Can't spell cuck without UK

Can't spell cuck without UK

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I wish Shapiro was British

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I wish he was nailed to a tree

Thats nothing

For a whole month the UK news has run stories on "upskirt" phone cam "rapists". Because every male in the UK has a iPhone on finance just so they can snap some land whales bush in greggs .

Yes, you can

Who is that? She's like a brit Kirsten Gillibrand

people like him get to be any nationality/ethnicity at will

So would it still be legal to yell "You're ugly!" to women?
Sorry, niggers, your times are up!

Desu kinda a good time to become a rapist if you live in the UK; not a beta Louis CK talking about a good old fashioned Chad Syrian lurking in alleys with chloroform. If everything is rape then nothing is rape

Opinion immediately discarded

>arrested for cat-calling and possession of a butter knife
balls removed

lmao they better prep the prisons for the entire builder population then

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Introducing yourself to women will become cat calling.

No, if you are cis white male you aren't allowed to talk to women unless you want to go to jail.

Did you misunderstand that your opinion is neither valid or welcome? The fact you believe otherwise is hilarious and goes to show how audacious your pathetic national truly is.

Ok so is Brexit going to happen?? Or not? Wtf, Bongbros?

This is good. 90%+ of catcalling is done by subhuman immigrants.

Just move to Canada or California first to change your ID to say "female"

I just reported you to the UK police for offending me.

I wish he was hung from a doorknob, his legs would not touch the floor.

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Please hurry up and rise. I want to believe the image you have posted, but detect little evidence to support it.

Calm down dad.

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>i can read the future guys, trust me


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a few high profile arrests and they will all stop, and a good thing too.

You won't be able to talk to a woman there anymore without being prosecuted. Oh, no wait, they're all gay anyways so it doesn't matter. No wonder such outlandish laws are passing, like a fucking wanking license.

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You know it is literally illegal for you to be on this website you dumbshit? Go get a friendly acid wash for your disgusting face.

Aren't women in power great. They recognize the real and urgent issues.

overreacting pussy, ur happy to have fat builders harass your sisters on the street, absolutely disgusting

This will only affect huwhite men. The shitskins will be the only ones approaching women and thus impregnating them. Good night white race.

but what if you are an immigrant from a place where 'cat-calling' is acceptable ? Then objecting to it would be a 'hate crime' check mate feminists.

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They already criminalized it in France.

calling cats is pointless really

maybe it should be baned

Have you applied for your loicense that permits you to talk to women yet?

This is what happens when you give women power.

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Officially yes
Unofficially no

sigh we need our own version of vlad the impaler.

where from is this rare karl?

>freeing women is making a better society for everyone
>oppressed majority
Holy shit, man.

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Political Correctness should be a hate crime.

Your rights end where my feelings begin.

I dont get it. She isnt attractive at all.

>cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck

Is that all you can do? *YAWN* Grow up!

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he's about to run out of his meds and he's getting cranky

Jewish American creating divide threads.
Imagine my shock.

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>it should be banned

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>Child grooming gangs still going on
>London is a hellhole with a stabbing a day
>Brexit getting watered down day by day
>Doing a half-arsed job of trying to prove some Russians poisoned some other Russians
>Makes cat-calling and wolf-whistling a hate crime
So glad to see this country has the most pressing issues as it's priority.

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you fucking people need an intervention

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No, this is good. Minorites do majority of the cat calling, they will arrest them all and their police force will be called racists.

Having a man pay for your meal should be considered rape and a hate crime.

Aren't these commie leftist faggots always on about stealing the workers wage-labor? How is stealing a poor mans labor to gain sustenance for yourself not the most egregious crime there could be for a marxist, especially considering their history with starvation.

>Go to dinner with a woman
>You pay
>She does not repay you with with

RAPE! RAAAAAAAAAPE! That's a hate crimes, rape and theft rolled into one!

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Might be true but we all know that these laws do not get applied to them because "they didnt know".

As soon as one of these western nations adopts these nonsensical law, the rest do.

Then it trickles into the third world.

they wont and you know they wont.
this is JUST virtue signalling policy for a political lightweight to get face time with the media at the expense of white men in the UK. this will continue until they are afraid to do so.

>with sex*
God damn fucking frog.

>its a ridiculous news article title from Britain episode
My favorite part is the Brits that flood these threads to defend this shit by hurling insults, classic

tHank goodnEss my wife's wife is catcaLled all the time, Idonthavealotoftimetosaythisbuttheyrecomingforusandtakingusawayinthenightyouhavetohelpamericansitsnotbeingreportedandgetsdeletedwhenitspostedontwitteryouhavetjhsa


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I wish Shapiro was a pile of ashes but to each their own

Name a single time anyone in any country has defended their cucky government doing cucky shit.

honest question. why does everyone in the UK have bad haircuts?

What amazes me is every one of these UK threads has fucking bootlickers with UK flags saying how it's not a problem or a good thing that senseless laws are being made to fuck the citizens even more.

would be more like an ant hill size. he's 5'2

Take your digeridong elsewhere shane

Actually kill yourself, step in front of a freighter and may you be presented to your mother in a Jam jar. America on its worst day is fathoms better than the entirety of the UK on it’s best. Take a long lingering look in the mirror and drink in what a pathetic misuse of humanity you are. It’s shitebags like you that make us look bad.

