ONLY 2% of Jow Forums can solve this word problem

But 4% of Mexicans and Brazilians can answer it correctly.

Attached: revolvingdoor.png (627x1060, 174K)

You posted this garbage yesterday and were proven wrong.
What are you sliding?


Seems like 720

3 x 2 = a
a x 4 = b
b x 30 = c

a = 6
b = 24
c = 720

100% of niggers can't solve this.

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6 persons every 15 seconds, so 720?


2 People per partition, one full rotation = 6 (2 + 2 + 2 or 2 * 3)

6 * 4 (rotations per minute) = 24

24 People a minute * 30 Minutes = 720 PPM

Wasn't me. But I did find the link to this a few minutes ago in another thread.
It's not a slide.
I just want to highlight how incredibly dumb the world is, in case there was any doubt.
A good percentage of people here, even, would struggle to solve it.

ayy 720 blaze it faggit

Looking like 720 to me boys.

if you look at the diagram in the middle you'll see that 2 would be unable to exit as only one third serves as entrance and another third serves as exit leaving 2 stuck.
so 718

Jesus fucking christ

Truly next level thinking

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Hello, Mr President

In the first 1/3 of the first rotation no one will enter the whatever number the final answer is subtract 2.that leaves no calid i guess the problem is wrong?

Sorry I dont belive that their numbers can be that low, only 4% like wtf; I do belive that the majority are brainlets but this can not be possible
If we take that you need atleast 10% of the population to have an IQ of 120IQ+ to be engineers doctors architects and so on; how comes that the third world even has running watter if only 4% can solve this?

Like from this data I conclude that the moment t whiti or riceboys cut them off they will drawn in their own shit
And more over how comes that only 40% of the kids in the west can solve this, fucking welfere state is destroying us

you and your math are both backwards. why did you introduce algebra into it?

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If a baseball and a bat cost $1.10 together, and the bat costs $1.00 more than the ball, how much does the ball cost?

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This question is dumb. The answer depends on what position the doors start in before the rotations begin (depending on this the first full rotation might only result in 4 people going through instead of 6). Real math would be more precise.

120 full rotations in 30 minutes
6 people can get through per full rotation

120 * 6 = 720

Irrelevant. There were no initial conditions given that prevent a steady state throughout the time frame, and the question even asked for the maximum possible number (which implies people can already be in the chambers).

and what if these aren't any old people but actually fat americans, and they end up clogging up the doors and you have to call a serviceman to fix it

Use only the facts given

Oyyyyy veyyy

No, it does not. "What is the maximum number", not "what is the number when you've just turned the door on".

5 cents.

720 people, 360 americans

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mfw only 3% of fellow britbongs can do this absolute basic arithmetic with being shown da wey. I exsist in a plane of tards
times 4 for per hour.... 4*7=28km/h
dear god... jesus return pls

>This problem requires a multi-step approach, an understanding of rates, and the intelligence to complete it in the correct order.

>Though not especially hard, even at this level. I suspect that many of you can do it in your heads within a minute.

>But a majority of all the tested teens begged to differ.

>OECD average: 3% (!!). Korea: 12%, Japan: 8%, Germany: 5%. The US, Italy, Sweden, and Russia were all at 2%; the Mediterranean was at 1%.

>Some countries where a big fat 100% (rounded up) were unable to do this problem: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Indonesia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Qatar, Tunisia, Uruguay.

>The number of people at this level, the highest measured by PISA, is dwindling away into insignificance in Latin America and the Middle East.

>And yet this only translates to an IQ of 120-125. We’re nowhere even near genius level yet.

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It depends on the starting position of the door, but assuming it starts at the left most position shown in the image, then 720 is correct. If it started at the center position it would indeed be 718.

Kinda this.

4 revolutions per minute for 30 minutes is the same as 1 revolution per minute for 120 mins.

For the first revolution only 2 people enter the building. All subsequent rotations 6 people.

so 1 rotation * 2 people + 119 rotations * 6 people = 716 people

wew lad


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I know I know, its a bait. But let me clear out something for those that fell for this.

This is a question from the 2012 OCED test, which 15 YEARS OLD FUCKING TAKE.

So its not like only 4% of mexicans can solve it on that basis alone. Additionaly, the 4% number hasn't been derived from this question alone, but its more like: 4% of mexicans that are 15 years old got to question 4 and passed it implying that a bit more of 15 years old passed the previous 3 questions.

I'm not saying this to make mexicans feel good but rather feel the anons who feel like they are smart by solving this not so smart.

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You clearly need a demonstration.
>3 x 2 = a
Here, he is taking the number of segments, and multiplying it by the number of people per segment. This gives him the number of people that get through in 1 rotation.
>a x 4 = b
With the letter a symbolizing the number of people per rotation, he then multiplies by the number of rotations per minute, giving him the number of people per minute.
>b x 30 = c
He then multiplies the number of people per minute (b) by the number of minutes, giving him 30*24, or 720 people per 30 minutes.


also fuck my broken english, but you get the point.

No right answers in the list. What if four man are already in the circle but not in the building yet at the start of observation? It should be 724.

