Seriously, what is the endgame?

I have read another article about a junior doctor's experience. How they have to work up 15 hours shifts until they start getting suicidal.

Why are we still living like this? Why do we have to produce so much useless shit.
Just imagine if most people would eat healthy fresh food. We wouldn't have to produce and waste ressources to produce 100 different candies and sodas. Millions of people wouldn't have to work (production line, marketing, manager, transportation.....). Healthy diet would lead to fewer diseases. There wouldn't be a need for as many pharmaceuticals and fewer doctors could work less hours.

The millions of people that wouldn't have to work there could be used in other places so people could work less hours. Less hours means people could spend more time building a community. People wouldnt have as many mental illnesses. Less need of social workers, psychologists, pharmaceuticals. People wouldnt have to fill the emptiness with drugs. Less drug addicts, less violence, less crimes. Wouldnt need so many prisons. Again millions of people could work at other places so we could work less.

Why would anyone not prefer living like stated above but prefer living to work, isolation, unhealthy food that makes you feel lethargic and makes you sick, etc?
Life could be a really nice ride. Am I the retarded or is literally anyone around me, most of you included, a completely fucking retarded subhuman not worthy of living?

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No one wants to counter what I have written?

Come on fire up your neurons

Don’t be a doctor if you don’t like doctoring. I had a job making bank but worked 80+ hours a week. It wasn’t for me. Now I make 1/3rd the money and have my life back. I had time to enjoy myself. I’m getting married to a wonderful woman in a few months and life couldn’t be better for me. Money means nothing.

you don't get to choose how other people live. freedom is better than maximum social efficiency.

What does any of that shit have to do with the shortage of trained doctors?

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Freedom is better than your commie onions lent hell hole where the elites would probably go back to eating normal food and getting better Healthcare than the plebs anyways

you are literally fucking retarded.

If we would pace down and concentrate on the important things in life, like having a house, healthy food, a community, and also some technology ( one computer replaces so many devices) instead of producing so much useless shit ( sodas, unhealthy food, fashion clothes, etc) we wouldn't need more doctors.

We live in hell and work ourself to death only to produce useless shit that makes you sick and less fulfilled.

Freedom. If you call this way of life freedom you are literally a retarded faggot. Go kill yourself because that's the only way your little brain will ever be free.

The systems traps you inside.

Consume consume consume! Bad goyim!

>life is just work eat sleep
>peasants worked less than we do and had bigger families

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Oh, boo fucking hoo. The dumbest, laziest people become doctors these days. Seriously, anyone can do it. They just bitch because they have no concept of hardwork.

>Technology keeps advancing
>Life gets worse instead of better

What did they mean by that?
I dont want a big mac and a big cola for 1 dollar you stupid fucks.
I want to have a nice life with lots of love.
And most Jow Forumstards are part of the reason why I have to live in this hell. You worthless psychopathic subhumans need to be eliminated

>I dont want a big mac and a big cola for 1 dollar
speak for yourself faggot

you arent alone user, i agree

>if only everyone would listen to me we'd be living in a utopia!
You're literally demonically inspired. People like you are dangerous.

Oy vey he is dangerous. He wants to the never ending cycle of producing more useless stuff, so you have to work more, so you have no time for your family and friends, become depressed, therefor eat all that garbage food and shit that makes you ugly and unhealthy, so you try overcompensate your ugliness with fashion clothes and makeup etc etc

OY VEY he wants a healthy balanced life, where people take care of themselves and their surrounding.

Literally put a bullet in your worthless brain you fucking retarded subhuman. You are no better then thugs.

Nearly no responses
One good thread and this is how much attention it gets kek

Never respond these flags.

Overpopulation needs to be solved, then applying those ideas would come easier.

It is intentional and by design. Our social engineers are deliberately keeping humanity from realizing its full potential so they can financially enslave us, isolate us from community, keep us under 24/7 surveillance, and prevent any kind of meaningful beneficial societal reform from taking place. Then they can sit at the top of the pyramid and rule us like the cattle they think we are.

not real capitalism