Another pathetic britcuck keeping its priorities straight.

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fucking over harassers who deserve it.

Post your tits.

all i know is i have came to the realization socialist faggots in the UK are the most cringy subhuman beta mentally retarded clowns ive seen in a while. i look in horror when these mixed uk natives and other global social marxist fools get ass blasted about something. they are embarrassing the human race. disgusting.

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i'm not a woman, i just have moral sensibilities, and am glad that i do.


Still waiting on those tits.

i hate anglo culture

Can't spell cuck without

I hate that fucking smug cunt Stella Creasey

Canada may be extremely terrible but I thank god that I don't live in the dystopian hellworld that is the UK


At least 90% of their politicians diddle kids. Its probably closer to a 100%

they are both virtually the same


>Jow Forums unironically opposed to laws protecting their sisters from from being sexually harassed by greasy builders
absolutely disgusting

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Britain is the largest most dystopian shithole on the planet. They are now making laws that will prohibit people from simple thoughts and actions. Breaking into children's bday parties because of nerf guns, arresting people singing karaoke, chasing people down for internet posts, fines for patato chip bag in your car, nazi dog salutes, ect.. you will also never, ever, EVER, see a person of color arrested fined or detained for these infractions. The people in control hate the native population and are actively trying to destroy their spirit by any means necessary. I propose a complete ban on immigration from the UK. These people are sick and should be quarantined on their tiny shithole island. Every day of my life I pray a comet strikes Britain and puts them out of their misery. Any British here, agreeing or disagreeing, can suck my dick. You're all part of the problem and are doing nothing as your history, dignity, and basic human rights are stripped away.

My opinion:

Canada is in a better geographical location. Less people per capita. Completely different bureaucracy. Better gun laws. More freedom. For the time being I consider Canada superior to the UK. They both have similar Anglo-Saxon stock on top of things.

t. greasy slimeball who harasses women

>basic human rights

Fucking dyke bitches of course. Bet you're jealous of our sexy bill of rights, britbongs.

Even though British generally dislike Polack's such as myself, I still have hope for them. I want them to succeed. How does the saying go?

"It get's worse before getting better"

I refuse to believe that George Orwell's 1984 is the fate of UK.

Stella Creasy was always a feminist dimwit but since turning 40 and still having no kids she has really gone mental and is obsessed with making misogyny a hate/thought crime.

Consider that people like her consider any healthy normal male sexuality such as preferring young and slim women to be misogynistic and you see what sort of authoritarian horro show this heads towards.

I'v always said that worse than communism and even Islam is feminism, rotting away our societies from within.

As a politciian Creasy did ntohing - absolutely fucking nothing - to try to investigate the mass rape of thousands of school girls by Muslim rape gangs. But a bulder wol whistling some goung girls who love the attention? That's straight to prison.

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*catcalling from white men

Deep down the British like the Poles.

The problems have all come about because of Blair - he claimed that no more than about 10 thousand Europeans would come to settle in Britain and in the end it's 3 million, including Romanian gangsers and gypsies etc.

Well the Poles are some of the most obvious if you like - lots of them, work hard so people meet them, have their own culture and shops etc so many people will just say "Polish" refering to any immigrants from Europe.

There have been some Poles on Britain since WW2 without trouble. It is the resentment of the EU and open borders that motivates the current anger about Poles. Sooner or alter the Europeans who came here in recent decades will have to return home but frnakly many of them will want to anyway as Britain becomes an islamic third world shit hole.

UK needs a large dose of Siwilhanism.

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You only need remember what the lieks of Creasy and other feminist MPs did when reports appeared of mass rape of english schoolgirls in towns like Roterham by Moslem immgirant gnags - they did absolutely fucking nothing.

Feminism is just anti white communism by another name.

Catcalling is a disgusting trait of nigger tier countries from Arabia, South America/Mexico, and parts of Southern Europe. Makes you think of a filthy greaser on the sidewalk making gutteral grunts at attractive women. Degenerate.

Legislating it is not exactly the correct action - I say clean the greasers off the streets in the first place.

>hitting on a woman
>straight to jail with you.
Get mad all you want chucky, but if you cant see what a bad precedent that sets, you have no foresight. Enjoy having your door kicked down because a random woman decides to tell the police you whistled out of your car. You probably dont have a liscence to be arguing with me anyway, so I'd watch out, if I were you. I'd hate to send an email to the local constable and have you locked up for freethinking. I also like how after everything I mentioned, the only thing you could do was erroneously accuse me of harrassment. You truly are a good little boy for daddy government. Enjoy the living hell you've created for yourself.

Haha, your pic.

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women should be at home taking care of babies. when they do leave the home, they should dress in a fashion that won't draw unneeded attention.

if this were the case, then there would be very little cat calling going on. but when women are in the streets dressed in an effort to show their shape, they are increasing the odds they will be cat called. you don't get cat called making dinner for your family.

>hitting on a woman
lies and misrepresentation from the start, roll home amerimutt