Discord : 9MEZcKU

Generals are published every day around 16:00 (GMT+1).

Last one got Archived.

Jow Forums is an English language website. Please post in English. Mods will Archive the Thread if you speak French.
Don't chimpout, be civil and constructive.
Don't forget, Big Brother Is Watching You!

Don't reply to Shills and Trolls : they aim one thing, your nerves, your intellectual time and things they could use against you or the movement

Drop all the infographics/videos/youtube links That you think could be helpful.

Podcasts (méridienzéro)

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Other urls found in this thread:ées_S_en_lien_avec_l'islamisme

>culture générale et histoire
Céline : voyage au bout de la nuit ; mort à crédit
Brasillach : Poèmes de Fresnes
Montreynaud : dictionnaire des proverbes et dictons
Jaworski : Te Deum Pour Un Massacre (jeu de rôles)
Dante : la divine comédie
Bloch : la société féodale
Bainville : Histoire de France
Venner : Histoire et tradition des Européens, 30000 ans d'identité
L'intégrale des oeuvres d'Aristote et Platon
Machiavel : le Prince
La Boetie : discours de la servitude volontaire
Tocqueville : oeuvres complètes
Rousseau : discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes
Saint Thomas d'Aquin : oeuvres majeures
Rattier : encyclopédie politique française
Delaisi : la révolution européenne
Maurras : la contre-révolution spontanée
MacDonald : The Culture of Critique
Hitchcock : The Synagogue of Satan
Rushton : Race, Evolution et Comportement
Orwell : 1984
Raspail : Le camp des saints
Rousseau : du contrat social
Obertone : guerilla
Chateaubriand : mémoires d'outre-tombe
De Villiers : les mosquées de Roissy
Bigeard : Adieu ma France
Houellebecq : extension du domaine de la lutte
Barrès : trilogie le roman de l'énergie nationale
Gomez Davila : Les Horreurs de la démocratie
Camus : abécédaire de l'in-nocence
Rouvillois : crime et utopie
Dard : la nouvelle droite et la société de consommation
Bastiat : pamphlets
>connaître l'ennemi
(((Hertlz))) : l'État juif
(((Claude Levi-Strauss))) : race et histoire
(((Marx))) : le capital
(((von Mises))) : le libéralisme
Sowell : race and economics
Keynes : théorie générale de l'emploi, de l'intérêt et de la monnaie
Smith : la richesse des nations
Jovanovic : 666
Hayek : essais de philosophie, de science politique et d'économie
Rothbard : l'économie et l'État
Joule et Beauvois : petit guide de manipulation à l'usage des honnêtes gens
Le Bon : psychologie des foules
Bernays : Propagande
"Gouverner par le Chaos"

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>Jow Forums is an English language website

No it isn't.

There isn't any rules on languages other than keeping Spanish off of the pony board.

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— Jean Francois Revel - La Grande Parade (Last exit to utopia)
— Je Suis Partout, Anthologie (1932-1944).
— "Chronique politique (1934-1942)", Pierre Drieu La Rochelle
— "Qu'est-ce que le fascisme ?", Maurice Bardèche
— "Le rêveur casqué", Christian de la Mazière
— "Le Dossier Rebatet" (incluant "Les Décombres" et "L'Inédit de Clairvaux")
— "Écrits polémiques", Louis-Ferdinand Céline
— "Les Modérés", Abel Bonnard
— "La Gerbe des Forces", Alphonse de Châteaubriant
— "L'Amérique juive", Pierre-Antoine Cousteau
— "Refaire la France", Jacques Doriot
— "Comment reconnaître le juif ?", Georges Montandon
— "Essai sur l'inégalité des races humaines", Arthur de Gobineau
— "Révolution des âmes", Léon Degrelle
— "La guerre juive", Paul Ferdonnet
— "Histoire de l'antisémitisme", Jean Drault
— "La France juive", Édouard Drumont
— "Le péril juif", Marcel Jouhandeau
— "Français ! … Il faut redevenir", Institut d'étude des questions juives

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News for today :

