West is dying because you forgot him

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It´s all part of the plan.

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Did arabs remember?Or china?
They don't seem to have problems despite don't givin fuck about him.

>West is dying because of a J*w
You're right about that.

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We must retake Jerusalem

fuck jesus and fuck christians

once NatSoc comes to power we are reforming your stupid nigger religion and genociding anyone that says we cant.

tick fucking tock.

Lol I thought you meant Kurt Cobain but you're just another brainwashed christcuck. Throw the kikegod away you bufoon

> He wants a plebeian society
Enjoy the buttsex and tree worship.

so edgy.

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>a brbrmonkey doesn't understand pre-cuckstianity europe
not surprised

This is factual.

seems fitting it's dying because kosher faggots forgot a kike

Jim Cavezil?

if he was real then all that believing in him stuff people did heavily back in the day would've worked
unless you believe everyone became an atheist all at once in the 1945 or whatever

it's ok, throats will be cut

I will never forget you J.

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Christianity is undoubtably the most based faith there is.

>God incarnated into the bloodline of the enemy purely to fuck their shit up.
>The Bible is the only text that specifically redpills people on the two biggest enemies of mankind, the "jews" and the "church" aka the babylonian mystery traditions (which comprises of literally all non-christian religions.
>Puts an emphasis on male dominance over women, exposing women for who and what they are.
>Pushes spiritual monarchism through a set of universal laws / principles and advocates for non-subjection to worldly authorities (Romans 13 doesn't count as a counter-arguement, context matters). E.g. you have no need to be subject to a worldly authority if you understand spiritual laws / principles and adhere to them, so if you follow them no man has legitimate authority over you.
>Is inherently peace-loving and pacifist unless threatened. Puts an emphasis on love and forgiveness until one shows they are unredeemable.
>God himself advocates for absolute genocide of aggressive tribes by the hands of "his people." But only for the sake of self-defence.
>Christianity is the backbone of western civilisation, the greatest civilisation the world has ever seen.
>The spiritual laws / principles at its foundation are simple to follow and simple to understand.
>There is no need for spiritual intercessors, you have a direct line to God through his son.
>God made it clear to everyone that he truly loves us, which is why he manifested in the flesh and put himself through the most grueling experience ever, for the sake of showing us that he was willing to put himself through what we go through unwillingly, willingly, so we know that he understands and is willing to forgive us because he recognises the odds are against us and we sin because we suffer.

Fucking your own nephew isn't a religion, user.
Neither drink semen. We don't need a new pleb society.

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Jow Forums "christians" are just stormfags but even more self-righteous

Drinking semen = patrician society.

Arabs and Chinese have shit ton of problems

Jim Cavezil was on his way to being an A+ lister in Hollywood after The Count of Monte Cristo and other roles, but once he played Jesus in The Passion of the Christ, the kikes blacklisted him.

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worshiping a jewish god sure showed those yids I'll tell you hwat

kek, only shills or people who know nothing about the bible push this meme.

the bible is the single most redpilled text on the jewish problem. to the point where it's the only thing that exposes the fact that there is no such thing as an ethnic jew and all supposed ethnic jews are liars. and all non christian jews are liars too because all a jew was back in the time of the OT was a christian. jew was simply a pre-christian title for christian.

the "jews" aren't even our enemy. sure, a lot of them are but they're not the root of the problem. the catholic church is the root of the problem.

>The Catholic Church holds that, as a state beyond a person's choice, being homosexual is not wrong or sinful in itself
You're 500 years late


Nat soc is Christian, user.

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Religions and philosophies come and go. The West didn't die when Zeus and Mithras no longer held mass appeal. The same will be true when Christianity fades and is overtaken by something else.

Homosexual action, not predisposition, has always been the sin in Christian morality. Heterosexual sodomy is forbidden too.

Whatever the """West""" is - apart from a historical self-identification and self-consciousness. Ancient Greece's way of life has been dead for 2 millenia.

Funny way to spell saved... All of the western world's greatest feats occurred under Christian order.

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f-father.. please...

