Ford Tough

Oh shit, now dumb rednecks are going to have to destroy their F-150s. It's hard being a Trump supporter.

Prayers and thoughts.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-09-06 Ford steps up to support NFL players protesting police brutality - theGrio.png (1852x1020, 1.73M)

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Dumb rednecks should destroy their Fords because of Ford Foundation. Buy GM

Ford already has PoC staying away due to the Pinto and Bronco - not sure if they expect more to run out and buy stuff off them, but their bread and butter the trucks are gonna take a hit likely I would think..

Shoe companies had less to lose. Ford will get publicity but trucks and cars cost too much for too many people to run out and start buying them and tweeting it.

mustang owners have always been the scourge of the car community.

They're not saying anything a normal American wouldn't say. I support your right to have a voice. I support your right to express your views, even if I disagree with your views. That absolutely doesn't mean I support your "right" to not be fired for going against your employers wishes. It turns out they have the right to dictate what you do on THEIR time. Normal Americans who work a normal job understand this concept very well. Not sure why people in the entertainment industry have an issue with it.

Ford: Hey, can you guys like us, too?

They forgot to mention that the ford statement literally said they agreed with the right to express an opinion if "if it's not one they agree with", but the msm will leave that bit at the end off lmao

Ford owns the Lions and got the f150 to be chosen as the official truck of the league for advertisement purposes. They have a stake in the NFL's continued success so they're trying to help calm the flames of the sitting POTUS telling people to boycott the NFL. Tough spot to be in for ford

I used to have a Ford... it was like a retard designed it. Never again.

Ford is garbage these days anyway. Lousy fuel mileage despite being made mostly of aluminum, and good luck finding aftermarket parts for your $50k tin can

>police brutality
when will this meme die

Ford guys were always faggots, just like you, OP. Go suck some more thick and pungent nigger cum off your wife’s son’s faggoty face and really try to enjoy Jamal’s coon cock as it reems your ass-pussy.


I drive a dodge. Fuck Ford.

If you drive 6.0 diesel don’t worry it will blow up soon and you can get a fucking real truck

what kinda of a nation is USA, when the right to criticize the government if frawed upon, and the attempt to censor free speak are happening?

>amerishart cars

When you so desperately try to push the absolute wrong, the only way for it to stick is to alter reality.

people have been saying this since I can remember from the early 90s
guess you're a retarded faggot, user


Fuck ford. Toyota, honda, nissan all make superior vehicles.


Maybe in your shitful country, yank. Food is delicious here and always will be.

Most of their commercials are aimed at nigresses.

>What? Ford supports the blacks? Looks like I'll have to go buy an asian vehicle!

Drumpf supporters in a nutshell.

Why aren't they protesting black criminals?

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>Italy with their edible cars
Do they come with some bread sticks?


Gonna need a real source

>falling for the nissan meme
cramming new but ill-vetted technology into chincy cars that last half as long as hondas doesn't equal quality

Imagine if someone came to your quinseneda and smacked the funnel cake out of your hand you'd be mad too. They can protest whenever they want why do they want to do it during the national anthem while working on their bosses time? It makes the NFL look unprofessional sorry I can't just fuck around at work and make my boss look bad or I would get fired and then me and my free speech would have to leave. That's not censorship that's business.

Youre talking to someone who legitimately doesnt know their way around a motor

>Steals food from others.
>Claims it as their own.
You fuckers take things that people had done for a very long time and say it's yours. Here are some examples:
Pizza is an American invention. Prior to that, the Greeks were known for putting sauces and meats on pitas.. not Italians.
Garlic bread. You really want me to believe some fucker in Italy was the first to put an herb on some bread? Greeks did it before your people claim to have done it.
Shrimp scampi.. nope, not Italian.
Marinara sauce.. nope.
"Italian" subs.. are American.
Even Italian salad dressing .. isn't Italian.
Chicken parm.. is American.
Nope, not even fucking spaghetti with meatballs is Italian... it's American.
Fettuccine alfredo? First dish was in New York.
Mozzarella sticks? Another American invention.

Lets be blunt here.. the only fucking thing that actually comes from Italy is.. Mozzarella. A fucking cheese. Cheeses come from all over the world - even the Americans have made a cheese.

>Pizza is an American invention.
Wrong. Webbum related.

