When will people learn that Globalism is inevitable. There's nothing that can stop economic globalisation, political globalisation , cultural globalisation. Soon everything traditional will be erased, all cultures will be replaced by one dominant culture and no LARPing Nazi or Conservative can stop it.
When will people learn that Globalism is inevitable. There's nothing that can stop economic globalisation...
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I heard you guys have no inner monologue, your just NPCs
you guys should stop raping people for a while, it is leaking to the surface, i got a friend working for EU gov @ integration department and said UN is the source of all evil and most of you are fucking shit.
So yeah, go play with gasoline and have a lighted match while doing it.
>be incel white
>nearly half of your woman are getting blacked or browned.
>believe nationalism is the future
This is simple, either you bleach them out of existence or they will brown you, as most of you chosed proteccionism over conquering you already lost.
People who promote this make me very angry.
Oui frère
>There's nothing that can stop economic globalisation, political globalisation , cultural globalisation.
Bullshit. Ending Bretton Woods would end all that.
Wow what a shitty subversion tactic. Gas yourself kike
It maybe inevitable, but that doesn't mean I won't stop fighting against it. It's the right thing to do.
Sure i can agree. But for now.... i dont want to share a country or a planet with people who wipe their asses with bones or have to drop everything even at work to pray to mecca daily. I also dont want to share a country or planet with a bunch of starving poor people whose culture is so shitty that no one know how to take care of themselves and when they do get a world leader whose kind enough to give them some gibmedats they just fuck and shit out more starving poor people that cant take care of themselves because they have no work ethic or family values. Remedy this situation and we can talk about the whole planet living as one peaceful country.
and here's why
The talent that built China's industry didn't come from China, they're brilliantly white, European or sometimes even Slavic stock, that did it all.
Globalism will win this election, fag
Globalism is dead.
You try to hold it? You ll get revolutions.
Up to you.
North American nanochip production
North American space industry
>words, isms, inevitabilities
>because i said so, pleb
good proofs, quality thread
Underrated pt. 57
I don't promote anything Sven. I'm a Realist. I used to be a hardcore Nationalist , but realised that there are ideologies that will prevail no matter what i do. Globalism is inevitable and you know it. There's nothing that can stop it , as if Nature itself intended it.
Delusional Latrino.
The end result of globalism is collapse and a return to real nature so yes maybe.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up 0.1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why we are in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
You have a photograph of a female which would not be possible in the world you describe.
True this is the case but you must remember that in the last three civ cycles of the mederterainian the new civ is built in and with some of the old the more we keep for the next dark age the more we influence and mold the next great civ
>There's nothing that can stop economic globalisation, political globalisation , cultural globalisation.
Yeah, but are we going for the toddlers-are-transgender-blacks-that-haven't-been-oppressed-yet route, or the one where everyone actually survives outside of a gulag?
The distinction is important.
That's a lot of empty phrases.
You sound like some interactive propaganda terminal.
Did they cook your brain with meds?
> Celebrating the world suicide
Are you a jew?
Keep on ''fighting'' then. You are just wasting your time and other resources, because Globalism is natural , just like what is happening to Europe now. All the shitskins that invade Europe are there because ''Nature'' sent them. Jamal and Muhhamad are there because Europeans are not ''fit'' enough. It's very unfortunate , but downfall of Europe is also inevitable. What do you think will happen? Europeans will rise and kick out all the non-European people ? NO ! Slowly , Europe will become more and more brown and soon Western civilization will fall, which will also be a will of mother nature.
They used to prosecute defeatists
Real question for globalists and open border tards, how can you be for this and not acknowledge whites as the minority? Less whites in the world then blacks, asians, latinos.
THIS. Sven gets it.
And that system will invariably collapse you dumbfuck, so what then? Hmmm mmm.....