I thought the West was dying because Hitler ran out of gas?

no the west is dying because it ran out of hitlers.

kill yourself uneducated tranny nigger

Jesus said to sell your cloak and buy a sword and don the Holy Armor of God in the war against the high principalities and dark rulers of this world. You simply did not listen. War is here and we are ready.

>sex tourist
Pick one, sodomite


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I'm here now user and I have a simple belief. If we build the ovens, (((they))) will come.

kek. we should be looking towards the catholic church, not the jews. the fake jews are just a proxy of the catholic church / jesuit order.

In my defense James Kazelial is not that memorable of an actor

We will see, don't be so sure that history repeats itself

>give a fuck about "thy neighbors"
>gets betrayed in the process
XXI century

They're all connected. A bunch of Satanic, child raping cannibals.

Based and redpilled.
Christianity is clearly exhausted and lost its fight against rationalism (science) and has no place in modernism (techno-industrial societies revolving around consumerism), the real question is to know what will kill modernism and how it will deal with rationalism.

Right now the only real movement clearly fighting rationalism and modernism is Islam but they will lose because they are a reaction, not an alternative, especially since low IQ individuals are extremely easily manipulated by consumerism, here for example the second generation muslims are as degenerate as the native (if not more since they partake in criminal activities and drug consumption at a much higher rate).

Europe is past its peak since WW2, USA are past their peak now too and everyone feel it.
I would say we are at the beginning of the global interregnum, it's unclear how the current order will shatter though (Military conflicts? Economical collapse? Epidemic? All of them at the same time?) and when it will do it.

OP, I too, am a larping Christian.

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See Iron Guard.

On the contrary, the West is dying because his faggy followers keep importing shitskins because they fell for the "we're all equal in the eyes of the (((Lord)))" meme.

Christcucks go right after kikes on DOTR.

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West is literally dying because christcuck.

If Europe doesn't fight the spawns of abraham, nobody will. The world looks like it's going to completely fall under the abrahamitic darkness.

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the world is in darkness, fuck the world, and fuck posh bitches who think they are better than me, YOURE NOT, FUCK YOU WELCOME TO HARD CAPITALISM BITCH


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not just him but all of our Western tradition that stretches back to the pre-Socratics

Your faggy (((religion))) is killing the West. Deal with it, Christcuck.

i've come to the realization that the influx of 'mindfulness' and 'buddhist-like' nonsense is part of the plot to destroy the west.

Is that Christian Bale?

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no. catholicism is killing the west.

Wish I saved this image that went something like..

>Abrahamic Logic
>Accept Jesus as your lord and savior or I will threaten you with eternal suffering only the dead can see..

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>tick fucking tock.

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i fucking hate everything. except myself

>he worships a corpse

Necrophile piece of shit.

>hated by its neighbours
>under a totalitarian fascist regime that operates its people on f*ing communism
>literally at war with each other
>have to run away to Europe where they rampage like wild beasts and people hate them even more


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Do your part

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it's a warning, not a threat.
you wouldn't say someone warning you about a car heading towards you as you cross the road is threatening you with being ran over would you?
so why say it about christ?

because you hate him and you're not thinking logically.

Digits say otherwise.
Jesus should really come back and help those kids being killed by the elite but he's just gonna wait for the right moment.

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I wait for the return of the Chōjin.My god is no more real the your god A book told be soo

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More like because the west take him too serious

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kids are already saved. and they'll be rewarded for their suffering. they won't care about what they went through when they receive their rewards.

>the West wasnt good preChristianity

We don't need to do anything to combat rationalism and modernism. It's all based on Jewish lies and will collapse from it's own hubris, just like everything the Jews ever did.

Christcuck logic, gotta give it to you guys, you get creative kek

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Those who suffer find peace.
Those who cause suffering find nothing.

fucking charmander. Such a cutie.

Catholics are not alone in their third world shitskin fetish among the Christcucks. Not by a long shot.

As I said before, on DOTR, it's:
1) Kikes
2) Christcucks

The west is dying because you forgot him

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>no one is saved
>we all die
>you're an idiot for believing otherwise


Pope Francis is a cuck

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how are kids (saved) if they're tortured in the worst ways possible so they can be harvested for adrenochrome?

