Why are British posters so based and redpilled?

>call out the EU and vote to leave while Italians and Slavs LARP but stay in the EU
>call out Poles despite them being ‘white’
>BTFO Krauts and Amerimutts on a daily basis

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Other urls found in this thread:


As a pole living in the UK, I'm glad to see what's happening to this country. Every morning when I walk to my high skilled job which could've been filled by one of the local native Brits, I see Tyrone and Jamal and their 7other brothers and sisters in the playground I smile. Then I walk past my favorite part of town, the Mosque and I see muslim women with plenty of children crossing the road to get some meat from the local Halal butcher. At lunch I'll have some kebab from a shop that's full of turkroaches. At night, I can hear the scream of British children as they are being raped by the local Pakistani and Indian rape gangs and I have the most peaceful sleep ever and next day wake up refreshed, full of energy. Only two more years and I can finally buy that mansion I had my eyes on in Poland. I can't wait to return and be among beautiful women again. I will always be grateful for your sacrifice, the benefits that I received and I will always admire how silently your country and it's people went into the night.

Good night! :^)


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Fuck right back off polak, rather mundane to be reading such low quality LARPing.

>when the banter is that savage

Can't be based and have London looking the way it does

I used to think bongs were okay but than pic related and now I just despise you fags.

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>low energy bait thread

remind me why we left the eu tho?

We just can't help it user. Too many jealous fags on here

Even the most right wing Euroweenie (Orban) supports this monstrosity

We are far right compared to continental fairies

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Quit with the Amerimutts bullshit.


Delete this.

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May is every Brit like Obongo was every American

You can stop funding Zimbabwe alredy buger, the war ended a long time ago.

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True I get that but still the idea of white genocide being endorced by a white country a long with the fact bongs are only funding it really gets my blood boiling. But still yea I get that there’s not much limeys can do about it.

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Jesus christ don’t act like that’s the same shit. But I agree it is retarded that we are still sending money to some random shitholes. Luckily we have stoped doing so with some countrys.

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Its the main reason for the anglos killed in Rohdisa. The nails in tje coffing was the US pressuring SA to stop aid and funding the commies.

Polak plumber, posting from a bed sit in a shit area. The clue is sending all his money back to Poland. Chances are his family are pissing it up the wall and telling him its in the bank.

while his wife is getting POO'd

>this much cope
I hate you nigger bongs with a pasion

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The anglo is good on my list. He is tenacious, high-minded and witty like no other.


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You hate whatever you please, just remember your not innocent in any of this. You have a history of funding both sides and proping up commies.
You should have some self reflection on your actions befor declaring yourself holier-than-thou, stop acting like a little kike.

Vanity is a sin of pride OP

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>3 billion
>16 million population
>187.5 dollars
>30 years
Lmao at this point we are just keeping them alive so everyone can continue to see how bad that shit went

>You have a history of funding both sides and proping up commies.
Negro what?
They funded the non-commies wherever possible, and propped up nationalists.
The only time they propped up commies was kike bankers in the 20s

I genuinely feel bad for Britain. Not even the royal family could escape after the Earl of DUMBarton decided to marry a nigger Jewlewood whore.

I thought Britain could be saved, but after spending the summer in London and Edinburgh... I think its cucked beyond repair

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They instill unrest and war, kill the leader of a nation and place their pupet commie leader into power.
Its the first move in their playbook.

You're fucking not, anglo scum

I wondered why their population is increasing despite half the nation starving to death

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Feel bad for you. London and Edinbourgh are terrible places to go. Its like wanting to go to France and going to Paris, just dont do it, there are other parts nto infested with 3rd worlders and libtards.

This country is fucked beyond repair

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>btw im not racist and I love bbc
Every single time bongs.

I lived in Manchester for 5 years and decided to move back to Poland.

Ask me anything.

I like brits but they are cucked beyond the point of no return

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Just how cucked are they? Is it THAT bad.

>Muh Saffer

You're going back, Pole.

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When brexit happened a friend of mine, a white brit, school teacher was apologizing to me for his racist country while crying.

When you walk at night around city center areas it looks like literal Pakistan.

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and immigrants wonder why we do not want you

You likely told him that its not racist? Did he say something(if you did say anything)

Was this supposed to make us look bad?
>milion polish population makes 0.09%
>90.000 vietnamiese make 1.36%


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We still have your women.....

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I didn't say anything. You don't voice unpopular opinions if you want to keep friends and your job in the UKistan.

the brit poster last night with all the mutt posts yesterday was cool

but sadly there are too many tommy robinson tier britposters on here, praise israel and shit.

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There's 1.5 million more women in Poland than men.
I've seen your women mate you can keep our leftovers still better looking kek

You're ~25% above the average Brit.
Also we might deport the criminal ones.


It was a joke about the state of our country.
This pole woman was part of a programme called how to get a council house


So he apologized for his country being "wasist", but if you told him its not, he's going to chimp out. At the same person he thinks is a 'poor little oppressed minority". The brainwashing must be a lot.

A lot of you are also in denial of the fact your country is a shithole.

Based and redpilled.

>Make thread about how great Britons are
>Poles seethe en masse

Like pottery

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I wanted to see those iconic cities and the great landmarks and monuments there. Instead I got to see a bunch of niggers and arabs who looked out of place shitting in what used to be great cities. What's worse is that brits don't even care their capital is fucked beyond repair. (And I went to the country side and the highlands, it felt better there)

teachers are about 90% oven-worthy leftists, its beyond repair

This, teachers are scum.

It's not seething. I love a lot of laws governing your country and I love real brits but entire society is completely fucked.

>a friend of mine, a white brit, school teacher was apologizing to me for his racist country while crying.
Are you sure he wasn't French-Canadian?


>At the same person he thinks is a 'poor little oppressed minority"

We are not seen that way in the UK.
Poles in general are despised like Romanians.
but if you have brown/black/yellow skin you are literally a god to them. You can do whatever and can get away with absolutely anything.

I once witnessed two drunk white brits arguing. It was just banter byt then one of them threw word racist and it literally exploded and turned into a brawl because they were so desperate to prove they are not.

It's real. Being called a racist is the worst thin possible.

fake pasta. but if it makes you feel better to know this. in 10 years your children will be in the same situation we are in now, and instead of fighting this here and abroad, you supported it. Poland and eastern Europe are not perfect, and if the west falls ur next on the list.

suicide watch status: confirmed.

I live in the UK man, I know how bad things are. The word 'racist' has lot all meaning at this point, and is banded around by anyone who's losing an argument and wants a handy buzzword to lash out at the other person with.

When you see a Polish flag, you know it's a high IQ white man.

When you see a British flag you don't know if it's a high-IQ white man, a low-IQ Chav, a subhuman nigger or a subhuman sand-nigger.

Pick one


When you see a Canada flag you know it is a curry munching Pajeet

>call out Poles
>call out Americans
>call out Germans

YES YES YES Goyim, call out your own kind.

(((Based))) and (((Redpilled)))

based pajeet

>Own kind
No. Now go and wash.

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my family actually fought on the Mughal side during Battle of Plassey

sed :'(

Remember: Behind every UK flag is a dirty, smelly Paki.

Seething mutt

thats some next level larping lads

you could be a paki aswell



The prefix ‘paki’ means pure, mutt.

It’s so disgusting, but can the people do about it when any kind of resistance is viliainized by the media and eat up by privileged people who reset white people.