Im a nationalist today. Not because i think nationalism always will be the way to go its just that for now its the best idea. Its always worked and still does. Its sort of like capitalism, a really old system some speculate it is outdated but in actuality it is not yet outdated. Now they talk about something called universal basic income which may be a thing in the 2030s. Sounds interesting but we arent there yet. Globalism is good on paper but we havent worked our way there yet. And a decent globalist culture will NOT be formed just by letting a bunch of muslims raid the EU and rape the women and enforce sharia law. That will be a step backward. We will be back in the stoneage if this cobtinues. So nationalism for NOW. Globalism when its actually practical, and today it is not.
You equate what with how it comes about
And for whom will it function. You're a pleb.
Have you made any decisions based on your beliefs e.g. stocked up on vaasaline and anti virals?
Nothing. This thread is not about what is good and what is not. We're talking about realism here. What will definitely happen. There's not going to be an Ethno-state or a fourth reich. Globalism will prevail, it will destroy everything on its way and then , in my opinion , the civiliation will collapse.
There's nothing that can stop globali-
I'm pretty high majority of countries in the Asia and African culture will continue to stick to their cultural roots for a very long time.
Deep down we all know this. We just try to lie to ourselves. Some of us are Nationalists, some of us are nat-soc, some are traditionalists, etc. We try to hide the bitter truth.
Hah. Well even with brexit the uk is a big sjw cucked culture. So it didnt really help them.
>Globalism is inevitable
What is North Korea?
What is Bhutan?
Yes THEN and a return to local traditionalism and nationalism. No reason people can't get ahead of that curve or that local populations can't beat globalization in some senses and remain outside the fray. You have a very binary view of the situation.
>All the shitskins that invade Europe are there because ''Nature'' sent them
That's a wierd way of spelling "Angela Merkel and Brussels' mass immigration policy for slave EU vassals".
Oy bey nice one shlomo, you ALMOST convinced like 3 anons to take you seriously.
Now how about we take a peek at your real flag, there must a very good reason why you are hiding your true origins...
>even with brexit the uk is a big sjw cucked culture.
It sort of is. Depends on where you are. North London is upper middle class SJW central. Rural England and obviously Northern Ireland is still pretty conservative. However, having just graduated from uni it seems like US universities are more insane with the SJW shit than the UK.
We are more inclined towards moderate socialism in the UK and we do not have the anything like the large evangelical white Christian base that conservatism has in the US.
UK is still full of shitskins and their number only increases. What's your point?
...and btw, Jews are not trying to take over the world. All the conspiracy theories are just pure Cognitive Bias, nothing more , nothing less. Even if they try to take over the world, you can't do shit about it besides posting memes on Jow Forums.
An economic process
Global communism ideology.
Learn the difference, it may save your life.
Note that Brexit hasn't happened yet, who knows what positive developments may come after March 2019
Free trade is fine. International political bodies and open borders aren't. We've had the first since the dawn of civilization and the latter only after WWII
Globalization is the process which comes in many ways.
Modern nations are built upon white male tax payers, if demographics shift too much nations will simply collapse. If anything nationalism is the only thing with a future because diverse countries will disappear from the map.
Compare the wild success of the 787 to the now floundering A380, and you'll see a perfect example of why the "bigger is better" meme is a complete delusion.
Larger institutions like the EU, UN, WTO, Etc. are too big and unwieldy for the dynamics of the 21st Century. Nationalism and bilateral agreements are the way to go.
First communism died, and now its makeshift replacement, globalism. No one should be surprised.
Strong chances are that Brexit will happen but that Corbyn will win.
The combination of Brexit and Corbyn's socialist Venezuela tier economic policies will fuck the British economy royally.
Also, the Argentinians will see the opportunity to seize the Falklands and take; Corbyn will not retaliate because he thinks killing people is wrong (I am not kidding). The Spaniards might even get Gibraltar.
The UK will become the laughing stock of the world as a shit economy and a weak emasculated military and government fails to deal with the issues ahead of us.
Scotland could well demand another referendum and, after a hard border gets put in place in NI, shit will kick off again in Northern Ireland.