Attached: germanpizza.webm (1052x592, 2.43M)

If these idiots spent less time protesting nearly nonexistent police brutality and more time trying to clean up their community, maybe they wouldn't be afraid of leaving their houses.

i don got quinseneda, and do go to them those are literally hick and uncultured people's events.

it more like everyone is praying in a cirlce to God and one of them being atheist doesn't wanna join

you gotta take the good with the bad man, this how you stop tyrannical government and despotism. If they is not shouting then it is fine.

ford is the gay

The first "modern" pizza was made in New York. Gennaro Lombardi. Google that name. Before him, people had been putting shit on flatbread since before writing. It did not come from Naples no matter how you look at it.

How about just not say shit ford? The first amendment doesn't fucking fly. And let's be honest, will you really defend a neo nazi from saying "all niggers must fucking hang"?

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What police brutality are they protesting?

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Some gentle giant who dindu

Cops should just let black people commit as many crimes as they'd like. If you disagree, you're a racist.

>All of this Olive Garden tier crap is American

Yes. Yes, it is..

Why do these faggot companies need to inject themslves into every debate? Make a fucking car that does not suck. Assholes.

Of course but I keep hearing about police brutality but it always turns out to be some career criminal getting killed.

Lol... Ford was taken over years ago.... the slimy employees overtook the ford family.... now it’s just another “in remembrance of the original brand” company.

>None of this shit existed before Olive Garden.. a company that didn't exist before the 80s
Hate to break it to you.. but those dishes were called "Italian" long before Olive Garden came about. I know you're not old enough to know that, though.

By Americans. Also, you know what 'tier' means, right?

Why do Americans claim to have invented something when they only made it worse than the original? Would you say Americans invented chocolate because you people add vomit-aroma to it (butyric acid)?

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well I'm selling my stock in ford now.

>When I think of "pizza", I think of a non-Italian flatbread topped with various shit that they've been doing since the dawn of fucking time... not the shit you get from Dominoes.
Not sure who you're trying to fool, but it's not fooling me. Pizza is the way it is today NOT because of some fucker in Naples. It's because of an American. You can bitch about how much you hate it all you like.. but we all know that you eat pizza just as often as everyone else. This, of course, is just one example. I'd bet you eat most of the shit I mentioned. You're just trying to be edgy.

Have you ever had pizza outside of the US? Replacing mozzerela with cheaper cheese does not constitute 'inventing', user.. Pizza 'the way it is today' in Naples is not NYC style.

Also, I don't hate it.. It's pretty hard to ruin pizza. It's just not an American invention..

ford is dying from their internal financing program. Rednecks stealing from ford by financing trucks they could never afford. Q predicted this

Welp at least I know to not consider Ford at all.

>Have you ever had pizza outside of the US?
Yes. It was the exact fucking same. You know, the odd part is that even if you go to fucking Italy (and I have) and order a pizza... you get the AMERICAN pizza and not the ancient Greek pizza. A simple google image search will prove this to you.

However, you're completely skipping over what I'm saying. It doesn't fucking matter where you get it. It could be Olive Garden, Zio's, Pizzeria La Notizia, or if your mother brings a fucking frozen pizza down to the basement for you. You are NOT eating an Italian dish. You are eating an AMERICAN dish. Nothing you can say or do will change that.

Welcome to a year ago you dumb niggers.

>Being this insecure about your cultures inventions


This is the dumbest shit ever. He is a private fucking employee under contract, making millions, representing a brand on public television. He can bitch and moan all he wants, but he is not free of the consequences of those actions.

Obama really fucked up white American's state of mind. They love the Russians, but now hate football and Fords.

I love this timeline.

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Whos talking about food you stupid pasta sniffer

Lmao I was hungry and I read Food not Ford directly from thumbnail.

Welp, guess I'm out of here. I detest cars anyway.

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>ford steps up to lose money

ford trucks are literally for faggots

You know what FORD stands for?




Don't buy ford, they sucked ass before this virtue signaling. If you need a good truck get a Dodge or Chevy, not a Ford.

Every single element you listed has never stepped into my menu, not even remotely.
This basically means 2 things.

1) you don't even remotely know how true food tastes like, but no need to be surprised here. You lack culture, your flag automatically certifies that, and it's wasted time to dismantle your arguments one by one, even those you're lying about, like pizza.

