Flemish nationalist Dries Van Langenhove kicked off school


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Should belgium just be partitioned between France and the Netherlands?


Will they refund his entrance fee for the coming year or not? Can they cancel degrees he's already gotten?

How do they get to do this? Dries did not break any laws yes?

Wrongthink, it's pretty orwellian.

‘Vrije meningsuiting blijft een grondrecht, maar na de Pano-reportage is een grens overschreden’, is Van de Walle duidelijk. ‘Aan een pluralistische universiteit als de onze mag iedereen zijn mening geven, maar dit discours van antisemitisme, seksisme, wapengebruik en aanzetten tot geweld, overschrijdt een morele grens en juridische grens.’


So they are gonna invoke hate speech regulation in the disciplinary regulation of the univeristy?

But could this mean that the university can expel him, but Dries can then sue the university in civil court right? As civil law trumps disciplinary regulation and assuming there is still some freedom of speech left?

Old thread hit bump limit.

Article 20 of this law makes punishable those who openly and intentionally incite discrimination, hatred or violence against a person, a group, a community or members thereof, because of one of the protected criteria (ie nationality, a so-called race, skin color, origin or national or ethnic origin).

Is a closed fb group a public space? Judges in Belgium are globalist/leftist, so he's probably going to lose any case against him.

doesnt deserve to be kicked off of school...

leftist media ruling europe now

He started a group for bullying people, mostly minorities. I don’t think he got suspended for his views because he was already quite famous/notorious but for his direct/indirect support of people campaigning to troll leftist groups or leftists causes (for example womens march).

Bullying isn’t allowed in school.

What did he do ?

>antisemitisme, seksisme, wapengebruik en aanzetten tot geweld
Rector Van de Walle trekt wel ERG hard van leer tegen de Moslims, zeg!

he created a discord for edgy Jow Forums memes and orchestrated online trolling campaigns

>a group for bullying people
>T. Shitskin

first off, S&V started as a meme group, which lead out to a group of young europeans trying to defend their heritage.

And bullying? How so? Because the group posted a meme that the lefty found offensive? Or because he hung a banner from a castle, which the left did before him?

Ik wil graag de beruchte reportage zien.

Waar kan ik heb terug kijken ???

That's it? You guys literally have laws allowing doctors to euthanize people. Talk about fucked up priorities.

thats what you get when you post nazi memes with your name and surname in a discord chat wit 900 people with state television reporters included.
>muh sekrit group chat

>University rector call a press conference and announces he's banned before procedure to do so has even started
>Is a freemason

Why am I not surprised? At least Leuven had Torfs for a while who was somewhat based.

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Sta voor je spiegel en zeg drie keer na elkaar "alle culturen zijn gelijk en de wereld is van iedereen, open grenzen nu".

The facts, please, not some vague newspeak bullshit.

Isnt that a human rights violation?
Discriminating based on political views?
Is the Uni state funded or is it private?


Ik waarschuw je, het is een heleboel linkse onzin


je zult wellicht een vpn nodig hebben


So far there has been zero motivation for his suspension afaik.

Pretty sure anything with nazi symbols is legally forbidden in Eurolands, so he might be screwed technically.
Not sure.

he destroyed a legal banner action of the communists on the gravensteen castle in ghent. that is anti-freedom of expression and illegal. state tv ask to film him for several months and he said yes, he did an illegal action with state tv right there next to him filming him. how smart is that?

In all honesty it's hilarious to watch S&V crash and burn. First off how the hell did VRT get access to everything on their discord and second why did they allow posting of all those cringy Jow Forums memes knowing that the MSM would destroy them on that if they found out. Was the leadership really that stupid?

It is. Even it the states with our 1st amendment, a college can expel you for controversial speech.

Retarded fuck, S&V has shitskins in their group. And what they did was bullying, you left out the fact that they openly asked for people to sabotage some stupid leftist groups/causes and to infiltrate in the UGent student council. Who is honoustly that dumb to ask that openly and then allow the VRT making a short documentary about the group.

I once was suspended because I posted 2 pictures of an edgy meme on a disclosed group, what Dries and his group of autists did was for worse and dumber, and Driest knew he was in heaps in trouble when the reporter showed him the screenshots.

