chieftain NEED take war club from grug how many more grugling go forever sleep from war club ancient chieftain say “all grug have club not be taken away” but spike in club not invented then
battle club make so many grug go to sleep it time give them to long-nose tribe
Is nail of hard stone. Grug make longer nail, only use once, it break. Grug nail in warclub break many, but easy to make. Grug also hit with rest of club.
Too many grugs from other tribes here. Grug through them out. Grug make big pile of rocks, keep taco tribe away. Grug stop sending shiny pebbles to tribes helping taco tribe. Grug stop grugeldas from not having more grugs. Grug say, everyone carry battleclub in all tribes. Grug move grug tent in big nose tribe, to place big nose tribe want tent. Grug repeal shaman heal for all. Grug make cave great again!
Me grug. Grug parent tell grug of story of grug with shiney face. Grug try smash shiny face. Shiny face go through shaman hole. Shaman say hole lead to the time of before. Grug send best hunter after shiny face grug to kill him.
Why ug want take war club from Grug when tar skin make more go forever sleep with rock? Do ug no care bout tar-on-tar rocking? Do ug want make real impact? Bignose tribe give rock to tar-skins, bignose tribe can un-give.
Anthony James
Why Grugette only go for Chug? Grug nice, Chug bad. Grug go to his own cave.
>Meet one of long nose tribe >Tells me berry picking is okay & meat is bad >Grug doubt >Long nose tribsman tell me to give my meat >Could long nose lie? >what do?