>Respectable >Newspapers No such thing, you should be ashamed to be posting such nonsense with that flag.
Chase Gutierrez
Trump has iron-will to keep going no matter what.
Everyone mocked and insulted him when he announced he wanted to be president. They called him racist, sexist, and found all sort of ways to try and put him down. But he managed to overcame all of that and became a president.
William Peterson
Are you saying dumb people shouldn't be allowed good jobs? Bigot.
Hunter Collins
No i havent because i actually dont beleive those groups when they say they believe Trump is dumb. I beleive they are engaging in rhetoric.
Connor Bennett
Trump's wealth has grown 300% since 1987, if we believe how he lists his net worth
Bill Gates' wealth increased 7,173% Warren Buffet's has increased 2,612%
Carson Harris
Trump became a billionaire before fred Trump died, who was never a billionaire. He also became president on his first try without ever holding any other office. Its dishonest to not acknowledge trumps accomplishments.
Kayden Evans
Gates and buffet own huge stakes in publicly traded companies. Their "net worth" is the result of a manipulation of values on stock and not from creating wealth.
Luke Cooper
>Warren Buffet >Bill Gates
They both own MASSIVE, MASSIVE, MASSIVE companies, idiot. They have a license to print money. Trump doesn't have Microsoft or Berkshire Hathaway. He has his own company which he crafted himself. It's a lot smaller but 300% in 30 years is respectable for someone like him. If you compare 99.999999% of people on the planet to Buffet they don't exactly look too great either, you disingenuous piece of shit.
Joseph Baker
oops sorry my comment was for
Easton Gomez
>respectable newspapers first line gives it away
Bentley Bennett
>All respectable newspapers Which ones wouldbthose be?
David Roberts
couldn't give two shits if he's dumb voting for trump in every election from now on, even postmortem fuck you kikeocrat
Carson Ortiz
Hes a dumb man on a just cause.
Gabriel Myers
the indictments are for anyone who ever posted on pol.
Jaxson Ward
>opinions >it wasn’t 60% >he won the electoral college You ever stop and wonder if hillary lost?
Hunter Myers
>for someone like him You mean, a literal retard?
Painting Trump (who literally gilded his penthouse) as some kind of self-sacrificing job creator is beyond retarded. He's just a hustler that hustled in larger quantities due to his inheritance. He would be richer if he had just put everything into the stock market, S&P has grown at a rate of almost 8x his wealth growth.
Without any inheritance he'd be a used car salesman at best. You know it to be true.
Lucas Mitchell
>All respectable newspapers think he'll lose the election >All foreign governments think he'll lose the election >All TV media (except Fox) think he'll lose the election >All of our intelligence agencies think he'll lose the election >60% of America think he'll lose the election >Hillary supporters think he'll lose the election
So what you're saying is that we should trust the media despite the fact virtually the entire media is owned by Jews who are all anti-White?
Brandon Lee
Why should we believe and trust the Jewish owned and controlled media?
Jace King
I know that he's the greatest President I've ever seen in my lifetime. You have to put up with him till 2024, libshit, best kill yourself now and get it over with.
Have you seen the opinion of random people that don't like Trump? 99% of them are uninfirmed by clickbait news headlines and fake memes.
Adam Martin
>on his first try without ever holding any other office That's not true though, you could say it was his first serious try sure, but he has run for President before and failed.
Matthew Davis
shouldn't there be 2 million indictments then? its weird how pol had about 45k unique visitors this year, and thats how many indictments there are :thinking emoji:
Jose Butler
>this is what nigger flag shills are reduced to the absolute state
Joshua Butler
>be a multi fucking milionare, living in a penthouse made of fucking gold >be elected president when the establishment tries their best to fuck him up yea, no
Jaxson Rivera
It depends. We log the ID's of the threads & posts we create and a program that weighs sentiment analysis is keeps track of our performance.
We make posts of a few different types, so sometimes positive responses are what we want, but often time we want negative flame wars. The idea is to create a permanent division that will never be healed by re-enforcing negative feelings about those with different political views.
I can't believe that here we are in 2018 and there are still people unironically claiming that its possible for a human being to be more or less intelligent than anyone else even though that racist claptrap was disproven by science.
Cooper Anderson
So obviously the solution for Whites is to start a revolution and kill anti-Whites like yourself.
William Martin
Asher Flores
>propaganda newspapers >foreign governments >propaganda TV >intelligence agencies that allow stinger missiles to be sold to al qaeda and pallets of cash to be given to Iran >school shooters and capital attackers think he's dumb >Deep state traitors are in both parties
Fixed it
Is he unaware and compliant?
James Jackson
Is being a lonely incel autist a crime?
Luke Carter
>the indictments are for anyone who ever posted on pol. Trump Derangement Syndrome is an amazing thing to behold.
Luke Carter
>You ever stop and wonder if they might be right?
Trump wins all the time against all odds, so no, we don't have to wonder shit.