No , they won't ''collapse''. France, Germany , UK , etc countries will keep existing. The difference will be that future European countries will be much weaker and third world than they are now. oh and also their populations will consist of Negro-Eurasian mongrels.
Well that means Britain will enter history again after 50 years of lalaland
>it's inevitable
so is your death
why don't you accelerate that too and leave freedom to each people to decide how fast to approach cultural death?
>France, Germany , UK , etc countries will keep existing
They have only a few % of "diverse" population that is already massively negatively affecting the economy.
Wait until you get Rhodesia level diversity and we'll talk.
Globalism is the stepping stone to Luciferianism on a "global" scale. This process goes back centuries and failed mostly due to lack of technology. The collapse or "exhaustion" is intentional.
>larger institutions like the EU, UN, WTO
They were literally created by unironic Bolsheviks, of course they're going to fail just like any other Keynesian model because you can't magically create value from nothing which is what every communist in history has tried to do. Hocus pocus economics.
They are not affecting the economy. If they were , Germans or Frenchies would be doing something about it , but they don't. France has so much diverse population , but look, i can't see any protests by french trying to decrease the immigration. They like all the Muslims and Black people. If they didn't they would go out and do something about it, but they don't.
''Well , they are afraid of protesting''. Good , if they are afraid of protesting for the sake of their children , then they deserve it.
Fuck off blackpilling shill
So just sit down and stfu white man!
And btw, who is really white? This is what you need to figure out, goys. This is what matters. Now fight among yourselves: are Slavs white? Are Irish white? Are Iberians white? Are you white?
Stop worrying about globalism destroying your homelands goy. You have bigger issues, namely, that guy over there said Italians are white and Poles are based! Are you gonna just sit there and take that goy??
>nearly half your women getting blacked
This little nigger knows what he wishes for Christmas!
Its more like 10%, kike.
based and redpilled
>When will people learn that Globalism is inevitable.
Could be.
But right now it's being forced on countries/people.
People don't like that.
Bad things happen when you force people to do things they don't like.
Very bad things.
no way, jew
I think there's a resurgence of anti-Africanism because at this point in time, Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and Africans are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society that it once was in the last century. Africans will be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Africans will be resented because of their leading role, but without this transformation, Israel will not survive!
Time for Israel to open up.
>People don't like that
Oh yeah? is that why European countries import thousands of Africans/Arabs in their countries and nobody fucking protests it? I haven't even heard about a protest )a real protest, not the one with nazi roleplayers) in Germany, France, UK , Sweden which directly demands to deport all the non european immigrants
but now we know you're just NPCs we're going to figure out how to beat your coding, so globalism does now have a chance of being stopped.
Globalism is individual countries that rule themselves from the bottom up coming together to trade they agree with.
The EU will burn.
Sadly the bad guys won the 2nd world war in retrospect. We would of been better of wiping out all the low iq retards across the world and niggers but alas the world will be consumed by the brown horde maybe some whites will survive in pockets and the collapse happens and the world can be rebuilt with lessons learnt but who knows in the end
How about a little taste of your own medicine? Not so fun now, is it?
Globalism is dying, and you're trying to argue that it's irreversible? Where is your argument? Brainless shill. The world is too random and complex for there to be a single trajectory for all nations in the first place. The matchof history always contains so much more magic and surprise than that. But with respect to globalisation, which for you jews is a stand in word for the Kalergi plan, the ways to stop it are easy. You can start by building a wall and not allowing in anyone who is Muslim or has a stone age mindset. these things do work. Poland will never become Brazil, etc.
fuck off with your globocentric globalism
God Emperor of Mankind
Nice one Dr SPECTRE
That name...how very ironic...she is as evil as any Bond villain
el boliviANO.
I agree that globalism is inevitable. The only question left is which countries will keep their sovereignty and which countries will receive a visit from high-tech crusaders when the day of the rope comes.
Yeah stop fucking around for not your money with perfectly fit countries and start doing something usefull instead of shitposting on pol.
Europe does not have freedom of speech, you twit.