Did Pewdiepie just suggest he's at war with Israel?


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no he didn't. stop shilling for your e-celeb.

At the 2m27 mark he says he's at war with the Indians. Then shows a map pointing to Egypt, but the text it is pointing closest to says "Israel"

Attached: sam-hyde-ted-talk.jpg (975x600, 177K)

he meant iran

Attached: 1513623161074.png (508x865, 55K)

Spoopy goofy

no that's syria where assad lives

Attached: assad.jpg (271x514, 45K)

It clearly pointed to israel

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Is that Sam hydenstein being a freemason OP?


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Holy shit thanks, I've been looking for the clips of Hyde doing Masonic handshakes , I saw it on Endchan years back.

I've seen enough evidence to believe Hyde is either a mason agent himself or knows enough about them to mock them. Who's the dude he's doing the handshakes with. But Imo the latter is wishful thinking. He's probably a shill.

The fact that he's always wearing a variant of the Phrygian hat (esp in his TED talk where he's explicitly wearing one ) as well as having that Grand Architect painting by Blake on his Facebook seems enough giveaways

hes def just mocking them
hes too much of a sperg to be let in

I think the guy he is doing the handshake with is some random homeless dude.

I guess he could be a mason. But knowledge of their inner workings isn't much evidence since that information is all over the internet.
Anyone who has even a basic understanding of conspiracies comes across it.

It isn't exactly hard to become a mason.
Maybe to go anywhere with it, sure. But to just be a low level member has to be easy.

Someone tell him that's not India.

Attached: India.png (1205x635, 1.07M)

That wasn't the point?


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>The absolute state of JIDF on Jow Forums

This is what this thread is about? It's clear that he's pointing at Egypt but the map he got off google put the line that goes to Israel in Egypt since there's no space to spell Israel within ISrael

that was 100% intentional

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t. npc

Then why not put the arrow closer to the centre of Egypt and near the Egypt text?

It could just be an unintentional coincidence, but when I first saw it, my first thought was "whoah, he just pointed to the word 'Israel'." And I can't be the only one that took it that way.

bring it on. we will crush this swed pussy and feed him to his muslim overlords.

THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF JEWS. YOu people are so fucking neurotic. No wonder you get shoahd over thousands of years. It's petty shit like this.

I think it's funny.
No wonder people don't take the JQ seriously when you people are so neurotic, you get upset over Jews so quickly.

I love Sam, he's /ourguy/ forever

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"Peace! Peace! Peace upon mankind Forevah! Forevah!!"