Landon Ramirez
>respectable newspapers Stopped there
Wyatt Moore
They don't care. 33ish% of the United States hates the other two thirds with a Rush Limbaugh fueled passion. Trump is the spite candidate. It doesn't really matter what he does. He could fuck Baron up the ass (wouldn't put it past him anyway) on national television. He could literally sell the whitehouse to Putin, and pocket the money. He could kill someone in broad daylight on 5th avenue. His supporters support him because he upsets and terrorizes the people they've been trained to hate. This soothes their umbrage, and restores a sense of power. After all, what better way to shut up that uppity vast majority of America by putting someone in office who will actively shit on them? It isn't about Trump. It was never about Trump. It's about the rage and grievance of his followers.
Sebastian Adams
i voted for trump. nice try bud. id be embarrassed to be wrong so your comment made me cringe
Nathaniel Sanchez
>think You mean told. No journalist thinks. No leftists thinks.
Yes OP. Jow Forumsacks which represent a fraction of a percent of the Gen pop totally care what the majority thinks
Hunter Morgan
no but the liberals want bloodshed and getting rid of nazis will be their next attempt to get support
Ian Ramirez
>i voted for trump. You're not old enough to vote.
>id be embarrassed to be wrong so your comment made me cringe Said the idiot faggot bitch that thinks posting on Jow Forums is illegal.
Jordan Watson
>It's about the rage and grievance of his followers. This is genuine comedy right here
Brayden Ward
He ran for President previous to his 2016 election.
Grayson Nguyen
well most people are dumb
Nathaniel Lopez
Have a source for those claims?
Dominic Russell
Just because you thought he wouldn't bomb your favorite sandnigger and threw him your vote doesn't mean shit.
Jayden Fisher
>i voted for trump.
Sure you did lol
James Moore
>A bunch of corrupt people think someone's dumb Gee wooooooooow.
Gabriel Price
You're right but you fail to realise that on the other side their is a third that also hate the rest of the country but they're liberal, not conservative. Infact it would be more true to say that they're communists. USA is truely fucked, I don't see anyway this all sorts itself out without a full blown civil war.
Connor Gutierrez
Are we Russian bots or Nazis? Would you make up your mind, please.
Zachary Hernandez
Read this board.
Tyler White
Yes because getting rich off of the stock market is equivalent to providing jobs and services to the economy. You're a dipshit
Cameron Butler
im 28. please just stop. i can only take so much cringe at once. i also voted for mccain in 2008
Jordan Jones
>Would you make up your mind, please. my mind? are you really so dumb you do see them calling us nazis?
Luke Davis
To be clear, this is literally an appeal to authority. Is your position that you're ironically arguing that Trump is a good president, or do you have an IQ of like 40?
Oh. There is no doubt that both sides hate each other. The problem is one side's tangerine tumor is literally shitting all over the other side, plus the middle. Think of it like this. Bush blew up several Islamic nations, but still gave lip service to fundamentalist islam not being the enemy. Obama clearly thought that bible thumping gun lovers were barely sapient degenerates. He still tried to pat them on the head and tell them he wouldn't take their guns. Trump basically says 'neener neener, go fuck yourself you fucking libtard cunt, neener' when ever he wants. Which is what his followers love, and everyone else (middle, left, and increasingly center right) hates.
Aaron Robinson
To be clear, at this point you opened your mouth, got completely blown the fuck out, and switched to a completely different argument from your cringeworthy initial argument.
So at this point the thread is over. OP moves the goalposts after losing badly, has no argument, and basically resorts to speculation to conceal his humiliation.
Adam Campbell
NPCs don't think and just repeat what they're told.
Leo Sanders
>objectively wrong Then why are you acting like a 14 year old?
Jose Kelly
I bet it eats you up that no one is buying your bullshit and lies anymore you try and you try to tarnish him and it just makes ppl like him more. hahahaha
Elijah Richardson
You've got the game wrong. No matter what happens, I win See
Parker Jenkins
I'm still waiting for a reason as to why we should trust and believe the Jewish media.
Andrew Hernandez
>and increasingly center right Trump's approval is growing. There is no reason to EVER apologize to Leftists, they're cumdrinkers.
Trump has also objectively done more to diffuse conflict in American geopolitics than anyone since Nixon. You can disagree with this position if you'd like, but you're objectively wrong, and anyone who disagrees with it is objectively wrong, regardless of their position on the political compass.
Luis Evans
>Then why are you acting like a 14 year old? that's a subjective opinion and probably you projecting
Parker Allen
These synagogue of satan subservient cucks have not one iota of power left over free men
Didn't read. You lost the argument badly, and then LARP to try and deescalate your humiliation. I'm not interested in games I'm interested in BTFOing losers, which is what I get to do now, to you.
Kevin Edwards
>that's a subjective opinion and probably you projecting Hey, you're the one that claims people will be indicted because they posted on Jow Forums.
Is it because you believe hurting your feelings is a crime?
Dylan Stewart
Fox thinks he's dumb. They just don't tell their viewership because that would endanger the GOP's and their own political agenda. I imagine the cameras turn off and they're ripping jokes about the shit they've been spewing all day and how stupid people are to believe it.