time.
She's beyond being just a fat bird, t b h.
do go on...
She must have gotten liposuction job done on her chin, no way that massive bitch didn't bloat her face.
sauuuuuuuuuuceeeeeeee now!
Fuck me gently she's got tattoo portraits on his upper arms that're nearly lifesize.
I'm wondering what they'll look like if she loses weight.
She probably only took this in black and white because of how terrible her foot would look in color.
Look at how disgusting and unhealthy it looks
1995 we are camping in Quebec right on the Vermont border. We decide to cross into the USA to get some fuel (much cheaper). Tension is high, the bombing just happened...the border guards are on high alert, they are checking everybody. I am with my dad's American who was born in IRAQ...they see his ID, check in the system...they ask us to pull up on the side.
They separate us and a lady comes in to interview me: "were you kidnapped son? You can tell us, you are safe now"
"What the fuck are you talking about? He is a friend of the family".
"Son, you need to understand, we are friends"
"Fuck off lady, you are fucking insane, why would you think he kidnapped me"
Shit show goes on for 4 fucking hours, they photocopied all my documents, took pictures of me, even my finger prints. The Iraqui guy got a full body cavity search, was interviewed by the FBI...
good times in the US of A.
The skin would most likely be really saggy to the point you could roll it up like dough.
I feel quite sorry for her, that kid's probably going to lose his mother in his teenage years and it'll be all her fault.
Disgusting butter huffer
True, man. Go into any Walmart here and there are always hamplanets with baskets of junk usually bought with food stamps. I’ve gotten nauseated seeing what these people choose to eat. Processed garbage full of chemicals.
Kek. It would be purple. Also, where did her stomach/gunt go in that pic? It's like it disappeared...
its quite beautiful actually, how society can change and adapt in such a progressive way... years ago we would use dynamite and harpoons to hunt whales for their fuel-rich blubber, whereas today we put them in clown makeup and slap them on the cover of magazines
She has got more fat Lmao .
How long until she has a stroke or heart attack ?
redpilled and based
>>When your fat rolls become an arm rest
Becoming exactly the same over here.
>go to super market, pick up food I don't grow on my own: Rice, toilet paper, some spices. My basket comes out at 20$US...what I usually spend....woman before me: 200$US (650$R)...holy fuck: cookies, frozen pizza, pre spiced chicken, chicken fingers, bags of fries, bags of sugar, tons of refined wheat pasta...Woman is black and obese..children are about 6 and 8...fat little fuckers...crying at their mom to give them cookies NOWWWWW....woman gets pissed, picks up 2 packets of cookies, smacks the kid on the head with said cookies...kid is sad but goes to sit as the kids eat an entire pack of cookies and wash it down with a coca cola.
she is from Mississippi
Cosmo is sold the world case you didn't know that.
Born Ryann Maegen Hoven
July 5, 1985 (age 33)
Laurel, Mississippi, U.S.
Nationality: Murican, fuck yasssss
Must suck having to shower after every massive shit she has to take. Cause you know damn well a bidet just wont cover it.
Wonder if she has ever broken a toilet just by sitting down on it?
2 things
you would call out magazines glorifying anorexia because its unhealthy, you should also call out obesity because its unhealthy
and she is clearly photoshopped to the max just like normal models
i do not understand this
Fat people have special toilets they use otherwise they can't even wipe themselves.
t. Had a friend with a fat dad who coincidentally died of a heart attack at 50
Why are her knees bending backwards
Actual nurse here who works in a Cardioligy wing.
This kind of people seriously are fucking astounding. Clear cut example of derrangement and cognitive dissionance. Being SO overweight is so bad for your entire body and heart. I would say, it could even be worse than smoking. And that is saying a LOT.
While a lot of the cardiac patients I see that had cardiac arrest smoke, allmost legit all of them are overweight.
Im glad my country isnt AS FAT as the US, picking up an unconscious person and putting them on a bed is bad enough with 2 people, but picking up an unconscious manatee and put them on a bed to do CPR is fucking horrible.
Idiots like this should fucking have a massive heart attack and stop causing earthquakes and help the bacteria and mushroom colonies grow.
Fat whore hahahaha
It's the fat
The fucking size of her arms... Help
Imagine when she goes out of the bath. 1cm of water left.
Enough for her to drown ;-)
Thanks for the free fap OP.
T. fatfag and loving it.
Do you really like women as fat as her?
I fuck chubby bitches but never fat
I like chubby chicks but you're fucking disgusting
I do. I wouldn't want a relationship with a woman that big because our lifestyles would be way too different. I'm pretty fit and like to bike and hike and be outdoors. Plus, I hate the "health at every size" bullshit. But I love to fuck fat chicks.
haha don't get butthurt by that whale senpaitachi!
revenge is a sweet meal best served cold
fat bitch going to have a heart attack sooner or later and probably much sooner that she thinks
just wait till it happens and turn the table on them, it's going to be sweet my friends
her fat body takes away too much space for the magazine to promote the content of said magazine.
My German blood is boiling right now by looking at this inefficient shit
>but i have a tattoo that can't get wet
wut? so she never wash that leg?
>imagine the smell
The most (((harmful))) thing about this cover is not what the landwhale did to herself, but what the (((glorification of HAES))) will do to young women looking at this cover.
Those fat whores with egos, aside of their bodys, of the size of the grand canyon is thank to you cucks who put women on a pedestal.
I don't mind some fat girls, but she's far too big for my liking. She just looks disgusting.
Number one, that woman is ugly
Looks like they had a lot of trouble fitting all the words on that cover.
The answer to every problem in this thing's life is 'it's the fat'
says the leaf with the faggot cuck Prime Minister and lives in a country full of walking pussies
Why is fat positivity always female-centric? Why do you never see any glorification of fat males?
Are women that insecure?
Why would you think that? I know there are fat people here but this woman is huge! I doubt that many people here are even close to her size.
Some fat pig
it's going to be hilarious when she's dead from a heart-attack within 5 years.
Jesus. Imagine the pallbearers. Pic related.
To be fair,microwaves are dirt cheap in the world of aplliances. most major manufacturer high end models are 300usd or less. this excludes the Viking Wolf type brands