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Can he sue? This whole situation is bullshit.

This is one of the examples of "racism" posted in the discord.

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>Belg wordt ge-Ramautarsingd
Voelt belegen, nie?

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>legal banner
If the leftist banner was legal, so was theirs

The school kicking him out is also anti-freedom of expression
Obv leftist spies who got paid by the VRT...

>you left out the fact that they openly asked for people to sabotage some stupid leftist groups/causes

This is exactly what COMAC did at the Theo Francken lecture, yet only S&V is getting targeted, just because they are right minded. This is the current state of the media and the whole country, and obvious reason that we all fucked up and that is allmost too late now.

>what is a meme

I had a one-year old post removed because a woman responded out of nowhere with "incel" and I replied with "ad hole-inem lmao"
Apparently it's an act of bullying to explain "arguing with holes"

He's the leader of a right wing youth movement. They had a fb group and discord and random people (anyone could join the group) posted racist/sexist etc. Jow Forums memes and now they media is framing it as if those are the core ideas and values of Schild & Vrienden. There's an investigation running now and he's already been kicked off his university. All major politicians are getting muslim voting points by speaking out against it, even the civnat biggest party nva.

It's a pretty big deal because they were really gaining in popularity here.

>sells illegal pepper spray to his members
>tells his members to get guns and gun licenses
>member post Jow Forums style images of weapons laying on bed with flemish flag
>member posts homemade brass knuckles in s&v logo
>tells members to infiltrate police, military, courts, universities etc.

it was only a matter of time.

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>If the leftist banner was legal, so was theirs
you cant destroy a banner of someone else though. thats not legal.

It seems like the only evidence they have of "racism, sexism, Hitler glorification", etc. are literal memes posted in the Discord.

You're all in big trouble.

How is it related to the rules of his school ? Is the castle part of the school ? I don't understand.

Oh, so it's about blasphemy. I didn't know there were blasphemy laws in Belgium.

I see. I'm sure they'll stop being popular because politicians wanted to lick muslim ass.

what the fuck is that thing on the right

the onions is palpable

Dude you're acting like one of those technologically retarded boomers yourself. Do you know how Discord works? Joining it doesn't mean you are a member, there were like 800 members. They just got one of them to share a link with them and they read along. And it definitely wasn't Dries himself who allowed them into their discord lmao.

>tells his members to get guns and gun licenses
and thats illegal because...?

>Obv leftist spies who got paid by the VRT...
This, he probably thought it was a good way to get some good publicity. No doubt they were also filmed doing volunteer work and cleaning trash when trade unions were on strike. But the lügenpresse vrt must have edited it out to make them look bad, and even added creepy background music to the documentary. Dries' mistake was losing his nerve when the reporter confronted him, but admittedly it musy have been a tough situation. He should have shrugged it off and said he's not responsible for everything posted in a group of 900+ people, and that he should go find the people in question and let them speak for themselves.

Since when is it ok to act as if muslims are incapable of dealing with criticism and satire?
What kind of a misguided person thinks babying a whole group of people isnt racist?

>How is it related to the rules of his school ?
all the 800 members of his movement are from schools in ghent.

Is Schild en Vriend for greater-Netherlands or for independence?

yes please

Obviously inciting violence?

Two wrongs don’t make a right, if you’re gonna post edgy memes then make sure there aren’t any rats in your discord group or allow the VRT to make a docu about your group.

I don’t care about COMAC or S&V they are both retarded groups.

I think S&V also got more backlash because some memes posted in the group were for some people probably in wrong taste (The death of Mawda or whatever she’s called)

its not illegal but when in a political movement thats not something you do. people can have gun and hunting licenses sure buy your dont tell them on a sekrit group chat with 800 people hey dudes go get some guns lmao.

Een rector met een kalende, late boomer generatie kop met moeilijk 'artistiek' montuur, shirts met vage prints en geen das.

Waarom is het zo voorspelbaar?

Ik wil een adjustment day. Nu.

Doesn't mean if it's against the law and honestly that's one of the best things he could do and I'm proud of him, really fucking proud. I wish whites Flemish people would arm themselves again.