Define "in the building" first.

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this is correct
if anyone's interesting on this "pattern" learn pipelining in electronics (most notably cpus) its simpler than it sounds. after you read a little consider the following thought: on the first cycle the pipleine is not yet fully saturated.

6 people at a time * 4 times a minute = 24
24 people a minute * 30 minutes = 720

>Select all squares with niggers

I don't know why people shit on you, you have a point but obviously just fuck the damn closest answer.

>this is correct
>checks the flag
No user, you clearly got something wrong.

It's 720 you spastic.

>Only 2% of Jow Forums can solve this

Good God is this the literal state of mutt education.

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To be fair a lot of adults are shit with basic arithmetic since they forget how to do it. Unless you're in the trades/STEM or something like that how often is the average person doing math on the spot in their head like this?

>To be fair a lot of adults are shit with basic arithmetic
The state of america

>the building was friendship all along

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>720 people per 30 minutes
>1.440 people per hour
>34.560 people per day
>12.614.400 people per year


unless they watch sports ball and need to know stats at the drop of a hat.

who cares, it's plus or minus 2 on a multiple choice question where the second closest answer is 480 away from the correct value, there is no ambiguity here.

its not a complex problem.....
I forget people that stupid actually exist, I also forget some still don't even know how to read and write in the US

I solved it in my head in about 20 seconds from start to finish.
I've always known that pretty much everyone is stupid. It started becoming evident to me in elementary school, and only became more clear with each passing year.

floyd mayweather....

28.3 km/h

These tests always confuse me, like I could probably not find a person who can't solve this

>anons who feel like they are smart by solving this not so smart
I got 960 at first

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None of the answers are plausible. You only need half a rotation to go in one direction. 2 people in 2 sections 8 times per minute for 30 minutes. 960.

he got it right
the first rotation does not give the same throughput as the following ones.
in the first turn, there are at most 2 people inside (left figure) before rotation starts. a third of rotation lets 2 more enter, none leave. another third of rotation lets 2 more enter, and 2 leave. the last third of rotation lets 2 more leave, but 2 stay stuck. so in the first minute you have a throughput of 4 + 6 + 6 + 6. the other 29 minutes have a throughput of 6 + 6 + 6 + 6.
add it all up, you get 718.
im sorry but you wouldn't make it here.

It was a joke you fucking autist. Bait to lure you in

Half of your population has below a 98 IQ my friend.

>he got it right
Yeah i know
>im sorry but you wouldn't make it here.
I'm not that fat tho


3 sections that fits 2 people each and rotates 4 times in 1 minute.
3x2x4 = 24 ppm
24ppm x 30minutes = 720

>Additionaly, the 4% number hasn't been derived from this question alone, but its more like: 4% of mexicans that are 15 years old got to question 4 and passed it implying that a bit more of 15 years old passed the previous 3 questions.
No shit

I still say 180

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kek, yea beacause people will be in the third section moving backwards...

Americans are so stupid

Yeah, but we also have abos and they're just fucked.
They drag us down on the stats despite the fact they're not human.

3 partitions
4 rotations per minute
12 people per minute
If you assume someone steps in as you step out, you are a shit skin who doesnt understand personal space

It can't be that simple.

Stats say no however, the iq barrier is not in the basic times tables but knowing what to do

you have solved separately, doing some simultaneous shenanigans. unnecessary. 7kms were covered in 15 mins, separate legs are there to confuse you.

28km/h is the right answer

That's the reason only 25% of Americans could solve it. Half the people taking it weren't white.


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no, you fucking idiot. the first door finishes at the end of 30 minutes but the 2 doors behind havent let their people out so its 720 - 4 or 716

>Number of people per 30 minutes.
>The state of bongland

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The door itself is in the building
if you are in the door you are in the building

Am i the only one solving this problem like
((3+4)/(6+9)) * 60 = 28?

Were the instructions unclear and you got your dick stuck in a toaster?

that would be the wrong units though it needs km an hour.

I am absolutely shite at maths and even I got these easily

You can actually solve this a number of ways, a proportion works as well


Kek, your math is wrong, the last two that people on the "second" section.

If we would count the number of people within the door as well we would get 724

when you're a programmer you develop habits about indexing and tests ( whether to use equals ) that avoid off by one errors. There's more than one way to do it but you get consistency by experience and habit.

No, he just puts an extra step in. He's right.
He goes (km/min)*60 to get to km/h


Attached: 1473727209594.png (486x576, 6K)

oh fuck I didnt even see that, denmark dude is right then.

Think of a single chamber. It takes 2 people inside, then takes half a revolution and empties them into the building, then it spends another half going back empty. So that's 2 people per chamber per revolution. The rest is just multiplication.

So you're saying she traveled 7.075 km in those 15 minutes? Where does the extra distance come from?

They didn't build those running water systems by themselves user.

" logic is fascism "

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Convoluted way of dealing with it.
Especially when it's much quicker to go
(60 / (6+9)) x (4+3) and skip the fractions.

I solved it by saying "Ok, 7km in 15 minutes, so must be 28km in 60 minutes."
6th or 7th grade level shit.