Previous threads Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3 Thread 4 Thread 5 Thread 6 Thread 7 Thread 8 Thread 9 Thread 10 Thread 11 Thread 12 Rundown >These hearings are essentionally a job interview for the supreme court justice nominee selected by the president. They serve to field any questions senators may have before casting their vote to approve or deny his nomination. This is signifant because Democrats have been using the courts to legislative, this both blocks them and gives Republicans a chance to reverse previous decisions
History of confirmation hearing >The controversy surrounding Brandeis's nomination was so great that the Senate Judiciary Committee, for the first time in its history, held a public hearing on the nomination, allowing witnesses to appear before the committee and offer testimony both in support of and in opposition to Brandeis's confirmation. While previous nominees to the Supreme Court had been confirmed or rejected by a simple up-or-down vote on the Senate floor—often on the same day on which the President had sent the nomination to the Senate—a then-unprecedented four months lapsed between Wilson's nomination of Brandeis and the Senate's final confirmation vote
>Kavanaugh is an orignalist >The original intent theory, which holds that interpretation of a written constitution is (or should be) consistent with what was meant by those who drafted and ratified it. >The original meaning theory, which is closely related to textualism, is the view that interpretation of a written constitution or law should be based on what reasonable persons living at the time of its adoption would have understood the ordinary meaning of the text to be.
Ethan Hill
>Credibly accused
Lincoln Cook
Camden Adams
Benis FPBP
Kayden Howard
Anons, I have color vision issues. Is this guy a nigger, shitskin or a mix of the two?
Thomas Hill
Noah Walker
>Kavanaugh won't say he has great respect for Trump, here's why that's a bad thing
>democrats doing their best to burn the country down >republicans laughing because the dems are doomed to failure, the nomination is in the bag, and the entire country is watching the pathetic failure that is muh resistance
Daniel Bell
Flake's a faggot and has nothing to lose, but I don't think it's certain that he'll try and sink Kavanaugh.
these threads are gay af - are you faggots seriously watching this shit? god damn boomers I swear
Evan Perry
[claps in American]
Angel Wright
What was the applause for? I was distracted with kids.
Colton Torres
Thomas Parker
Jacob Butler
But what does that have to do with the 60% rules? Are they a result of allowing greater representation to minorities of states that would otherwise not have any representation?
Gabriel Scott
The police
Charles Jackson
Booker is trying to claim bipartisanship but his intentions are pro democrat so he comes off as sketchy.
Austin Miller
>Thanking the police Fucking based
Joseph Morgan
The police's work hauling out reee'ers
Samuel Wood
this hearing pretty much just makes me hate republicans more and more. fuck democrats but fuck man republican shitheads deserve death as well.
Ayden Hernandez
Thanks user, good night
Owen Lee
IMPEACH BLUMPF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chase Foster
Yup, no problem
Sebastian Jackson
>nigger instructing Harris Trainwreck coming
Daniel Ortiz
and in front of the protesters. they have to sit there and hear the room applaud lmfao
Anthony Smith
Ah. I too like Message in a Bottle. Never really cared for Roxanne, though.
Charles Lewis
i jej'd
Kevin Price
>this hearing pretty much just makes me hate republicans more and more Y, tho?
>requests point blank to Booker that he and the rest of the senators make all of their emails public immediately >thanks the police >points out that they were against Kavanaugh months before the hearing
fucking based Tillis. also lmao at Booker whispering to Kamala