>into the bloodline of the enemy
only point I have contention with. There's a reason for that synagogue of satan passage. Fake jews. Who are the real jews? The real Judeans, the hebrews? It's basically anyone but the Jews of today, he did not incarnate in the bloodline of the enemy. In fact, a big narrative of the bible is the two bloodlines, Abel and Cain, good and bad. The sons of god and the sons of satan. Christians and Pharisees. These types of things. Look into it. A lot of evidence that whites are true israel. I would even give blacks more of a possibility than the Khazars.


which one of the bee gees is that i get them mixed up.

Kikes, pedos, tyrants and anyone who gets in my way.

Christcucks are literally “muh rapefugee welcum” and quoted bible text “muh love thy neighbor” to support it, christcuck should be eradicated for let all of this shit happened.

yet you have nothing to offer me but ad hominems. nice projection.
>"your logic escapes me so you must be the brainlet, not me"

this. kids suffering isn't a direct result of the actions of god, it's a symptom of a root issue that god will solve eventually. and when he does, everyone who suffered because of that root problem will be rewarded for not falling victim to it spiritually and allowing themselves to become wicked as a result. children will be rewarded because they won't have developed enough to understand the implications of the choices they make, so their sins are automatically forgiven and they're treated as though they never sinned at all even if they don't ask for forgiveness or redemption.

this is also why the bible says those who hate their life shall find it and those who love their life shall surely lose it. anyone who sees life for what it is suffers. because there is something very wrong with life in general and that recognition causes depression and whatever else. but that existential redpill leads to a choice. choose to be righteous (christ being the only way to righteousness) or choose to be wicked (being wicked is the only way you can achieve happiness in this world). anyone "happy" is only happy at the expense of others for example, because of the nature of this world and they are happy because they have actively chosen to take an unrighteous path for the sake of worldly fulfillment, which ultimately leads to spiritual wickedness and death.

This world is an illusion.

The west is doing because his message was perverted before the canon books were even decided.

Gnosticism is the way forward. It has no time for the Jewish God or its material distractions.


Christcucks are sheep being brainwashed by the government-corporate-church. They know not what they do.

Not surprisingly, getting rid of the kikes and Christcucks would pretty much accomplish all of your goals

I understand how you could mistake it for fascism, but communism is rooted in an egalitarian world view, whereas fascism is rooted in a hierarchical one.

Arabs still fallow abrhamic Allah, and Asians are the final pagans

nah. its unironically literally the jews. pretty sure we've covered this before guys

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The bible is also contradictory as it also teaches to respect a nations borders.

... Aragorn?

salvation doesn't remove people from the possibility of suffering. salvation is an event alotted for a specific time. you can be saved without actually being saved, as in not having gone through the event. salvation is a waiting game, we're waiting for that event, but until then we know we're already saved figuratively speaking. anyone and everyone who suffers in christ, as in, suffers while still having faith in christ is still saved. and they will be given rewards in accordance with two things, how much they suffered and how much they lived in accordance with god's law. children will automatically be forgiven if they die during childhood as they don't fully understand the ramifications of their choices. and they will be rewarded for whatever they had to endure.

You have never read the Bible or studied Christianity you fedora, in the new testament Jews are literally the enemy and Jesus was literally converting all of them to worship him as the Son. Even John the Babtist knew, because when he seen Jesus at 30 years old John told christ to Baptize him as the first Christian

abrahamization and urbanization go hand in hand, the modern dichotomy between leftist city people and rightist rural people is a perfect reflection of the ancient pagani(literally "rural people") and their city counterparts(abrahamists, christian and jew)
it is almost understandable that gods of war, thunder and virility like our rural forebearers worshipped are not the gods urban people are most attracted to, especially lower class urbanites like slaves, the demography most favorable for the spread of christianity in Europe

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Forgetting Christ means you lose his protection over you. The Jews are vassals for demons. That's why jews want desperately to remove Christianity from the West. Lose Christianity and the jews will descend upon you more nightmarish than ever.

it's fucking over do you understand. This world is fucking shit