What does Talcum mean by this tweet?

what does Talcum mean by this tweet?

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In the time of the end a polarization around Good and evil will appear stronger, definite and finally irreconcilable.
The clash is set, the results already known.
Be prepared.

He wants recognition for his efforts

Invest in guns and ammunition.

spoken like a true progressive leftist
friendly reminder: the left accuses you of what they are already doing.
any collapse, crisis, or civil war Talcum is referring to is already happening, but most likely in his own life.

Angus prepared. Also, czeched.

Let's hope he's right.
It's the only solution to the US' problems.

did you misidentify that flag?

>civil war
Gun owners vs snowflakes... it's gonna be boring.

He's coming out as gay.

do you feel it?

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depends on who 'we' is

A broken clock is right twice a day. We all feel the War coming.

This. It's inevitable.

this dummy has no contempt of civil war. They think civil war is antifa and BLM vs. proud boys and patriot prayer having a fist fight

Is 3k rds enough?

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I agree with the civil war part. I want to kill liberals legally before they beat up my grandma and snatch her purse.. or attack our capital on flag day again.

It means he's smart enough to know if a race war breaks out he hangs first as a traitor and the niggers arn't going to help him..

he's not wrong, we need to quit pussyfooting and execute liberals

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The US is no where close to a civil war. We were ten times closer during the 60's and 70's than we are today. When there's 2000 domestic bombings a year and street fighting you can have a reason to worry.

I'm sure he'll be leading the charge of the non-whites! Based SHAUN KANG, he's a REAL MAN! The epitome of masculinity and basedness.

>just for the record, if the shit hits the fan the way it looks like it will I am actually white. Please don't shoot

>we are in a very disturbing place
When whites larp as niggers

so it's nothing then?

Kavanaugh will be confirmed soon.

Honestly, I dont think I could even enjoy mowing down niggers. Imagine the smell. There'd be no challenge, you'd just sit a tv in the street and sit in a nigger stand.
Burning the liberal campuses might be amusing but there's only so many fag bonfires you can do before you run out of fags to burn.

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he means his career depends on division, hysteria and paranoia from his readers

Thats a start

I wish. Fucking niggers and faggots would get blown the FUCK out 10/1 even by unorganized lone wolfs.

Normies and boomtards still think everything is fine though.

Oh no! Will they be armed with double-sided dildos?

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Talcum needs to go out in the real world and actually talk to some white people... anybody who thinks like his tweet spends too much time on the internet

I'm sure he talks to his family a lot.

I actually doubt he does... he probably resents his family which is why is larping as a nigger

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he meant that the deepstate is finally realizing that they have lost control, and are preparing to import mercenaries to fight against america.

Baiting the wildlife is illegal

>Civil War.
How? Trump has the military on his side.


Mercenaries imported and they will train commies, ISIS was trained by mercenaries and radicalized as well. They will try the same thing in america, Antifa is not a naturally made organization as well and they are a great useful idiot organization with young people to trick into being useful rats. Mercenaries with actual combat experience will work with them. It can happen, I think things might get ugly soon


to add, I hope the US stomps them out, I do not like that these organizations have the reign that they have, the military isn't unified 100% but we have decent leaders that are willing to follow our great president happily, Ive met many Colonels that like him

the bananas are beginning to spoil, the monkeys don't like the taste, and the zoo keepers better ready the tranqs

«Deeply problematic» - hahahaha! Yeah, he would say that

unironically the first non retarded thing the chalk nigger has ever said

I love problematic places

There is something you have to understand here.
America never really had a "Civil War". We had a war that we called a "civil war" but it was really just a failed revolution with the intent to secede.
In an actual civil war, your enemy is all around you, there are no state lines. There is very bloody fighting to ensure there are solid battle lines and then there is either bloody war for absolute control, or there is separation. A civil war is ideological in nature. You do not take prisoners, as prisoners will just stab you in the back the moment it is turned. Prisoners also do not rehabilitate, there is no re-education that ever works.