>Forte hausse des violences sexuelles en 2018

>Gérard Collomb regrette le "manque d'humilité" de l'exécutif

>Le déficit public revu à la hausse pour 2016 et 2017

>L'Elysée ne dévoilera pas le salaire d'Alexandre Benalla

>Pour tenter de contenir la colère aryenne, le ministre de l’Intérieur allemand déclare que les immigrés sont le seul problème

>Grenoble (38) : « Il m’a fracassé la tête, pour rien… », un père de famille tabassé gratuitement alors qu’il faisait son jogging

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this is your face on diversity

We have a "le plus beau village de France" thing already, now we could use a "le pire trou à merde de France". What would be your pick? Nantes? Grenoble? Other?

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paris Obv

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that's too vague, Paris center is not really dangerous

yeah but the whole thing is a shame of a capital.

threads get archived if we speak french, we tried, mods are faggots.

remove kebab

removes youpins too.

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i don't mind

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Fuck this baguette posting thread. Poo de la loo amirite

Thoughts on N'gambe Kwasa getting signed by Norf FC from Frog FC?

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C'est pas vrai.

I've spoken french a dozen times on these threads and that has not happened.

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a very pacey player, one of a kind, a good deal indeed

bonne rentrée les enfants

a couple of reply in french is ok, but mods don't like when the whole thread is in french, and they archive the thread instantly.
pic related is one of the warning we had.

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yeah it's the same with kraut/pol/

>Norf like ooga booga win with ball and feet,
>N'Jouzambe smart with ball, win for Norf F.C.

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IIRC Jow Forums is the only board where it's allowed.

There is no such rule.

Are you trying to confirm the stereotype of the French being cowards?

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Just want to remind the French how based they are, eternal rivalry aside, Anglo-French union when

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Is the white guy Dider Deschamps?

when in Rome

could be.
dude, i've been making those thread from day one and i'm telling you the mods just come and archive the thread without warning...

they might be scared we start a new revolution on Jow Forums without being able to (((shut it down)))

Didn't see many Arabs when I went to Strasbourg. I did see a black guy riding a stereo holding a portable stereo over his shoulder blasting nog music.

*riding a bike

People in the east have the reputation of being hella racist. I worked with niggers in Paris a long time ago, one of them told me "we wuz in Strasbourg for da job, one evening we go in a bar and there's only white people there and they all turn and stare at us and we just left". I haven't been there for years tho, don't know what it's like these days

everytime a nigger drowns a jewish property owner misses out on rent. Refusing migrants is antisemitic

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What do you think about european elections ?
Any hope ?
Wich party choose ?

anything europhobic.

Rip France. They are the first nation in the west to decline. I really wish they will recover, but less likely. Pic related.

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> Muh whit prid, rip France lol
> Show degenerate picture

on va se promener dans le parc les enfants?

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>Clichy & Batignole, in the blue.

French are basically continental anglos.
This is why everybody hates them

Any links to those?

yeah everything around porte de clichy and porte de st ouen is a zoo, better avoid the area after dark if you're white

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Do they actually go and attack white people just for being there?


Lots of drug trafficking. They don't want you there.

Always find funny how that shit correlates.

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Who is responsible for that, the mayor?

Isn't Seine Saint-Denis responsible for a fifth of the country's drug arrests?

>Rêve de soirée africaines
How can you see them, and dream about it?
Also, african migrants, not actual refugees. WTF.

not really but if some "youths" are looking for a target the odd white guy out is gonna be first. There's drug trafficking going on, there's also a lot of prostitues on the boulevard with their handlers never too far. And crazy muslims.

>Who is responsible for that
It's a mystery
they probably don't know what's about to hit them

>implying I care about niggerball

-cidence ? I don't think so.

Isreal shouldn't exist either

On what kind of list am I for clicking this?

They're gonna watch you harder than the fichés S

Fiché SS?ées_S_en_lien_avec_l'islamisme

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Boomers ruin everything, went outside today with my car and guess what I see, a 60 years old white man with a niglet children, and that's not the first time, one time I saw a boomer woman with 3 niglets children

nice digits

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