>Potsmoking protestants
No thank you.

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Nederlanders moeten gewoon het land op België zetten en een postcode van een stad in België invoeren etc.

They were filmed doing that, but the leftist media let that out of the video....

For keeping the European and the Flemish heritage, to counter illegal immigrants and to save the leftist cuck whats now called "Belgium" from the Leftists.

I was in the discord for a long time, and there are always lurkers but no one expects to get a rat in their organisation.
Yes exactly, but they shouldn"t be punished because the members posted some edgy memes

And why not, why in the hell would this be illegal or why would someone be punished for that. Just another lefty being mad

Calvinists, aka cryptojews, on top of that.


Private chatgroups don't really count as a public space though does it?

Is their Discord still up? Where can I get an invite?

As an independent Flemmish nation-state?

owning a gun =/= violence
the only law he would've actually broken is to sell pepperspray illegally. The fact that even is illegal is fucking retarded.

Nope, got shut down because some leftist spy ratted on us

How did they hand out invites in the first place? Were they careful about it or not?

No, they arent even a political organisation. That was probably their plan in the future, but we all know that aint gonna happen now

See, There was a secret meme group on facebook first, then the S&V started and they made a private S&V group on facebook and their they shared the invites


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They can always become besties

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Until his legal behavior is punished?

a big shame indeed

Dietsland wanneer?

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That docu was an absolute cringefest. Although I have tot admit the jewish rolex made me chuckle.

Just sit back and enjoy the shitstorm.
I know you're here, Dries.

It would be funny if it wasn't all so tiresome.


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>the fucking way our media is so buttblasted about this guy

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> Posing with a rifle on a flag that has been taken as a symbol for nationalism
> Memes are a means, not a goal
> Actual militant discourse internally

They're rightfully persecuting this guy. S&V isn't your run-of-the-mill edgy rightist movement. They probably had some pliable elements within, drawn to a possible fascist leadership.

Hahahaha no you fucktard they were sharing Jow Forums memes on discord for fuck sake and some autists said whites should hold important positions in society.

This why you don’t leave anonimity

How dumb is this guy to let a mainstream media journalist follow him for 6 months without realizing his only intention is to destroy you and your organisation?

"Means are a means, not a goal" is an actual Dries-quote. You'll find the militant discourse internally near the end of the docu. However tongue-in-cheek this might all sound to you on Jow Forums, their's is real-life honey.

> Important positions in society

Now, why would anyone say that. It's almost as if their endgame has some broader ambition.
That's unleast how it will seem to society. Don't expect them to comprehend whatever post-irony you think you believe in.

It's not because S&V is made up of retards, that they can't be completely serious.

Tis is pure character assassination, they're also out to intimidate anyone associated with S&V.

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I can't post this anywhere on my real accounts so please meme admins post this somewhere I put like 5 mins of effort into this alright

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seeing memes on the 1 o clock news might be my new favorite thing ever

Hello we have the EU law against "hate speech" here too and one of the Soros-funded organizations tried to use to arrest a journalist, but the courts ruled in her favor.

She had insulted Islam, a religion, and not a race or other "protected class" therefore the courts helped her.

We were forced to implement the law 2-3 years ago by the EU, if your law is the same maybe this kid has a chance.

No, they are traitors. Let them burn

there was shit about jews and africans too, the boy is fucked

>made in denmark
>not made in sweden


Don't make us take Wallonië.

You have to be a total retard to reveal your power level on discord after they all but admitted to supplying left wing doxx groups with the private user data of "racists".
>Discord told The Daily Beast it has also begun working with the Southern Poverty Law Center to combat hate groups on the platform, although it did not specify the details of the arrangement.
>The reliance on users to report abuse appears to have led some neo-Nazis to think of the platform as a safe space.
>“I think the alt-right has relied on Discord as a means of communication across distances, with the expectation that what’s happening, or what they can talk about is secure,” Ryan Lenz, a senior investigative reporter with the Southern Poverty Law Center, told The Daily Beast.
>Even after alt-right Discord logs leaked last August, revealing how neo-Nazis planned the Unite the Right rally, some groups still believed their messages were safe on the chat app.