We are in the midst of an actual civil war. The middle is being knocked out and sides are being chosen. Once one side feels that either they are out of time, or that they have overwhelming odds, it begins. This is how it always begins. Understand what we are about to experience here. These people are not reasonable, there already is no more "law and order", that is gone and will not be restored. The next phase is assassinations. Just get ready and stop thinking of the other side as human, it will make this whole thing easier and faster. Because they stopped seeing you as human 2 years ago.

He should be scared, him and his kind are tops on the list for the rope.

>nigger stand

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you'll learn to live with the smell

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It's not about what (((they))) warn is gonna happen but what they want to happen after you think it's gonna happen. Most financial crisis have been artificial and deliverately created by using this technique.
If people didn't get off their asses after the mass rapings in many cities I don't think anything will.

Have niggers really deluded themselves into thinking they could win a race war? Even in non white areas like LA, Mexicans and gooks will kill them

War is close because of what Trump and his team are doing behind the scenes. The globalists are pushing for war, and will incite it once he plays his Trump card to finally try and bring them all down at once.

I meet a lot of people that talk about it and others saying "Lol thats just extremists you see online, most people are normal and dont care" What I told that guy was it only took 1% of the country to actively participate in such a thing in the past to spark war. People are blind man it is ever getting closer and closer. What is interesting is what is going to happen after it really starts? battles death what will be the final after it all settles? Will it ever settle? Will things deteriorate and become a wartorn land all over for many years going forward? How long will it last? Questions, questions.

Ideally each man would have 10k rounds of the same make and manufacturer for his weapon. Ideally youd also have multiple weapons to throw a fire team together.

Common mistake i see a lot of gun owners make for rifles is they will have multiple different brands of ammo. Not realizing you have to re zero your rifle when you change ammunition.

Your first paragraph was sensible. The last one is bullshit fear mongering. Things are not that bad. The majority of people are a lot more passive aggressive than you give them credit for. They may be aggressive on Twitter or in media controlled panel discussions, but when push comes to shove most people still want their life of leisure. Few people want to actually push it that far. Even those who say so are doing so emotionally and usually saying it through a mask on the internet, but there's too much luxury to just throw it away.

The real outcome is going to be a lot more mundane than you think. Many will exaggerate as they will, but it's usually boring and uninteresting.

People are passive aggressive sure, but this is because quality of life is still so high for everyone. The moment that breaks down is when passive aggressive turns aggressive.

Where was he in 2008

That is being optimistic, many civilizations had high luxury man fights over many things. But it won't be mundane, the sides are being picked and the instigators are not doing it for free, there is a lot at play. I know people would give up their luxuries if they saw their families were in harms way. Family is important to many people in this country still, and that family being potentially harmed will drive many young men to fight for what they believe in.

Truth, but it's not everyday people leading these events on the liberal side. It's a bunch of corrupt politicians and ideologues desperate to maintain power at all costs. They have no issues whipping up mobs and riots for their political agenda. I don't think they'd have an issue supplying their side with firearms and weapons and telling them to go fight the evil conservatives for muh democracy.

In the past, there were clear goals in mind. Resources were more scarce and survival was more of a struggle. Today, there's too much to lose for little to gain. Unless some disaster strips resources away, most people will continue to be lazy and apathetic. Remember, half of the population didn't even vote last election.

Checked. Way ahead of you, user.

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That's all fair. No one really knows. Even those high ranking politicians have too much to lose. It seems to me they're playing the game of enforcing gridlock and milking things as much as possible. The threat of civil war is what helps them and the media get attention and helps them consolidate power, but I don't think hitting the mobilization button will show any clear benefit anytime soon. Politicians are busy milking the hell of the current system. If anything sparks thing, it would be some sort of natural diaster.

Imagine how much people would struggle to survive if just the internet went down. There would be millions dead within a few weeks. Add in economic sabotage, war, electric grid down, during winter, natural disaster etc...any one of these things or combination of them would lead to total breakdown of the country.

The natural disaster as catalyst seems most likely. Most human players have too much to lose. Nature don't give a fuck.

When the globalist cabal feels threatened they will do whatever it takes to survive. This is why there are underground bunkers/cities connected all around the country. They will go below and wait it out after they start WWIII.

This is who Michael Moore, Shaun King, and Rob Reiner are teaming up with to lead Le Resistance.

