This is the future you chose

Thank goodness we saved the West from HITLER..

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Other urls found in this thread:

I wish real trannies had hips and momma tits like that

Would be a shame if...

they would if they were on hormones at like puberty but the ethics of that so really dubious because they're not going to know if they regret it or not

Hahahahahahahahahaha these people take themselves too seriously

>Watching that liberal black jew
I bet you think all his liberal agenda is sooo funny.

oh it's the famous user retard

smonk weed

yes and hormones at that age keep the dick small too, what's the point in a dickgirl if she doesn't have a huge throbbing cock

>those hips on the tranny

>IRL Curvy Futa Milf

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disgusting scums , thank God we are fighting you everyday
i prefer living in a complete shithole mess than with disgusting people like you

Do ethics even matter when only Whites consider them and we're being faced with our total destruction? Let's just have one final generation of qt traps and go out with a bang

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>only Whites consider them

Asians and latin countries are way ahead of whites when it comes to tranny science

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WE were born in time to watch the western world collapse under it's own the weight of female empowerment. The only thing WE can do is try to carve out a place in the ashes to build a society better than our ancestors did or die.

ah yes if only hitler had won and then 100% of europe had been destroyed and fallen into USSR hands, at least he tried his best and managed to destroy nationalism forever

No I meant consider ethics. Only Whites actually think about ethics and I'm saying since we're being destroyed worldwide, ethics don't matter, so get those kinds on estrogen. State mandated sex changes now

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>lets blame modern degeneracy on our ancestors instead of ourselves

Roving packs of incel rapegangs will be the new norm (and that's a good thing)

>Roving packs of incel rapegangs

Roving implies they'd leave the house

srsly this

With tendie supplies running low, the incel convinces itself that going outside is like a Farcry game

Fallout. fuck

>achieving literally anything without US aid
Be realistic now.

Reminded everyday why I fight.

Source before 404 pls

Filename is his name, user

Attached: Kalindra Chan 2.jpg (610x836, 72K)

No tranny looks that good.

golden art statues where the guy has a vagina and the girl has a penis? oh my god the horror!

i'm pretty sure this doesn't rank high on bad things happening in the present, past or future. only a 12-year-old would be shocked by that. i'd love to hear your reaction to piss christ

Attached: menow.jpg (275x206, 12K)

made for the BBC

You guys doing pretty well too.
Whites think in moral terms, other groups just think what is best for them or have different set of morals for the ingroup and the outgroup, such as jews and muslims.

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me on the right

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I take it the big red mural in the back there is one of those splendid Menstral blood paintings i’ve Heard so much about.

>mtn dew

lmao wtf is this?

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Based and allahpilled

It won't be the norm and it wouldn't be a good thing. Western culture will be drowned under islamic culture. At this point it might be a good thing.

the present

Women are for children, boys are for pleasure

and you're a toy for the jews

>Living in a shithole WITH faggotry

I will emigrate to another Hindu country like Nepa-

>Nepal recognises same sex unions.

Time to convert to Islam.

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Traps are gloriously delicious. Just a different flavour of girl. Best to enjoy both.

Plus, I've been having all sorts of chemicals in my water since always. Still doing great.

Welcome to the jeworld.
Where women have dicks and porn is art.

Now that is what Mentally illness looks like

God's mill grinds slow but sure.

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The left statue of the man with a puss is a real person

>trannies everywhere
>everyone in power is a jew including Trump
>Alex Jones is a tranny lover
>public education is becoming even worse
>cartoons now promote faggots

God,what am i going to witness next before the world will burn?

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why is sex reversal a thing but sex enhancement is seen as degenerate?
you would think transhumanists would accept just as equally a female that feels she needs to be a male and a male that feels to be a manlier male

this argument is enough to prove to anyone using the slightest shadow of logic that the lbgtprff movements are at their core not just misandrist, but destructively contrarian for contrarianism sake as a woman that feels the need to be more feminine too is seen as negative, albeit less than with the male example.
>inb4 implying they think logically

Attached: hypermasculine.png (300x300, 108K)

I didn't chose this future, it was forced upon me

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I wish the day of the rope comes soon...

This is what happens when there are no pogroms for 60 years. The last one was probably, funnily enough, in Stalin's USSR, he almost started a war against Israel, but (((died))) before that could happen.

P sure that sculpture is based off a set of real individuals from a real image.

who is the tranny supposed to be I know the one on left is buck angel

>God,what am i going to witness next before the world will burn?
A Furry president that is an open pedo, running for a christian conservative party.

Hopefuly we'll see a fucking nuclear war soon, those who survive the extremely harsh nuclear winter can pick up the pieces and build a decent society.


