Things that are okay to say on twitter

Things that are okay to say on twitter.

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Nothing more annoying than a vet, guard, or reserve wearing their dog tags to school and drinking out of a gallon jug. This bitch isn’t wrong and that guy is a faggot.

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>The Chad Water Jug vs The Virgin Nalgene

A jug holds much more water than a simple 0,5l bottle. Why would you not drink out of a jug?

>being triggered by something someone does that impacts you in no way shape or form

high neuroticism libs gonna Reeeee

She wanted to post something about hating white people with a related picture when she was supposed to be in class, learning. She looked around but everyone was just concentrating on the lesson and behaving like normal people. The jug of water caught her eye as unusual, and it was her best option.

Everyone else was just learning, she was having racist daydreams. What a shallow idiot.

Why? Do Americans usually care this much what other people wear or drink?

I give 0 fucks about this kind of shit, I got more important things to do in school than looking at others

desu the dumbfuck POG ROTC fags are obnoxious as hell but she felt like it was too risque to comment about that and just shifted it to white people

>implying righties aren't triggered by niggers existing

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