Rob Reiner and Michael Moore have been prepped for war by Colonel Sanders

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I hear people say this all the time online but when I travel to places I very seldom see this being a real thing.

People by and large are too busy shopping, working, partying, hanging with friends to give a shit.

You mostly see civil war talk from fringed faggots.

Passivity does not last very long.
Here's the formula for how this works.
Coalitions form to maintain power in a system which is rapidly polarizing along ideological lines.
Increasingly, the center collapses and a tipping point is reached where to keep a sliver of power, a far radical extreme element is pandered to.
This is essentially pandering to a marginal 1-2% in order to fully shut out and marginalize 30-40% of the population. That 1-2% has an agenda, and, without their support the coalition falls apart, so their agenda is given far more attention than it should be.
The immediate concern for the coalition is then one of
>how do we eliminate that problematic 30-40% as rapidly as possible?
Mass immigration, genocidal policies, all of it's on the table.
There then reaches a breaking point.
The minority either wakes and realizes they are in danger of losing any chance of retaking power and launches a coup. Or the majority feels confident enough in their position to go ahead and snuff out the remaining resistance before they have a chance to rebuild or wake.
This is largely on ideological lines which happen to line up with race in no small degree, however ideology matters as well.
Most don't care that much right now. But that will change when the political assassinations start happening more and they just go unsolved or unpunished.

that his side is losing and the inevitable cat 5 chimpout is looming

People don't give a shit until they do.
In a true civil war, there is no middle ground. It is total war.
If you are in territory controlled by the ideology you agree with, you will give them everything you can, because if they fail, you will die.
If you are in territory controlled by the ideology you are at odds with, you will sabotage them at every opportunity, because if they win, you will die.
This is rapidly understood by both sides within the first few days of conflict. It will start nice, there will be camps, there will be prisons, there will be attempts made, mostly by the nationalist side to "cure" the enemy of their diseased minds.
Those efforts will be a sap on resources, the enemy will slaughter and take no prisoners.
Then you will experience real civil war.
Civil War is a fight for control of the same piece of land. Not for secession. We are fighting over control of the same piece of land and it has become very obvious that cohabitation is not a long-term or even short-term viable option anymore.
There's a reason they are not talking about Vegas.

That's an interesting point about immigration used as a tool for curbing away the apathetic majority. I hadn't thought of it that way.

Personally I remain optimistic yet cynically cautious. Inevitably fear and pessimism will be the biggest and baddest tools in the box, so I've always felt remaining optimistic is the only true way to stick it to the man for lack of better term. I try to spread optimism, futile as it may be, to who I can so as to curb the fear mongering bullshit the media pulls.

Oh he knows what it means. He's accepting his fate is drawing nigh. The ropes are ready.

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1 of 2 things happens
1) Trump is successful in his policies and turns the tide just enough to give whites a chance again.
>This sends a signal to the left that their efforts for the last 100 years have been undone and will ultimately fail
>This means that the highest their tide will ever be is right now and they must act immediately if they hope to capture and secure the power they wanted
2) Trump is not successful in his policies and whites continue to fall.
>Land becomes an "issue" as cities are full and "good food" is expensive and "why should whitey own the farmland when my daddy came and picked all the food for pennies"
>If there's going to be automation, then the land should be redistributed, there needs to be land reform, and wealth reform
>Whites either get slaughtered for lack of will to fight back, or fight back.
>This can happen on many issues that are not land, but land is traditionally the #1 thing that does it.

It's coming either way. There has been an ideological rift that has formed, it will not heal, period. This ends in blood. Accept that. Anyone who is not on board by this time next year is going to be a body in the ground. Because if they are not, you will be.

every time man
I know you faggots pride yourselves on 'independent thinking' there but jesus christ

Oh and I also like how Wyoming didn't have enough responders that didn't own guns to have a dataset lmao

They were meant to eventually arrive at that belief. None of it is by accident. Race mixing white people to the brink of extinction is a fool’s errand, especially in the US. Contrary to what the daily shills and the porn industry would have you believe, this is not an actual problem. The bulk of the black population has become infinitely more trouble than they’re worth. That’s the problem. The lower class black’s capacity for destruction (self and otherwise) is virtually limitless, and while weaponizing them for political maneuvering was extremely effective with earlier generations, recent attempts with the modern equivalents have resulted little more than absolute, memeworthy disaster. Point of fact is; they’re no longer of any use to the powers that be. Even the private prison scheme has its limits.