You faggots are really, but reeeally stupid.

>calls others stupid

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it's basically the only thing you said here fag
explain your reasoning in a way that isn't wrong


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even the kid is a jew to...i wish hitler had won

Two terms bitch

Its true the woman that looks like a dude is Buck Angel.

Make The Wasteland Great Again!

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could they fucking not?

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>Cartoons promote things

>why is sex reversal a thing but sex enhancement is seen as degenerate?
you would think transhumanists would accept just as equally a female that feels she needs to be a male and a male that feels to be a manlier male

>this argument is enough to prove to anyone using the slightest shadow of logic that the lbgtprff movements are at their core not just misandrist, but destructively contrarian for contrarianism sake as a woman that feels the need to be more feminine too is seen as negative, albeit less than with the male example.

Even the wording sounds like some dumb virgin bitching about something that bears absolutely no weight, in anything at all.

Again, you faggots have to be really dumb to have this sort of thing in mind.

Sorry Sam, but Eric is still 10 times funnier than you.

state enforced homosexuality

Attached: samhyde3.png (940x538, 654K)

try again, this time with an actual argument

tell me why, if genders are a spectrum, a person who just happens to be born a male shouldn't be allowed to start a procedure to become more masculine according to his own perceived gender.

You make your first post without a memeflag, then put it on to call others retards...


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Simply do! That is the point.

Had someone bitch about the UN, and I like the UN.

Must be sweden

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hahaha, my taxmoney paid this golden nigger!

>Simply do! That is the point.
people can't
none is fighting for it, the whole mainstream media community demonizes masculinity as toxic and it is not legal to inject oneself with testosterone using taxpayer's money.

you're minimising the struggle of many people out there just because of your discriminatory privilege
it's not like testosterone replacement is proven to relieve people of depression and decrease the sexist suicide gap in tjose instances it's allowed to be performed, unlike with treatments for sex reversal.

admit your bigotry.

Ethics and virtue are what holds the white man back, what kills them, but separates them from the beasts.

It's not bigotry, you fuck. I was raised in a community that simply demands you get up and do your shit.

You are effectively asking for something that says "I am not man enough, give it to me". I'll fuck a cute trap at some point, really don't mind paying taxes to have gorgeous bitches to be treated since early ages. On top of historically being an actual issue, it's also a psycological one.

In short: I'll pay for hot little chicks I can stick my dick in, I won't pay for dudes. Get the fuck up and work out, or quit bitching about it.

I really didn't wanna come in so harsh, but seems you can use just this tiny bit of a reality shock, it'll do you a big favor in the long run.

>it is not legal to inject oneself with testosterone using taxpayer's money.
Fuck off commie. If you want to become and freak do it with your own money or work for it.
What makes it worthless in the end.

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we say this too

I honestly believe that is the best possible outcome of this world, I see no other feasible alternative.

the only thing that can save the world right now is ww3

have you seen the hips on the other tranny?
it's a statue of a man and a woman with the genitals backwatds because fuck nature and fuck everything
Goddamn I hate femininity

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The tranny doesn't even need to fuck you at this point to get your butt sore.

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it's the current year user

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this is the most retarded thing I've ever seen.
sweden you did it!

Looks like a little Jewish girl.


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Doubt is what sets us apart from everyone else.
Niggers are simply content and do whatever it takes to stay content.
The Japanese to a far lesser degree, they have the same spark that makes them want to improve their creations as we do.
Meanwhile we doubt our place in the world, always have.
The Chinese did as well, before the enforced subservience of feudalist collectivism found its way into every single home.
We question our tech and improve it.
We question our science and improve it.
We read about God and question how invisible the invisible man is, something that gave us Newtonian physics and later Einstein's plagiarism.
We question feudalism, we question freedom, we question capitalism, we question communism, etc.
Whites take nothing for granted, really. That's what makes us different, and in terms of development and evolution, superior.

This is stupid

The hellscape of a bad dream that we need to wake up from.

No one here talks like that you have to go

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mfw Sweden has a golden statute of a juvenile predator

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You forgot your appleguid.png canadanon

damn she is perfect. Im not gay I find male's body disgusting but I also dont feel atratcion for vaginas, dicks are way hotter to touch and suck like boobs are way hotter to touch and suck than male's torso. If only evolution would have been like these statues... I guess I have born in the wrong timeline.

This, we even question what it means to be a boy hence all the cute white traps

>Im not gay I find male's body disgusting but I also dont feel atratcion for vaginas, dicks are way hotter to touch and suck like boobs are way hotter to touch and suck than male's torso
This but I also like vaginas futas are the future

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Is the one on the right supposed to be Allanah Starr?