2) you really need to be secluded in the thought america can provide something you can be proud of, which is something I would never expect from my country, not only because I've been thought to take pride only in what I personally partaked in to begin with, being aware of myself in the world, but also because I don't need any compensations for anything. It's crystal clear you need, tho. I really wish somwthing good occurs in your life. You need it, desperately.

:) keep talking about who makes finest cars, american friendo, but stop hissing fits which could show your situation to the public. It's anonymous in here, but it's still sad to read you.

Warm hugs to persons who need them.

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Checked. Reverse it


quit falling for these shill posts stolen off twitter you kikes n newfags

the best ford vehicles have no major parts that are ford. international harvester motor, zedf transmission, dana axles, etc.

>read motortrend once
>expert on trucks
Neck yourself

Why are you so angry about pizza user?


Italian mutts in america (not even true italian but a former shade and bastardized kind hated in both countries) are shagging everything he ever loved since highschool. Easily spotted.

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Yeah sorry dude I'm a phone poster, ok? I explained. My bad lmao

i would love to be ignorant, i would love to think people like this dont exist but at this point i've seen to many shmoks similar to webm related. I can only laugh now, its beyond sad

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>when you drive a toyota

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and the nike coupon ones too.

The greyzone project just released more info on the Qatar documentry about the Israeli Lobby.
Seems they manipulated BLM because they were going pro-BDS. Got events canceled, ect.
They even hired MLK's lawer to try to influence them.

These threads and their timing are to get BLM to focus on "white people" instead of IAC
The IAC props up pro-Israel people within movements. I've seen the same thing here. You have too if you were questioning all the e-celeb threads
Funded by the likes of Sheldon Adelson.

Whether or not you agree with BLM, they are Americans, and deserve more loyalty than forign agents operating on American soil. Don't help divide Americans for Israel's benefit


>inb4 darkie,muslem,other ad-homs or emotional attacks

>be me
>drive Honda 2-seater hybrid "made in Japan", get 40 mpg and it has a 10-gallon tank, costing me only $25 to fill up
>never been to an NFL, MLB, or NBA game
>don't have cable TV
>don't have Hulu, Roku, Netflix, any other Jewish-welfare mind control leeches
>never voted Democrat in my life, won't even vote for them for the local Board of Zoning Appeals
>only had 1 gallon of alcohol in my life, don't give them money either
>haven't been to the movies in 10+ years, boycott Hollywood
>don't support my state university Alumni Association, won't give them a dollar
>purchased a 20-pound aluminum hybrid bicycle, ride it for exercise at night, while riding around streets I look inside people's homes and see them all watching TV's mounted on their walls, all watching NBC's "The Voice" or "Dancing With the Stars", forcing young nigs on their screen and ghetto culture
>never ever would have bought a Ford and this is just 1 more reason to boycott them over

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they definitely cant burn their cars so what they gonna do

Mustangs are garbage. The only nice trucks are Chevy Silverados anyways. Henry Ford would be rolling in his grave seeing what happened to his company.

People drive Fucked On Race Days?

drive japcar, simple

Some smug-ass Chevy owner told my dad that about his Ford before going on a trip. His own truck promptly broke down that afternoon and he had to walk back in front of my dad. Dad said nothing.


>shitty government motors crap

Ford is still based because their founder named the Jew

>“We respect individuals’ rights to express their views, even if they are not ones we share,” the company said on Monday. “That’s part of what makes America great.”

They literally just said they support free speech but don't agree with what's being expressed. Stop just reading headlines and liberals trying to paraphrase things so suit their own agenda.

Why would I buy some piece of shit from government motors

And the only good thing about a dodge is the cummins engine they put in them the shitty fiat truck itself is junk


These people are being fucking liberal tier. Actually read the article dumb cunts don't just circle jerk over the title like a libtard

I never really thought about it that way, but you make an excellent point. If he wants to hold a press conference after the game, in his own free time, on his own dollar, that's cool, but he's on that field to do the job he's paid for, for however long an American Football game lasts. He's being paid to be there, to do a job and to represent his employer, and, like any job, his employer should be able to say that they don't want political preaching (or, indeed, religious or any other type of preaching) in the workplace.

Article is retarded.
Ford motor company doesn't own the Lions, that's the cousins of the Ford motor company family.
The deceased husband of the current owner, William Clay Ford is the son of Edsel Ford and the grandson of Henry Ford. They have nothing to do with Ford Motor Company, regarding the day to day operations.
This is all bullshit.