The pendulum is swinging back to the right, and once it has arrived, it will lock in place. It’s meant to. The people at the head of the table realized that the most intelligent way to continue relatively peaceful control over this country isn’t through jewish schemeing and subversion, but through a form of nationalism.

The lower class minorities will not be able to adapt, nor are they meant to. Their usefulness has run its course. Even the sports slaves can’t help but to cause trouble where there needn’t be.

Argue as you may, the situation is clear; our dark overlords are banking on white to thin the criminal herd. It is inevitable.

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surely if the shit hits the fan it plays down differently in the USA? Households with such a high percentage being gun owners, thats not really happened before in any civil war in history. Would be a total blood bath.

He's afraid.

Yeah like the other guys said, it's a start...aim for 10k rounds for your primary weapon, 2-5k for your sidearm and at least 1k each for your special purpose weapons/long range/bolt gun and shotgun.

user bro, most likely there won't be a challenge but approach every enemy combatant as if they are spetsnaz...this kept me alive in war.

it's almost like the hysterical hyper-aggressive racial politics shaun has been pushing for the past few years has alienated and fragmented people along identity lines and dissolved american cohesiveness

Yep...there are already commie(many veterans) in the US training these commie rat fucks...don't expect your adversary to be the typical antifa cuck.

All he had to do was stay on team white.
Instead he chose to back a side that will ensure he is killed by both sides.
Surely Jar'qUantavius will recognize him as black and not just shoot him dead.
Too bad all whites recognize him though.. and we all know he is a traitor to be shot before any prisoner.


Is it even possible to be more based than West Virginia? I think no.

To be honest, there's no honor in a war with groups even remotely resembling Africans. Black warfare hasn't moved out of the dark ages yet, they'll typically charge your position head-on, straight into machine gun fire. In Africa many believe that their tribal rituals will make bullets turn into water on impact. I imagine the ones in the USA aren't *that* stupid, but you'll see a lot of large mobs falling straight into kill zones. The causalities would be off the charts. Imagine if a few people had been strategically positioned on the rooftops during, for example, the Baltimore riots. The African lacks the ability to quickly and effectively abstract or plan ahead, so the modern battlefield is the last place they should be.

>there's no honor in a war with groups even remotely resembling Africans
That's why they will just stab you in the back on the subway or at a gas station.

It means he's a drama queen.

Blacks and people of color will WIN the Race/Civil war ! Based Brother Shaun wlll be our leader and Kap and NIKE will bank our roll !


The negro will ambush. The negro will betray. The negro will attempt to smash you if he thinks he can pull it off.
The negro has nothing that can save him from an organized unit. There's a reason they hate the police and mercenaries.

Pepper your angus, faggot.

lol Kapernicuck isn't rich enough to bankroll a fucking civil war and Nike will do whatever they can to protect their company. They'll just leave. If a civil war happened today 90% of America's niggers would die within a month and all the great cities of America would become dead nigger storage.

i have 10k rounds for my .22 "sniper" rifle. was that a waste of money or would it actually be usefull to place a .22 shot anywhere i want at 1000 yards? with subsonic rounds you cant even hear my gun shoot, but they barely go 50 yards

An interesting take. I will believe it if and when there are no prosecutions (outside of brutality or being too visible) for shootings once the bullets start flying.

>This means that the highest their tide will ever be is right now and they must act immediately if they hope to capture and secure the power they wanted
This is why the old media giants have abandoned objectivity and went full sjw. Their power is waning due to the internet and they elect d to cash in while they still held relatively high esteem and a large audience.

Dude...22, 1k yards? A .22 LR shooting subsonic ammo can be excellent out to 100 yards, can really fuck some shit up. Might want to try another brand of subsonics to see if you can squeeze more range out of it. My rifle for accuracy is a .223 bolt gun using Australian Outback Match grade ammo, 69 Grain SMKs.